Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bravo Group - Day 11

Aug 22, 2013 – Day 11
We had our usual morning PT stretches and walk towards the local LCBO when suddenly it rained. Quite heavily too. The walk was cut short and we ran back to our cabins. The weather forecast said it would rain until the afternoon and so contingency plans were thought up. Ideas were thrown around, maps were checked. The rain then started to slow down. By breakfast, the rain stopped and it was only extremely cloudy. In the end we decided to still have water activities but with a twist. We split into two groups for a competition game. The water and route was tested and practiced with the canoe and kayaks. The purpose of the games is to practice our overall teamwork skills and communication. We needed a lot of work. Ultimately we improved a lot, having a lot of fun along the way. The weather forecast was wrong, as the sun started blaring down on us a few hours after the cloudy sky. We ended the day wet and exhausted. Much laughter can be heard during dinner and many lessons were taught. Tomorrow will be the last day of water activities. It will be harder. It will be exhausting. It will be fun.

                Today was very cold and fun. Max was explaining about polar bears. Today was brilliantly awesome.

Calvin Su
                It was a fall day in a wet suit. Also my wetsuit was stretched out because someone accidently put it on. Most of my time was spent on the water watching over the students. Most had never paddled before and our original plan was changed to just paddling and kayaking lessons. Tomorrows going to be another water day as well. I feel tired of all this. Spending time away from family may seem easy, but I really started to feel homesick yesterday.

Jennifer Wang
                My voice is dead again. It went to a good cause though: cheering my team on. I’m not sure how to explain today’s team-building activity, but it was water, canoe, kayak, people and loud. Basically it was a relay race that required lots of thinking as well as physical skill. There was a rope connecting the kayak to the canoe that we could choose to use it or not. I thought it was a pretty smart idea of mine to use the rope to help the two boats turn by pulling on it and then having the occupants on the canoe turn around, if I do say so myself. It really showed off quite a few seconds. Allowing us to win by just a few metres! It was a close race-good job both teams! Oh yes! It rained heavily this morning; enough to curtail our morning. PT unexpectedly we ran back to the shelter of our cabins to stay dry until breakfast. It was sunny for the rest of the day so no worries! :)

Rex Lee
                Today was a day full of adventure. Like everyday we woke up early and do physical exercial, today we went for a long walk. However the weather turned from bad to worse, it started to rain so we had to run back to camp under heavy rain.
                Because of the rain some of the activity had to be cancelled this morning. The weather turn good. Then Billy talk us kayaking, he taught me how to row a boat and how to kayak. Then we paddled around the lake after that we use our hands to paddle the boat.
                All in all today I learn teamwork is very important, one person can only do little. However team of people of people can do a lot of things.

Edwin Cheung
                Today is day to of watersport. We start our day with rain on the morning. We then have a lot teamwork in the water. it was fun. I have thought the way. Mom miss you <3 p="">

Extremely tired! But I will try my best to face the hard time of tomorrow challenges! I wish I can stay strong.

                Today we have a kayaking the lesson, it was fun, but so tired.  Tmr we will sum for more then 2km. after today done, I hope I can handle it.

                Today we are going to canoe. It’s really fun. Although we lost the competition our team still try so hard to win, our team push the boat so hard and it goes so fast is so hard to turn, after we finished the boat, we go swimming. Again, Beep-. I go swimming alone, with the frog style. It is still okay at first, but it’s not going well afterwards. Maybe we should swim stronger the next day.

Maggie Pan
Today was a wet day (literally). We started off the morning with a competition where each team had a boat, and you could only use your arms to paddle the boat. We did another competition, but this time it was with the leaderships as well. After that, we had man over board drills, then we all changed and showered. I’m kind of scared tomorrow because tomorrow it going to be very challenging. Our team of 8 has to swim together back to some location (not clear where) and Billy said it’s gonna be about 1km! today was tiring and wet but, I learned more about teamwork and to cheer people on, the most surprising thing today was that today is day 11! OMG! 3 more days! OMG! I’m gonna miss everyone and everything

Edwin Chan
Today is our second day of the water sport. We the fever group finally go in the water. the whole entire day we were in the water playing with the kayaks. My role for today was safety and patrol, from that I’ve also learned many other things while patrolling and driving the safety, such as watching then capsize, paddle, and swimming. Even though a lot more things has happen and I could probably write them down, but my brain kind of fried when I died laughing during dinner. So have fun now.

Nicola Huang
Today was a fun day. We were doing water activities on the lake in groups we had to transport every teammates on one pelican and one canoe. No paddles were included and there was a certain amount of people we could transport at once. This allowed us to practice our collaboration by synrcinizing our paddling actions and voicing out to turn our boats. Tonight dinner was SUPER TASTY! YUMMY! :p Mom. Dad, Yaura, and Dorris eat well and dress warm., I’m ready for tomorrow’s challenge.

Jason Wang
                Today was very entertaining. We woke up at 0630 and had PT at 0730. For PT we started off with some stretches then went for a quick run. But the run was cut short due to the rain, which started mild way, following PT and waiting for the rain to die down we had kayaking, canoeing and paddling lessons as well as swimming and other water activities/lessons. I was mainly on an open top kayak as safety in case anything occurred in the water, but Chris decided to pull into the water as a joke. That was actually very funny but he should consider safety of others before doing anything like that as I almost hit Terry’s head with the paddle as I fell. Tomorrow will also be filled with water activities, this will be fun.

Ryan Hoang
                Today was a wet and exhilarating day. It was filled with many water filled adventures even when we were doing PT as well. This is because during the PT midway it started to rain and this caused us to have to go back into our rooms and dry off. After that we discussed what we were going to do for the day but soon it stopped raining so we can resume with our regular scheduled programming which was kayaking. When the kayaking begun we soon realized that many of the students did not know what they were doing so we switched to something that was easier which is we paddled around the dock with only our hands.

Today is day 11, we ate chicken brest, corn soup noodle for breakfast. I slept good yesterday, have sweet dream: today we did PT test in the morning when we were having a walk it suddenly rain! My clothes is soaking wet, my body was totally wet!!! I feel like I just came out from the pool. Billy told us to practice kayaking. After lunch, we have two canoe race, who bring all the team peoples to the next side of the shore more faster wins. We loose the first time and win the second time I learned you balance well and communicate good, then you can win the race. We jumped of the board and pull back each other to the shore. I miss my mom, but I can see her soon. Now the sky is very beautiful for the sunset, it was shining pink, green and yellow! I like this challenge! Tomorrow it will be more difficult, that I probably will die. See tomorrow’s blog.

Our morning was quite wet. And by that I mean that it was rainy. At the same time, we went outside for our usual PT. So by the time we got back, we were basically drenched. This did, however, prepare us for the remainder of the day as we went into the water. We first had a competition on paddling the canoe and carrying the canoe back from a different dock. However, that didn’t quite work out since they were unable to properly move around on the canoe. So went spent some time getting the students use to paddling on the kayaks and rowboats. We did end up doing the competition but we did it without using the paddles and without walking from one dock to another. Tomorrow, we should be doing actual kayaking and we’re planning to “kill” the students in man overboard training. Good luck, guys! (you’re gonna need it)

容小姐見吾見到我呢兩日落水嘅英姿?WAS4Uvrn<3 span="">

 今天我miss了整個中午,因為我要做student visa,但我一回到muskey landing沒有換wet suit 便跳下了水雖然全身濕晒,但我也覺得很開心,之後便開始了自己起Camp Fire

  今天下雨了,在7:40分的时候,我们正在马路上,进行步行训练,但在开始不久后,便下起了大雨,所以我们便会了moskeys landing,本以为今天要留在屋内,但很快便停雨了!下午做了个团体活动,知道自由在很多细节上还需加强!明天有跟多的考验,加油!Fighting!!

Bing Jun

Xuan zi chen


Maggie Tin

Ryan liang
 今天是来到Monticle的第十一天。今早PT Test又和昨天一样都是走路走到LCBO,不过今早刚开始就下雨了,于是便全身湿透跑回了住的地方,而且还打雷了。今天活动都在住的地方附近进行,就是玩船、跳水、游泳之类的,不过还是很累,很痛,明天要八人一起游2km,听说会累到哭,所以明天加油!



  1. Dear Jennifer,

    The first time I saw you, I knew that you will be an outstanding achiever. You are motivated , talented, intelligent, and above all, you care about the people around you. To most of the students, you are an admirable figure. You have all what it takes to be a great leader. So, don’t be so harsh on yourself , you don’t have to be the best in every aspect. I understand sometimes you may feel not being important, your talent not being recognized. But this is life, you must accept times when Providence is not in favor of you. You must learn to deal with difficulty and failure. Do not let your negative emotions affect your judgment. In the past few days, I see too much negative energy in you. I hope they are temporary and you can bestir yourself again.



  2. My dearest Max,

    I have confident with you, you can take all the challenges (although you are the youngest in the group?)! I look at your blog every day and see you always wear your big smile, it feels like you are around me every day.

    If you get wet, make sure you change the dry clothes. Take good care of yourself, be happy!



  3. zi Bing
    游水对你们没问题 別丢人 加油 划脡好象不怎样 好好学
    我第3天又贴了一只小鼠 一共捕了4只 也挺多的

  4. Hi Max, although i'm very busy i read your blog every day!

    Glad to see you are developing fast.

    My thoughts are with you!

    Chat again soon

    Love, Dad

  5. Dear Edwin (Cheung)
    I read your blog everyday, awaiting your deaily write -up to see how you are doing. Take care and write more.
