Saturday, August 10, 2013

Trans Canada Expedition - Day 27, 28

Aug 09 & 10, 2013 – Day 27 & 28
Locations: Terrance Bay, ON; Pancake Bay, ON; Markham, ON
We left early this morning from the last motel of this camp and drove more possibly more than 14 hours back to Monticle. It was a long ride, with a few stops here and there. The road also became more and more familiar as we went. We first stopped at Agawa Crafts in Pancake Bay for a lunch break and to shop around. Most of us only bought ice cream, as the crafts available for sale were all too expensive. Before lunch started, we had counted the student votes of the year and came to a conclusion. We have two top students by vote and they are: Tiffany and Crystal! Both of them have done an outstanding job from the start of this expedition to now! Congratulations!
We soon continued our way. As we passed Sault Ste. Marie and as we passed Sudbury, we all became more and more delighted that we are closer and closer back to Toronto. Finally, finally at 2am on Day 28, we arrived back at Monticle. Feeling nostalgia, many of the students wanted to sleep in the parking lot, but that obviously wasn’t happening. We slept inside HQ and once morning came, we made breakfast and cleaned up all the vehicles and all the equipment. Finally, at 4 we had our graduation ceremony.
It had been an amazing 28 days. We all started off not knowing each other. We had fights. We had arguments. We had many, many happy and unforgettable memories. And as we got to know each other day by day, we became family. Little by little we all matured. In those many long hours of being together, we talked. We had fun. We told stories. We shared ideas. We created dreams. Of course, these are just dreams. They may seem crazy and impossible, but everyone hope that maybe someday, these dreams will come true. Whether they are in the frontlines of the dreams or in the back as support, we all hope and entertain these ideas, these dreams.
The Trans-Canada West Expedition has officially ended. Much laughter can be heard, many hugs given. Much sadness felt. Ways of contact given out. We will all miss each other dearly.

Today is the last day of trans-Canada-artic. Last night we drove the whole day from 7:00-the next day 1:30, we only stopped for dinner. This morning we washed every thing we used after that we had a nice lunch. We had noodles after that we cleaned up the hq and did our survey.

I notice that when we drove through east, it’s raining more and more. Today we left Imperial Motel at 7:30 am. Then we had break before lunch. At 1pm Billy announced who is student of the year. It’s 2 girls! Yeah! Tiffany from HongKong and Crystal from Canada. They both are under 15 years old.
For lunch we had eggs, 3 sausages, ketchup, 2 bread and 1 apple. Then we had 40 minutes to buy ice cream or souveniors. I bought ice cream for almost 3$. Breaks for pi became shorter and shorter. For dinner we ate donuts from Tim Hortons. We arrived to HQ at 1:30 and directly slept.
Today is the last day I feel strange. It’s the end of the trip I woke up at 7 am and start unload the trailer, then washed the trailer, unload the car. Washed all the boxes which was in the trailer. For breakfast we had instant noodles with sausage. Thanks  everyone! :)

Now we finally back in HQ. it smelled so nice in Hq until the shoes started coming off the smelly feet. But last night was crazy. I was co-drive in Billy’s car and we all know we can’t fall asleep. But I didn’t fall asleep but not for long periods of time. Today we all did our finally cleanup of the equipment and vehicles. We cleaned up fast and we are waiting for our graduation.

Now our trip comes to the end. During these 28 days, I learn many things that I couldn’t have chance to do in Shanghai, for example, sleeping in the parking lot. And I was surprised to see some wild animals such as the bisons, goats, moose, and also deers walking in a town. Hiking on the Mount Edith was the first time I climbed up the mountain, before that, I was really scared of height, but walking with others seeing the beautiful views let me forgot about that. I am a little disappointed that we only saw the pictures of northern lights in the Northern Light Centre, but I am happy to experience the 24-hour daylight. It’s happy to spend time and learn things from Monticle, hope I can have a more improvement next year.

Today, we have drove for 24 hours we finally reached HQ. Horray that war the best news becayse we reached there 2:30 in the midnight. Well,oh and my dad and mom keep messing the Cathay Pacific airline and it made Billy be mad. Now I am leaving tomorrow so good.
Today was the last day that I write blog. Good thing that I still have 2 bucks. I am going to use it for crush.

Man do I miss civilization! When I first got back to Toronto I felt kinda over welmed by all the light and cars. When you live in a big city, you feel annoyed by all the cars and people; but if you haven’t had any of that for a month you miss it so badly it’s like heaven. Today is the last day of this expedition. I am waiting to be graduated and go home.

Jason Wong
This is my final blog for today is grad. We wake p at 6:00, and packed up our stuff and loaded our sleeping gear on the vechile. We watched t.v for an hour while we were waiting to get on the vechile. We had apple, and cookies for breakfast. The apples tasted old but the cookies tasted good. We drove a long way back to HQ. we stopped to have lunch which was bread, apple, hotdog which tasted good we had decent amount of pitstops. We stopped in Barrie for refueling and had Tim Hortons for dinner. We got to HQ by 1:30 and got our sleeping stuff to sleep we got up at 8:00 am and cleaned up everything. This is the Final blog of this expeditions
P.S. I had a good time

Today is day 28 of the Trans Canada Artic Expidition of 2013. We got back to Monticle HQ at about 2’o’clock in the morning. We didn’t do anything out of the ordinary yesterday. We woke up at 0500, but we were on the move at around 0750 from the Imperial Inn at Terrance Bay. When we got back to Monticle HQ, we got out our sleeping gear and passed out for the night. This morning we woke up at 0800 and began our day of processing students, both old and new, and cleaning our equipment and our HQ it’s self.

Today is the last day in monticle. At last we arrived at Toronto at half past one in early morning today. Then we clean the viechles and the equipments. The work made me felt so tired.  We will go back home and say good-bye to others today. I like this programme, I got some new friends here, learnt some new skills. I think I will come here again next year. I hope I can meet these friends again, I will miss the time in this trip.

 Today is the last day in monticle. The Time is so fast 28 days ago. Yesterday night we come back to HQ is 1:39! Everybody was so tird. We stay in a car 14 hours. So when I go back to HQ I can sleep quietly. Thank Micheal. Billy. owen. Thanks you. You are my friends forever! Buy!

It is our last day today! I am sad and happy. I am happy because we finished the challenge but I am sad because I got to leave tomorrow. We just finished our graduation, it is so quiet right now because lots of people left. Now everyone is looking at their phones, they seem really happy having their phones back, I don’t why I was cleaning the Sprinters for more than half of the day today. I am really tired now, both of my eyes are really red. I guess I need to take a rest now.

This is probably going to be my last blog for this expedition. It’s been a long trip with many hiccups and trials but in the end, it was worth it. Yesterday, we made the final stretch from Terrance Bay to HQ, where we just crashed. The morning was filled with nothing but cleaning, and now it’s over, so, the end.

It’s not until the end when I realize that a month is really a very short period of time. I am really going to miss this group and heir dynamics; there won’t be another team that is quite like this one.
We had a vote for student of the year for this program. I had not expected to win, or even get any votes, but there were a few people that did vote for me. Thank you so much to the people who believed that I deserved it. The vote and its results made me think about what I did and what I had wanted to do. When Tiff and I were discussing the state of things in Inuvik, she said that she felt like a miniature version of me, and I agree. The more I thought about it, it felt like I was an old dog and she was he new pup. I felt good at first because I felt like a guide and a mentor, but then I felt like my energy was being sapped when I was around her. It didn’t make me feel good at all because I really enjoy working with her.
We are prepping got the Bravo program now, and I’ve been told that I’m in charge of the HQ team this time. Initially I was disappointed, feeling like I didn’t fit in anywhere else and that I wasn’t necessary. Even though it was explained to me that I needed logistic and planning training, it’s still hard for me to swallow. If I am not working directly with the students and feeling the immediate responses for myself firsthand. It’s as if I don’t trust their judgment more than my own, and I feel as if people working in the background receive no gratitude. I am extremely uncomfortable with not being able to be right in the centre of things and to watch the others learning and having fun. But for the other’s benefit, there must ve sacrifices on my part.
I want to show that this old dog can learn new tricks, but I can only think of how young and aggressive I used to be and the vitality that I feel like I’ve lost and that I’ll keep losing unless I work directly wit a team I’m leading.
I keep stressing that words are powerful, but you know what? Ideas are too. Once an idea takes hold and turns into a dream, it must be nurtured and prepped into a goal. Goals must then be met. When dreams are in the fledging stages of planning, they are in the earliest and vulnerable stages. If they are forced to a premature end, then the dream will haunt you, nag at you, pick you apart form the inside, and destroy you. Monticle encourages and fosters these dreams and although words are powerful, they do not always set things in stone. 7K/300 is Monticle’s dream and although I’ve lost my twic, this is a dream that will not die.

The arrival to HQ was really a sight to see. Considering the craziness and hyperness on the ride, the last few moments on the vehicle, that are forever craved into our minds: our tuneless/endless singing, the screaming and loud voice activities, the silent sleepers around the corner etc. All moments that I’ll never forget, well not till the rest of my life. After so many days of travel, planning, stress and work, we finally made it back in one piece. Trust me, all of the depression and stress made me a better person, gave me lessons that helped me grow. As a student, also as a human being. For the very last moments of the ride I stood awake, recapping the past 27 days of fun, stressful, confusing and wow factors. (Don’t worry I wont list them all) Its currently 2:00 am, exactly the time of arrival we expected , welcome to a brand new day. Within the next 5:30 hours, it will be the last official day of Trans Canada Artic TRC (our call sign) Which means its getting to the very end of our expedition. I’ve learnt loads, experienced loads, and enjoyed loads.
As we spent the last few ride moments socializing with some of our friends (we can’t fit 30 people in one vehicle, unfortunately.) I came to realize, when I grow up, and come to a desperate needs, they will always be there. We have musicians, engineers, forensic scientists, social workers, mathematician, embassy workers, mechanics, officers and a lot more I can list. But no matter what, I will be there for them. Family isn’t always blood, it’s the people in your life who wants you in theres. With all the support from the people who care, Thank you!! Without your moral support I will not be able to travel this far. Speaking of traveling far, I discussed with Billy on my job being navigator today and come to realization, why not join moduels? Everyone (students of monticle) can simply walk the last 1000km and support the people who are going all the way, now we’re preparing for the advancement ceremony, cleaning and, flourishing the entire HQ. my hearts thumping as I wait for the results. P.S. WE DON’T WEAR FORMAL!!
 I got student of the year!! But as excitement and happiness came, sadness also crept forward. It’s the end of Trans Canada Artic. Farewell to friends, last laughs, moments of silence. There has been several arguments and hiccups about the 7K300 walk, some productive, some disappointing. Everyone has dreams, some may seem impossible, some may seem somewhat disturbing. But dreams are dreams, all result of hope, a sigh of imagination. Theres always a way. Theres  always obstacles to completing a dream, or simply reaching a milestone. Theres a reason it’s a dream! To those who have difficulties and doubts about completing your/a dream, hang in there! Theres always a way. The sensations of goodbyes are always sad, but I said it once, I’m going to say it again, when fallen down, stand up, stay strong, go on.
I’m stll not one yet, as we finished the graduation, we went in for a cola party YAY!!! After a couple pictures, we went to the goodbye-I-miss-u phase. So yeah, I’ll miss all of you guys <3 br=""> stay in touch on FACEBOOK

This is the end of our journey. Thousands of kilometers have been traveled, children have become adults, strangers have become brothers and sisters. Now that I has come to an end, I feel sad but at the same time joyful and proud of myself. For I have gained a valuable experience and earned more valuable friendship. The sadness is temporary for I will return next year and accept new challenges.

Another 2-in-1 blog, but this time we’re back in HQ! When we left the motel, I knew we would be in the care for a long time, and since Billy mentioned that sleeping in the care actually makes you more tired, I decided to stay awake until we reached HQ. This was more difficult of a task then I thought, especially when we went past the 9pm mark. I had to find things to do to keep myself awake. At the final stretch to HQ, I had to turn the radio on and windows down so the air and music kept me up.
When we arrived at HQ, I smelled the HQ smell and quickly set my stuff up and passed out. When I wake up, we prepared for our clean-up day. This included every single piece of equipment we had. Now we’re finished and about to graduate when Billy returns. Excited but also sad that I have to leave and go back to HK and school, so sad. Oh well, flight is tomorrow and I heard something about flight plans? Who’s picking me up? Anyways, have to go now and this is my last blog, bye!
Wait, there’s more. We just finished graduation and our coca-cola party with all the usual picture stuff. Also, with the “walk”, there has been some changes. First. It might be in 2015 January, and I can join the summer bit so it doesn’t interfere with school work and can reach Victoria! Anyways, now I have to really end. Bye Monticle, Bye Canada.

Day 28… it’s finally the last day of our Trans-Canada Expedition. All there really was today was a major clean up, graduation and goodbyes. Time truly passes by fast when you’re having fun.I never knew how much I would’ve missed if I didn’t come. I’ve experienced and learned so much during this trip.
During this (almost a month long) trip, I’ve had many once in a lifetime experiences. I never thought that I would ever sleep in a parking lot or ever have the chance to ride the world’s largest indoor roller coaster, TWICE! I seen so many different types of wildlife during the car ride too, from bison, to deer, even grizzly bears! Over these past four weeks, we’ve experienced both good and bad days, hiccups and mistakes, difficulties and fear. I’ve conquered many challenges too, such as climbing Mount Edith and adapting to many different situations. I’ve learnt many lessons and ways of improvement through the many mistakes that we’ve made.
Though there were many troubles and hiccups during this trip, we all arrived safely and in one piece back in HQ. I’ve always thought that Toronto was huge, but the truth is, CANADA is HUGE (and we’ve only been to the West and not even the East). All of us, all thirty of us, are one big family and we’ve been through all the challenges and issues we had. We help each other when in trouble and have so much fun as a group. I’ll truly miss everyone.
I’d like to thank everyone that made this trip possible. First, Billy, he was the one who stayed awake for hours and hours just to keep us safe while driving. He’s helped all of us during this expedition and whenever there were any emergency situations, he was always there. We truly couldn’t have done it without him. Second, HQ team, Team Captains and the 2ICs, for being there when we needed their help, planning everything each night for the next day and keeping everything in control. Last but not least, all the students. They brought so much laughter and joy to the long and boring car rides, and sometimes weird (in a good way). I’m really sad that this program is official over and hope everyone will stay in contact. Bye!

9 Aug 13
Today is the final day of traveling. We arrived Ontario and trying to reach HQ within this day. In the car, some of them were writing their essays, some of them playing cards and some of them were sleeping. The curtain of darkness has covered the sky. I remembered black sky but no lighting around me. Since this was a long ride, we had a mid-night drive again. Since we had n o dinner, Billy stopped the car and buy some snacks for us.
By the time we arrived HQ, we all exhausted. I felt the time flies again, really. The day that we started the trip was just like yesterday. We unloaded our stuff and slept.
10 Aug 13
This, is the final blog by my hands in this trip. Since the cars and the equipments were all dirty and damaged, we had to clean them up and repair them. Destroy is easy but repairing is difficult. We got a hard time to finish it. But, we all working with smiles.
After the student report, we all writing for graduation. Since it doesn’t start yet, the new students from Bravo group is arriving one by one. Some of my friends are planning to leave today. Now I get stuck between here and my home in HK. I don’t want to leave here but I am suffering in homesick. I hate this feeling.
After this 28 days, I lost a lot and gain a lot. I lost my wallet and a few stuff but I gain knowledge and friendship. HQ, Monticle, here, is my third home. Although many good and bad things happened, these are memories. Bad days, good lecture!
Goodbye, my third home!

Edwin Cheung
Today, we are very Later. We drive for 8 hours through the night. We had few washroom break. We sing, scream and eat sneak through the time. We were very wanted to go home to. We caclulate the km ever hour. Wait and waiting. The best time. I had was reaching to Arctic circle. To see the “white night” The moon and the sun in both side. The Long members that will Last really Long. I also see the Iuik people work together make tower work make a work. I miss all my buddy and friend. Thank mom and Dad. I am work fine. This trip bring back a lot of my rember for me. I can’t believe it’s end too quick. Bro or holes.

Today is the last day of trans Canada west. I am so happy that I have heard all great and happy news. With it finally done I am going home. Overall this has been a very good trip and I will be staying for Bravo as well.

Today was the last day of the Trans- Canada trip. We spent today cleaning and changing the tires of the veichles. I was happy to see that nobody was sad about us departing. Every has worked hard during the 28 days and I hope they will enjoy the rest of their summer. The drive last night was an interesting one filled with laughter and singing. I hope Bravo will be good However it surprised me that their first question was, “Are we sleeping on a Bed?”

Well, this is the end. Been 28 days since we last stayed at HQ and upon arrival, a wave of nostalgia hit me. Some good memories, some bad, but overall the experience is what counts. From Terrance Bay to Toronto, we made our way in around 18 hours. Arrived at 2 in the morning and crashed almost immediately. We the cleaned up HQ in prep for the graduation ceremony. Most of the students left, but some remain waiting for their flight.

I can’t believe that it’s the end… This month has passed so fast it was like a flash before my eyes. There were so many things that I experienced never before. All of us arrived on the first day not knowing each other, but after 28 days we all became a family. I’m going to miss everyone. Hope I can see everyone again.

Edwin Chan
Today is the Graduation Day for Trans-Canada and we did not write yesterday’s blog. Yesterday we drove from 8am to this morning 2am that’s about 18hours. It was a nice drive since everyone in my car kept me awake when I was driving at night. As we were coming back everyone from bravo vehicle were singing. This morning we cleaned the sprinters, reorganize the inventory, and getting new tires. It took us about 8 hours to get every thing finished. Well this is the last blog for trans-Canada. Have fun.

Mich. F
The smell of the Monticle Headquarter was so memorable at once – when I stepped into the backdoor while carrying my sleeping gears and daypack. HQ-sick, isn’t it?
August 10th midnight is when we got back to HQ. During the tiring and endless drive, we enjoyed playing cards, dancing with the party rocking music from the radio, watching the beautiful sceneries while asking who Terry Fox is, enjoying conversation with Billy again… As it was the last day of the trip, we all spent a lot of time on eating chips and Oreos. I couldn’t believe that we could finish 4 packs of Family Size Lays potato chips within a day’s drive. Probably we just thought that we spent too much energy on playing cards and cards and cards… and dance and dance and dance… Oh my god I feel so hyper right now not just only because of lacking sleep, but being gay about heading back to HQ!
August 10th is basically the day of cleaning and the day of graduation ceremony. I enjoyed the odor of the Roots tent from one of our student’s foot while wiping the interior area. That odor is just so memorable and so substantial. From that smell I recalled the days when I learnt how JJ handled the packing-up of the 8-people Roots tent so efficiently – it’s like that we always finished the packing up first. I also recalled the taste of hugging with Alvin and Mickey to squeeze the tent gears and make them small and thus easier to be packed. From that smell I tracked friendship, comradeship, efficiency, discipline and a lot of stuff that define this expedition so aptly.
Besides the tents, we also spent great time cleaning the Sprinters. When wiping the windows and clearing the mud from the gap, I recalled what Billy did to us. In Dawson City he gave us an alternative perspective towards vehicle – when cleaning the vehicle with water hose, we saw almost tons of muddy water rushing out from that poor, seemingly rusty (color) vehicle. Billy told us that the vehicle brought us from Toronto to Inuvik and then back to Toronto without a single COMPLAIN. If you take the vehicles as human beings, yeah he’s right. So, when I cleaned the vehicles, I took the vehicles as my “another half” and cleaned them carefully… Hopefully, my efforts and my weird imagination do pay off.
Sitting on the chair, using Peggy’s desktop to rushing the AARs, I could be able to look back on the 27 days of this expedition so in detail. Ah… speechless.
Hopefully, this will not be my last blog in Monticle. Next year, I am planning to get some Instructor’s training from Monticle and learn from the previous instructors and HQ team. Moreover, the walkathon luckily will start on time in 2015 January – so that we could again do something unprecedented, and let people learn more and more.


  1. Hey Folks,

    Please do make sure you all share contact with each others, let's have a reunion of Trans Canada in Hong Kong!!!

    Let's give a real big hands to our leader Billy and his team, which give you all not only good time but wholeheartly care and training!!!! Bravo!!!

  2. Agreed with what albert said on the magnificent work of the whole team and in particular billy. This is what leadership is about. I look forward to joining the reunion in honh kong.
    Edwin cheung's mom rita

  3. Hi all,

    We support this idea of keeping a kind of bond among the kids, even after back to HK.

    Looking forward to seeing you in real, after following this blog for one month.

    Justin's mom
