Sunday, August 25, 2013

Bravo Group - Day 14

Aug 25, 2013 – Day 14
It is the last day of the Me3 Bravo camp. We woke up early this morning for our last PT (consisting of stretching and walking to the local LCBO again). We came back to pack up our luggage and clean up our cabins. We also cleaned, packed and moved out all our equipment into the sprinters while breakfast was being made. We then had our last breakfast together with the group before more cleaning, moving, and packing continued. We left Muskey’s Landing exactly the way it was when we arrived. Almost everyone in the cars passed out. When we arrived in back in Monticle, everyone worked extremely well together to unpacked and cleaned up the equipment. Everything was done in record time. We had our graduation with Lieutenant Colonel Hirji handing out the certificates. From our first meeting where we were all strangers to each other to now where we all became close friends. It was an amazing experience for all of us. One by one, each overseas student will be leaving Canada. Good bye buddies! We will miss you all!

Maggie Tin



Alvin Au
今天真的真真正正最後一天在Bravo Group,在這14天裏發生了很多有趣的事也學會了很多不同類型的東西,所有東西就像光速一樣那麼快,第一天就像昨天一樣。


Ryan Liang
今天是來到Monticle 的第十四天。也是最後一天。我們一早走去了LCBO作為PT test,然後開始收拾行李回去HQ了。這個營在三點左右就結束了,我在這裏交到了很多朋友,有很多不同的經歷,也學會了很多有關Leadership的精神。在這裏很開心,這裏的學習就很不同,Monticle用把我們放出去實踐的方式讓我們學習多方面的知識,提高自我能力與知識面,我很喜歡這裏。

今天我們離開了Muskey’s Landing,經過一番令人勞累的折騰後終於可以休息了。



Today is the last day. We’re all graduating today. I can’t believe we’re all gonna be seperated. I’m glad to have met every single one of you. Thank you for treating me so kindly. I hope I’ll see you guys in the future. Thank you for teaching me and guiding me as a good leader. I thank every leader and students to have made me who I am. Thank you guys and good luck in the future to every one of you.

Ryan Hoang
Today is the last day for Bravo team. I am being rushed to do this so I will do this quickly. In reflection I have learned a lot this year and met some nice people. The adventures and achievements I accomplish make me content for coming and I hope I can say so again.

Edwin Cheung
This year was a good year. I work hard. I think that I have improve more. I feel I have bin better. Less Lazy. Work better with people. My fautre day is the 28 day with A bush of old friend in Tran-Canada Arctic. I would Love to go back. It gout amazing view in Alaska Highway. look like on of those Window background it rally Cool. I will be back…..

So we’re about 2 hours away from officially ending the program. Currently, we’ve cleaned most of our equipment and loaded everything back into HQ. Some students will be staying over while others are going back home. Most leaderships will be dismissed as well once the ceremony is over. I’m gonna miss some of those guys. I can see that some will have bright futures but I can also see some having difficulty later in life. Hopefully all goes well for them.

We cleaned, trained, and packed for two weeks. This is the end of the Bravo program. I don’t really have much to say about the camp. I will remember most of these guys, especially the people in my cabin. Hopefully we will keep in contact in the future.

Last day of the programme. The programme was fun and full of laugh, even though it make me lack of energy right now! I met a lots of funny buddies and lovely girls here. I will never forget those good memories of us. In the freezing cold night, we play cards and fill the room up with jokes. These days were full of happiness because of all of you! Guys and Girls, thank you for helping me when I need help, thank you for every moment of your kindness. Although it is only 14-days, you will always be my friends! My only concern on you guys and girls is…… call me anytime, never worry about bothering me and our friendship will last long!

This is the last day of the programme I felt happy that I could finish all the task and challenge. In these 14 days I met a lots of new friends. They all so nice are helpful, so we commucted well during the tasking. Sometimes the tasks were hard and they made me feel painful. But I never gave up. Also my teamate cheer me up. After therse 14 days I really found that I became much more stronger then the past. I learnt a lot in this program and I hope I can back here to learn and experience more in the future.

Going home, packing up kayaks and riding back home, filling out the program survey and I am very homesick and miss my video games and I will add my buddies on my facebook.

Today is the last day of Monticle training. Hese 14 days was a life changing adventure, I learn lots of things that I will never learn in a text book. Leader ship is not given to you, you need to earn it yourself, you will need to lead your team through any task, you must be calm and able to solve a problem because every team member is looking at you for directions. If you fale to lead, your team will fail. This is because there is no bad team member, only bad leaders. Leadership is also an art, it is an art to put people to a correct post and let them do there best.
In this 14 days I learn how to surive in the in wild, make fire and so on.
All in all I gain many experience in this 14 days, this experience can’t be told by words it can only be felt by a person experiencing the program themself.

Now it is the time to leave. Canada gives me a very good feel, and also Monticle. Hope I will come here again, for the same purpose. Although it may not be the same people with me, it is still good. Hope all my friends have a better life.

Today was a sad day for me. It is the last day of the Me3 Foundation Program. I’m so sad! I wish I could stay longer! If I could, I would totally stay longer. This camp has given me the best experiences, the best friends, and of course, taught me to be myself. I’m so grateful that my parents let me come to this camp. Thank you, everybody that made this trip unforgettable! Thank you! I will miss you guys so much!

Today is the last day, we ate a good breakfast. PT test was normal. We took out all the items we use in Muskey Landing into h.q. I am so happy to recieve the award, I took picture of students. I can see my mum soon. I am happy that I success this course!!! :)

Edwin Chan
Today is our final day with the Bravo Group now we are back at HQ. All we did this morning was packing up all the luggage’s and food boxes into all the sprinter. We then hooked the boat and the kayaks to the sprinter and left Muskey’s. It took us about 2 hours to get back from Muskey’s. I don’t know what else to write so Have fun. Have a safe trip back oversea students.

Jason Wang
Last day of the ME3 foundations Bravo group, the last day of Monticle’s summer programs, the end of season. So many ends, all in one day. Through both ME3 foundations programs and through the Trans-Canada Arctic Expedition, I have met many new people, learned many new things and I have gained more skills, experiences and knowledge that I will put to use in the future.
From these programs, I will retain many moments that will stay with me forever. The long road trips, the arctic circle, Inuvik, the kayaking and the rooms at Muskey’s Landing. So many different memories all from this summer.
I wish this summer could be loner and it would never end, but school is coming up soon, so I need to go home soon. But once again, like Rick Hansen said, “The end is only the beginning”.

Jenn Wang
A week ago, we were wandering semi-lost in downtown Toronto. Then the streets started becoming a bit more familiar and when we passed by Moss Park, I knew. Seeing old HQ brought back a lot of memories, both in that building and elsewhere; I grew up there. Seeing that place was like seeing a younger me entering the armoury for the first time and joining the Monticle family, seeing my brother and I waving goodbye to my parents as we prepped for the TransCanada all the way back in the summer of 2010.
This blog is also where I grew up. From the nervous first general blogs to the hyperactivity and unprofessional breaking of fourth walls that make me cringe as I look back to the copious amounts of pompous purple prose to moments of barely restrained snark and lots and lots of gushing and feelings to this frank and simple tone, I grew up with this blog. I feel like all pretentiousness has been stripped away and it’s scary and refreshing to stand with arms wide open and say: “This is who I am; take my words as they are.” This is all figuratively how writing like this has been. It’s all new and very frightening to me, this whole honest and frank writing business. It’s as if I’ve discovered myself through Monticle’s programs but truly worked it out myself through self-reflection on this blog. That’s the brilliance of the guidance I’ve received. Even though this sort of epiphany leaves me feeling extremely vulnerable, I know that this is my true self now and I can work to strengthen and reinforce it.
I suppose this will be my final blog (for at least a while?) so I would like to thank everybody who’s guided me thus far—you all know who you are. Without you, I’d still be in hiding within myself, too afraid to take a risk. I’m glad that I spent my last summer here with Monticle; I’m prepared to go home now to face the next little hill in my life: university. Wish me luck and I will see you all as soon as I can!


  1. Billy
    麻烦你通知祖铭 学校改为31号才开学 让他不用担心 到时我代接机 他父母有业务 他们留宿一天有劳你啦 非常感谢你让他们有机会参加这个夏令营 让他们收获多多 多谢你 有时间保持联系

  2. Edwin (Cheung)
    Happy to see your graduation photo. Hope you are doing well. Stay positive and try your best in whatever you are doing.
    Best wishes from Mom
