Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bravo group Day 11

Today was the second round of our urban hiking, and it was more than twice as long as yesterday’s 4 kilometres. Waking at 8 in the morning again, we had a breakfast of eggs, ham, milk, and bread with margarine. We were split into two groups, and given a map and a destination—the Olympic Park. The seniors were also split up between the two groups, but were given instructions to only observe, and to not interfere with the students’ actions and decisions unless in case of emergency. We made and packed our lunch of pita bread sandwiches and corn on the cob.

We were driven to our beginning destination, the Oratoire St. Joseph du Mont Royal (the largest church in the world). We were surprised to find that we had brought only one of the maps, so we hurried off to acquire another one. After, the two groups split off from each other, having 4 hours to reach our destination, as well as sight-see. We all made it to the Olympic Park on time, with only a few hiccups and blisters along the way. Despite those hiccups, we were deemed well enough by Billy to continue on to the Niagara Falls walk.

We are now at Henry and Edwin Lo’s grandmother-in-law’s house, watching the London Olympics (Russia vs. Canada in women’s volleyball), as they had invited us to dinner again. Later on, we will be going down to the beach to watch a fireworks competition!

Jason Wong

Today is the last day of July so we have only one month of summer break before school. This morning we had eg, ham and bread with butter. We were dropped off at the St. joseph church. We had to wait for the other group to get a city map. My group look inside the church before walking to the Olympic park. It took us 3 hours to get there. We only took one washroom break.


Today, we had a challenge again/ we were splitted into two teams. Oue challenge was to walk from a church to Olympic park. We had four hours to walk. It was a long walk. We arrive at Olympic park t 3:55 in the afternoon. It was a hot day in the city.

Edwin Cheung

Today is July, 31,: the last day july. I woke up and bruch me teeth and really for the day. We ate egg, ham, butter bread. With 2% milk for breakfast. We then had a 3 hour and 55 mins walk to the Olymic statum. We walk in to St. Jeceth church and then keep walking to Olymic later, we went to Edwin lu home to ate dinner write our blog and watch Olylmic and blog.


Today was an fun, phsusical day. We started off with a good breakfast of eggs and ham. We then set off to St. Joseph church and got 4 hours to walk towards the old Olympic stadium. As my group walked we took the senic route and we all enjoyed it. We took a long time walking and whe we arrived we were greeted with snacks and drinks, we are now visiting Henry’s and Edwin’s relative to eat dinner. Today was filled with walking hope tomorrow will be better.


Today was undoubtedly the most tiring day for everyone. We had walked from St. Josephs oratory towards Olympic park. There isn’t really a lot to talk about or happened today. I am very happy that every made it to Olympic park. I tried my best to encourage my team, but it seems that they didn’t need to be motivated. Nonetheless I kept them well hydrated and on point even if I was annoying to them. Also everyone finished in under 4 hours, which really surprised me. I hope tomorrow will be as good as today.

Jason Wang

Today we had another Niagara falls walk/hike training. Today we walked about 10 kilometers from St. Joseph’s church to Montreal’s Olympic park. We were split up into 2 groups which were calvin, Edwin, Edwin, Edwin, Jonathan, Jason Wong, Grace and my sister in one group and everyone else in the other. The walk was really fun. I can’t wait till the actual walk.

Edwin Lo

Today I went to walk three and a half hours. It was very tired. First, I use half an hour to visit the church. We are start walked. I am so tired, Oh! After I went back to the house and eat the dinner. I was real real tired.


Today I was very tired because I walked St. Josephs church to Olympic stadium, about 12 km, I felt very hot. I will also waled 150 km after three days. I hope it will be funny. Tonight I will watch the firework compition., it will very beautiful. I will take a lot of photos there.

Edwin chan

Today is the third day of Montreal and our plan for today was a 10 kilometer hike from st. Joseph church to the Montreal Olympic stadium. Our breakfast for today was egg, ham, bread and butter with milk. When we finished with breakfast we head out to St. Joseph Church to start our hike at 11:15 am. We first went to shoppers to find a map since forgot lost on of them. 

Ryan Sun



Today we did the 10km walking at 11:00am. There were 8 team members walking together. Even though we had a certain place we had to get to, but we still find the route by ourselves. I realize how important team work is! Once we go the wrong way, we all have to go back. We finally got to the destination but we took about 4 hours. Obviously, our  team made it first. Tonight we are going to Edwin and henry’s aunt’s house to have dinner, spending all night with our teammate and teachers. I hope It will be a good night!


Today we walked for about 10 km. There were 2 teams. Each team has 8 members. Each team has to find their own way to go a certain destination by themselves. We did this after breakfast. It was very tiring. During the walk we when we were half way there. We saw our destination we were so happy. But then it turns out that we were still very far. Our team was the first to get the out of the 2 teams. After that we went to dinner at Edwin’s aunt’s house.


Day 11 - It feels peaceful sitting in the car while Billy is driving us to Edwin and Henry’s aunt’s house for our dinner. So this morning… I had a pleasant sleep, good dream and all; although I woke up a bit later than usual.  The day’s event consisted of us splitting into 2 groups: alpha and beta groups (I’m in the beta group).  The goal was to walk from the St. Joseph church all the way to the Montreal Olympic Stadium/ Bio-dome. We can take any route we want as long as we get to our destination in 4 (I think) hours. The journey was in a way entertaining.  At the start, we found out that beta group’s map was missing (it’s probably still back at the house). So while 2 of the seniors went searching for a map to buy (they ended getting a transit system map). 2 other seniors decided it was fun to try eating a chili pepper that little Edwin brought out; hilarious end result. Since our map was not 100% reliable, there were 2 routes we can take: the easier, longer route; or the harder, shorter route. We took the longer route. We walked on 2 major roads, one I-forgot-what-it-was-called and the other was rue Sherbrooke?. This blog seem to be getting long so I’m just going to stop. Oh yeah. Funny thing happened: when we stopped for break, some woman asked if I was supplying the boys their food after seeing us eat. Hmm what does that say about the perception of having one female in a group of 7 guys…? Oh, oh, one last thing: fireworks tonight! ~


今天,我们整天都在走路,走了1516里,很热很热,一路上我都在想:“l want  coffee ……” 担当我好不容易买到了,结果不幸被甜死 。。。。。。。
我们花了将近  4各小时完成,但我们在在教堂里呆了蛮久 ,教堂很大,很好看。。。。

I really don’t know what to say. Montreal is beautiful. I had the opportunity to see the McGill campus—all beautifully crafted stone and high arches. The church that we went to—the Oratory—was the most beautifulest building I have ever seen (hands down). Its vaulted ceiling and stained glass windows had such a tranquil feel. Up at the altar, there was a room that was gated. It had pillars supposedly with the seven gifts from God engraved on them. As my vernacular is Latin, and I am absolutely positive that I am fluent in it, so I was able to discern that fortitude, piety, and intelligence were three of them. Not bad for someone SO well-versed in a dead language.

Anyway, long story short, I hate hot weather and walking for a length of time. Put them together, and it’s like my own personal hell. That was today for me. :) But we’re watching the Olympics now and we’ll be watching fireworks later! ;D


Today we did a preview of the Niagara walk. It was about 10 km, which wasn’t really a good precursor to the walk. We were given 4 hours, which averages out to about 2.5-3 km an hour, if rest stops are included. It was extremely relaxed, however some students still found it harder than what it should be. I’m starting to worry about the Niagara walk… Anyways, we let the students navigate, which went better than we thought initially. My group arrived about an hour before the other group, which was surprising, Edwin Cheung was in the group, and I expected him to push the group forward more. That concludes the blog for today, so good night for now!

Bravo group Day 10

We woke at 8:00 this morning and ate a meal of corn, egg, and sausage. The seniors went out with Billy to restock on supplies for the next few days while we’re in Montreal. Henry and Edwin Lo were dropped off at their Grandmother-in-law’s house, where they will be staying for the next few days until we head back to HQ. Upon the return of the leaderships, the food was put away and we set out for Old Montreal. The Sprinters were parked by the Montreal Science Centre, and we began our urban hiking. The purpose of our urban hiking today was to enjoy the culture of Montreal, as well as prepare us for our upcoming walk to Niagara Falls challenge. Though, in total, we only walked for about 4 kilometres, which is but a baby step in comparison.

We began our walk together towards our first destination—Chinatown. The objective? To arrive in time for our dim sum lunch with Henry and Edwin Lo’s family. The food was delicious and the mood was high, and the two boys joined us after lunch as we continued our walk. We passed by many beautiful churches, street performers, and even visited some delightfully air-conditioned malls. While in the aforementioned mall, the leaderships tried to test the student’s survival skills—safely, of course. The seniors, at a signal, left the students to see how well they’d fend for themselves in an unfamiliar place. It did not go according to plan though, and the students continued wandering throughout the mall, oblivious to the fact that they had been left alone.

We walked to our next location—McGill University. We didn’t have a chance to explore the campus, but we used it as a beginning point for our next exercise. The students were split into two groups and each given a map of Montreal, with a destination of an ice cream store in Old Montreal marked on the papers. The instructors and seniors were also tested—having to make their way there without the use of a map, and without walking back in the same direction in which they came. Eventually, we all made it there to enjoy our ice cream.

 After we all reached the ice cream store, we explored more of Old Montreal before heading to Henry ad Edwin Lo’s family’s house for dinner. It was wonderful! We were even able to catch a few snippets of the London Olympics! Tomorrow, we will be urban hiking again. Goodnight, all!

P.S. Please look at Day 9 for the student blogs for that day. 


Today, I went to my grandmother-in-law’s house with Edwin. I felt very happy. We also walked very far with Billy. I felt very tired. I saw a lot of boat there I felt very full tonight. because I ate a lot of things like BBQ Pork rice, it was very yummy.

Edwin Lo

Today, I went to my grandmother-in-law home at the morning. Then, I went to IGA to buy the food for the dinner. After, I went to eat lunch and with Billy. After, I went to walk with them. At the walking time, I went in to one mall it was real very very big. The I went to a university. Then, I went to ice-cream store with group. We got one hour. we were the third team to arrive there. The ice-cream I very yummy too. When I wet to watch the boat the time, we lost Jason wong, so two people were went to find him. After, we found him, we when to watch the boat. After it, we taked the car and went back to grandmother-in-law home and ate the dinner. I was very very full.

Jason Wong

This morning Edwin Lo and Henry were dropped off at their family’s apartment. While the seniors except for me were gone we had corn, sausage and boiled eggs. We waited 1 hours for them to come back. When they came back they brought groceries from Costco. We parked at the Montreal Science Center and walked to china town for dim sum (lunch). After lunch we went to some malls. After going to the malls we went to McGill university then we had a challange which was to walk from there to the dot on the map. We took 1 and a half hour to get there. After we went to a place and then went back to the Sprinter. We went to Edwin Lo’s family’s house for dinner and watch hilights of today’s olympic events.

Today, we took a walk to Chinatown for lunch with Edwin and took a walk to MCGill University. There we were given a challenge. Our challenge was to find a ice cream shop in Montreal. We were given two and a half hours to complete it. We walked for a long time. The ice cream shop we found was in Old Montreal. It was delicious and perfect on a hot summer day, like today. After the ice cream, we had dinner at Edwin and Henry’s house. We even watched the London Olympics on CTV in English and V in French. Tomorrow, it will rain and we will be going to a church.


Today was a tire day, we started out with an early wake up at 7 am. The leadership left with billy, we had a very nice breakfast expensive too. We then later went to Costco to purchase supplies for the next 3 days. We then went back to pick up the kids and left for urban hiking. During the hike we spent 5 hours walking. At one point the kids were split into 2 and given one specific location. It took them around 1-2 hours. I was one of the instructors guide. We sent a very good time and made in in around 1:30h. When we arrived at our destination he kindly bought me ice-cream. While we waited for the finale group to arrive I met a friendly stronger. we chatted and got to know each other a bit. Although we didn’t introduce ourselves we had a good time. After the hike we went to eat dinner at Edwin Lo’s relative. The food was amazing and watching some of the Olympics was entertaining. I hope that quince have this good of a time.

Edwin Cheung

Today is July, 30, 2012. I woke up at 6:00 am start brushing my teeths an ready for the day. At about 8:00 Billy chose 8 Ihek member to go to Costco to buy food for the following days. After wwe head to NGA, Billy bring us to Breakfest. A King style breakfest I got a Meat  Lover meal with coffee. It is the Best. Afterword we head back to Charlie apartment to meet the studyents. Then we head ove to Old Montreal. Afternoon, We went to ate “drink tea” with Edwin low simldoing. Then we have a walk around Mall of Old Montreal, churchs, Malls. LATER, We went to McGill University to look around a take picture. Billy saprate the student a More other sinears into team. Me and Calvin was together as a team. Billy said I have to go to ice cream hop with out any help. We are the 2 team to leave the University. I spend around 35 mins to find the ice cream shop. The time is 4:05 pm. I reach there at 4:05 pm. Calvin had to go to washroom real bad, so I wait for sometime. I ate 2 Ice cream. Billy said “don’t Brrorw money.” He said that I see a lot of Inprorment in you but, don’t crowed up the other stuff. Before we head back for dinner with Edwin Low sinbleing. We fine that Jeason was somewhere else. Me and Calvin as a runner, run to find Jeason. After we have a dinner with Edwin Low sinbleing and have a lot of Good foods. We watch Olypic together. Chinese won a lot of metal!!! Chinese Rock.


I think I’ve poured out a recap of today’s events well enough in the general blog. I’m very tired, so I’ll focus on reflection instead of description again.

I never knew that we could all eat so much. When us seniors went with Billy to restock this morning, we were taking bets on how much the grand total would be. It was much, much higher than what I’d initially thought—a whole whopping $200 more than I’d bargained for. I’ll keep this in mind for later as I am on the budgeting team.

Our “scatter!” plan in the mall was ridiculously fun. I don’t think it worked as planned, because the students just eventually banded together and wandered back to our rendezvous point. Most of the action and epicness came from us seniors, who were just short of doing barrel rolls and ninja moves in our surveillance of the students. I look forward to finding more opportunities to employ this plan. ;D

I also learned not to underestimate myself. I’ve always thought that I had a bad sense of direction (and granted, it’s not very good), but it’s honestly not that bad. Raymond, my brother, and I were put together on a team without a map, and told to make our way to the ice cream shop. We were the last team to leave, and the second to arrive. I just wish we could’ve taken it a bit slower so I could enjoy the feel of Montreal, and appreciate the many art galleries by the roadside. Of course, my brother just has to be a stickler for punctuality. The green tea ice cream was good, which I took as my consolation though.

Tomorrow’s hike will be longer, and there is a relatively high chance of rain. This will be interesting. :D

Edwin Chan

Our second day in Montreal and it was pretty interesting. We were told to wake up at 8 am but I woke up 6:30am and the rest of the group woke up around 7:30 am. Once everyone was awake all the seniors members went out to Costco to buy some more food supply. While the other members were out the rest of us made breakfast and tidy up the house. Today our breakfast were corn eggs and sausages, which was pretty good. All the members came back around 11 am with a while lot of food. After bringing all the food into the house we went out to eat lunch with two of our member’s relatives. When we were finished with lunch we went for a walk on our own. For 20 minutes. After that we walked all the way to McGill University, where we put into two different teams and have to find a way to an Icecream shop. It took my group went to another Icecream shop and had to find their own way to the one everyone else were at. Our dinner was at two of the member’s relative’s place to eat and we watched part of the Olympics.

Ryan Sun




We got up at 7:30 in the morning and starting a tough day. Ryan Grace and I cooked the breakfast, I like the corn especially. Then we are invited for a traditional GONGDONG lunch called‘饮茶’. When we walked around Montreal’s street and  see some French stuff, old buildings which I have never seen in china. 今晚的晚餐是下午疲劳步行最好的奖赏,我们受到Edwin Henry姑婆一家人的盛情款待,伴随着大家一起欣赏奥运会的笑声,结束了这不平凡的一天。



Monday, July 30, 2012

Bravo group Day 9

Bonjour from Montreal, everybody! We’ve finally arrived after a long eight hour drive from Markham, and were greeted by Charlie and a meal of noodles, chicken, and sausages, ready to eat. Since it is currently close to midnight, the students will not be writing blogs today. However, do not fret; we will be sure to have lots to write about tomorrow, that I can assure you.

So let’s start on our day then, we woke up around 7:30, and we had a breakfast of hard-boiled eggs, leftover BBQ, and bread with margarine. We did our traditional clean-up, and then moved on to the social intelligence class. Social intelligence taught at Monticle is a class designed to educate the students on situations that would apply to real life situations, such as a job interview, presentations, and all around communication skills. In addition, the students learned about the importance of body language when communicating. Meanwhile, the senior students were learning how to tie ropes, a useful skill when camping.
We said our goodbyes to Quince, as he left today to return to Hong Kong. He will be missed. While the students were in the S.I. class, the seniors began preparing and cooking a hamburger lunch on the grill outside. We cleaned up HQ, and finally left at 3 in the afternoon.

And our journey starts! It took us until 11:00 pm to get to Montreal, including our half hour stop at an OnRoute. We rotated students in the front passenger seat so that they could learn about navigation, and for the foreign students, to learn about the Canadian roads as well. When we arrived, we were greeted by Billy’s good friend Charlie, who is letting us use his house for our trip. Charlie had already prepared a dinner of chicken drumsticks and noodles, which was much appreciated!

As it’s very late today, we’ll be going to sleep. We’re going urban hiking tomorrow, so goodnight!
P.S. Since it’s late today, we cannot upload pictures tonight, look out for the pictures tomorrow morning!


We’re in Montreal ~ Turning back to the beginning of the day, those of us sleeping in the apartment spent nearly a good hour waiting for our ride back to HQ. One good thing was when we’re back there was breakfast waiting for us. After breakfast, the seniors went off and did whatever it is they needed to do while us juniors stayed for Tammy and Kenny’s social intelligence class. We learned time management, impressions, visual- auditory-kinaethetics, postures and positioning, and attention to detail. After that was Quince’s graduation and his leaving for Hong Kong. Then we prepared and packed for the trip to Montreal. I was happy when I finally found my bag of clothes. The trip was long and interesting in a way. Someone would not stop talking. Someone was so tired that he/she cuddled another person and slept.

Jason Wong

This marning we cleaned up HQ. We napped, and get rid of the dust in HQ. After cleaning we waited for the others to come. We played cards but it was weird because they didn’t come so we called Raymond and Kenny then we learned that their cellphones were turned off. Billy came to HQ then went to pick them up. We had a class about social intelligence. While I was gone to get my glasses fixed their packed stuff on the sprinter we headed to Montreal. We stopped and had a pitstop to have snacks and washroom break.


Yesterday, we had a lecture about social intelligence which was presented by Kenny and Tammy. It was a very long lecture. So many things to learn. Also, it way quice’s last day. Billy and Jacky took him to Pearson international airport. After that, we had lunch. It was okay. After lunch, we loaded up our stuff. On the sprinter. We cleaned up after that. Then, we were off and back to Montreal. It was a six or seven hour ride to Montreal. It was tiring. After we arrive, we unloaded the can and had dinner. For tomorrow (that’s Tuesday). I don’t know what we are doing.


Today we were delayed because of transportation issue. We then started with breakfast and a 2 hour long social intelligence class. I did not attend it because I was with Quince at the airport. He did not seem to want to leave. We all miss him but life will have to continue. We then ate and left for Montreal. The ride was long and tidious. But in the end we arrived and had a nice dinner.


We started our Journey waiting for the bus to pick us up today. We cleaned the office and packed all our gear. For lunch we had burgers. Most of the time I was directing people on what to do. During social intelligence lecture, the leaders learned how to tie ropes. I slept in the sprinter until we reached Quebec.


Today when I woke up. I want to the HQ we ate breakfast. For breakfast we ate bread and ham and eggs. After eating we cleaned the hq and packed our stuff for going to Montreal. After packing we had lunch and went on the van and went to Montreal. We arrived at 11:00 we ate dinner and went to bed.

Jason Wang

Yesterday we couldn’t write our blogs as we were too tired to write them as we got to Montreal out about 11:00 pa. when we first woke up yesterday the people staying at HQ cleaned up everything then we waited for the other students. It took almost an hour for the other students. It took almost an hour for the other students to get to the HQ as Raymond and Kenny didn’t pick them up. We then had our final goodbyes with Quince and then we had lunch. After lunch we got packed up and left for Montreal.

Edwin Chan

Today our plan was to go to Montreal but before that we students have a class called social intelligence. We learned how to understand people and find out what class people are. When we were finished with the class we ate lunch which was a hamburger. Once we were finished with lunch we all went to pack our stuffs into the car when we started to leave it was around 3:40 pm. Our first pit stop was at around 5 or 6 at an Onroute place (I forgot the name). When we were leaving I was the side passanger. Once we left it took us about 4 hours to cross the Quebec border, the time is 10 pm and we stopped at a gas station for another pit stop. After we all went we were on our way to Billy\s friend’s phouse the time we reached their was around 10:40 pm. We had around 5 minute to lay out our sleeping bag, and we ate dinner at 11. Our dinner were noodles, chicken leg and some sausages.

Edwin Cheung

Today, July, 2012. I woke up at 7:00 am. We ate hamburger for breakfast. Afterword, we start packing and loading our camping package, cooking wear and first aid kit. We wene for a 8 hour drive to charelie house. On the way we have 2 pist stop. The first one, we stop at 7:00 for a nighe snack/ dinner. We had egg tarts and many other snack. The next one is at 9:30 near McDonald. There had a road race car. Then we head to Charlie’s in a high speed. Afterword we head to Charlie house for dinner.



Ryan Sun



I am writing yesterday’s blog at July 30,morning. It should be yesterday’s job but we spent 7 hours from HQ to Montreal. So we have arrived at Montreal safety at 11:00 pm yesterday night .just because we spent a lot of time on touring ,it doesn’t mean we do not have more free time to do some thing meaningful .昨天早Tammy为我们上了一堂‘社交技巧’课,主要教授一些生活上人与人交流的正确方式(例如 握手,眼神交流,身体语言)应用到人与人之间不同的人际关系,胆气个人来讲,我吸收到最重要的资讯是’time management’.
对于Quince 的离开,又听说他在机场不安的举动,我只能说,无论你在哪里生活或学习,都希望你能够保持你乐观积极的心态去完成每一件事,期待下一次的见面你又能够成长。

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bravo group Day 8

‘ello everyone. I have returned to my self-proclaimed post (It’s Jennifer here, writing the general blog again~).

This morning we had some military-style PT from one of Billy’s colleague’s, Phillip. We had an entire soccer field at our disposal. Some of the exercises included a leopard crawl (or better known as a traditional army crawl), some good old fashioned push-ups, burpees, a “duck walk” that looked something like walking while squatting down (except for the fact that we didn’t really achieve that ideal image because of some cheating between our two teams), and of course, the Jerry cans.

After we returned to HQ, we commenced a cleanup. It was a full cleanup of all of our water equipment, including the boat, the life jackets, paddles, helmets, and ropes, as well as a cleanup of HQ—sweeping and mopping up the floors. The cleaning took up most of the day. As it was Quince’s last day, we had a barbeque to commemorate him. It was a delicious meal, and we will miss him dearly, our youngest leadership.

We head to Montreal tomorrow!


Today, we had military-style PTs at the soccer field in the morning with a guy named Philip. We did stretches before and after the workouts. For our workouts, we crawled on our knees, carried the Jerry cans and did squats, ducked walk to the middle of the field and sprinters. It was very tiring After the PTs, we did a big cleanup of Hq. We cleaned the classroom, training hall, kayaks, the safety boat, paddles and life jackets. T was also very tiring. By the way, tomorrow is our trip back to Montreal. I’m expecting to revisit the science centre, maybe), or maybe eat at a restaurant. This is the 2nd time back to Montreal. Montreal is very, very, very fun and also, sometimes boring. It is a very long drive from HQ to Montreal.


Today was a nice day. In the morning, we had a very crazy Pt, I had vomitted after drinking a lot of water right after the morning PT. Then we got back to HQ and we cleaned up the HQ and washed the two cars. We also watched one film, it was very touching. We will have a BBQ for dinner. It will very yummy. We also will go to Montreal me and Enwin Lo will go to our grandmother-in-law. We have alot of things to give our grandmother-inn-law. I felt very happy.


Today is a very good day. today when I woke up I ate breakfast. I ate crakers and drank soy milk. after breakfast we went to the soccer feild and did pt with a new instroctor called philip. He made us do alot of exersizes. after doing the exersizes we went back to the H.q and cleaned the things we used in the camp like the life jaket and the helmet. after that we watched movie call floting city. We are going to watch another movie after Dinner.

Edwin Cheung

Today is July, 28th, 201112. This is our second day worked and clear up our kayaka, kayaking gears, cooking gear and many more monticle equipments.

Today is the second last day for Quince Lee He will be leaving tomrrow. Most of my day was spending time clearing kayak, sprinters ready for the Montreal trip for Next 3 day. I wish Quince has a good ride back home to Hong Kong.

Tonight, we watch a movie about “flow city” Movie is about making decisition for your life.” How to get to the top from the bottum.

Jason Wang

Hello people, today is Saturday July 28, 2012 also known as Quince’s last day here in Canada. Right now Quince is writing his final blog as we wait here to eat his final meal here in Monticle (rather in front of) HQ. We will miss him (but at least we get a lot of BBQ food as he’s leaving) Well then, today we woke up 7:00 am or so then we cleaned up most of the HQ and ad a small or light morning breakfast. After that we had a military style PT (Physical training) with Phil (a combat engineer and a new instructor for Monticle) The physical training was really fun as it consisted of Army crawls, Jerry can runs, Duck walks (squat walks), pushups, burpees, squats, sprinting, dead bug hold and the plank. When we came back we cleaned up the Head quarters and the equipment such as the life jackets, paddles, kayaks, Sprinters out. We also watched a movie. Now we are having dinner outside in front of the Monticle HQ. Tomorrow we will be heading off and going back to Montreal. That will be fun.


Greetings friends, family, strangers, fellow inmates and hostile perssonals. I am writing a blog and I have to complete this blog with two hundred words. I must write unessecary to eat my dinner tonight and finish my blog easier. Today we started out waking up around 8 am. We leaned Head quarters and started with a morning P.T with a fellow instructor phillip. We ran some relays and I loved to do my duck walk. I did my best and tested my P.T at it’s finest. I believe I did better then edwin, but I won’t tell which one. we then did a major cleanup, but I went with billy to purchase items. I now know the feeling of purchasing ten thousand dollars worth of equipment it was terrifying. I believe a part of me just broke. Billy and I then went to purchase food at costco and a student’s parent’s resturant. We took about 3 hours to complete our task. When we returned Head Quarters I helped to finalized our clean up. After we finished we watched a movie, very capturing. After the movie we will be eating dinner and having fun. I hope this blog will be over 200 words but I won’t be sure.


Quince will leave tomorrow. I feel as though I am losing a brother due to the fact that he treats me like a big brother. I hope that he learned something from me. I also had to wash everyones clothing after the camping trip. It was the smelliest and pain staking time I have ever been in. I had started at 7:30 and finished at 6:00 in the morning. Alastair would have doe t, but sine he does all the blogs I took over for him. The rest of the day was better as it was cleaning but less smelly. I also cooked alot today, for breakfast and right now for dinner. As this is Quinces last dinner with me I hope it will be a good one.

Edwin Lo

Yesterday, I was sleep at HQ. I woke up at half past seven. Then, I clean up the HQ. After that, I ate my bearkfast. Then, Billy’s friend go to soccor field with us. At there we have a crazy p.t. like crowing, push up, jerry can run But I don’t thing it was carzy. After, I clean all the things form the cap. I was very tired. After the lunch I clean up the sprinter. Then, I watch a movie. The dinner is have many many things.


Day 8: The military PT was not as dreadful as I thought~ but it is still terrible. That’s my opinion anyway. ha. In fact anything involving running and push-ups are terrible. Yesterday night was laundry night. The laundry were officially done at like 6 in the morning so it basically took forever. Poor Calvin... So, back to the PT. We ran. We leopard (?) crawled. We did push-ups. We carried the Gerry Cans and ran. We duck walked/rabbit hopped. We squatted and burped. And we ran some more. Fun..... it was interesting. After PT we went back to HQ and started the cleaning process.  The boat, kayaks, helmets ad lifejackets. Washing them all are hard work. To wah them thoroughly takes hours of good teamwork. Extremely tiring considering the morning’s exercise. We watched a touching movie based on true events called Float City starring Aaron Kwok. I think it was good. Side note: too much meat x__x And I don’t like Dr. Pepper. Oh yeah ... I think I lost my clothes..... o__o”


Ha. The last blog. Such an out rage. Well, sinse it is the last day, of course we have to have Physical Training. We lose by one person. I lose to Edwin Lo every single Physical Training activities. We did the army crawl, the duck walks, the birpies, push ups, running, run with a jerry can (big), and three hole laps of a football/soccer field. After that, we went back to Monticle Head quarters and cclan all the equitments for example, all the kayaks, helmets, life jakets, the motor boat, a movie. Sounds fun. Te lunch what I forget to mention it is instant noodles with launcheon meat. Sound healthy, right? the day. After that I cried because I miss Monticle and miss you guys. So We ate a babeque. We have alot of fun. My last word to Monticle is! Sigh, I hope I get student of the year.

Edwin Chan

Today is the eighth day nd we had an intense morning. We did a military pt. We did the military Crawl, the Jerry Can run, duck run, and full sprint on a soccer field. The military crawl got my knees dirty and my arm itch. I forgot to say that I have 22 mosquito bite from camping. back to today when we finished our pt we started cleaning the kayak, the boat, and the life jacket and helmets. When we were finished with the cleaning we got lunch and it was instant noodles and ham. After all that when I walked outside I fell on the pavement and injured my knee =D. I sat on the floor for a while, while every one are still cleaning. I also learned how to hang the life jacket and helmet. Today is a interesting day.


I cannot move my knees. During our military PT this morning (courtesy of Phillip, Billy’s colleague), I managed to reopen all of my previous cuts. I blame the leopard/army crawl for cutting my arms and legs up. The scabs kept reopening throughout the day when we were cleaning, and I believe that dirt and pieces of tissues have been integrated into my skin. We are now symbiotic. I’m just hoping it won’t get infected.

Injuries aside, I think I really need to work on my fitness level. I’m man enough to say that I cheated wholesomely at the duck walk this morning. Butt down? More like gorilla walk. Other than that, the rest of the day was cleaning out HQ and our equipment. It’s Quince’s last day; I believe that I will really miss him. I’ve learned a lot from him, and I hope he will remember me.

My stomach is rumbling, and it really hurts. I hope it’s not because of the celebratory BBQ we held for Quince. Well then, tomorrow is Montreal. Adios!

Ryan Sun





早上,我睁开眼睛,。。。。好困阿。。。。!!!  。。然后,是PT,好累啊!!!!
之后,我们看电影。。。很好看 ,,,,
