Saturday, August 24, 2013

Bravo Group - Day 13

Aug 24, 2013 – Day 13
Today, is the second last day of this camp. We started this morning with PT as per usual, but with a new activity. In groups of three, we had to carry one person all the way out of Musky’s Landing towards the end of a dead end road. It was an easy task for some, but an excruciating task for others. By the time we reached the dead end road, we made groups of five and had to get back to Musky’s with only five feet touching the ground at all times. It was actually a very simple task, however many of us found out (later) that we thought too complicatedly. Sometimes, the answer is just right there. We then had breakfast and room inspections; then we took down the shelter tents, cleaned them, and packed up almost all of the equipments. By noon, we were all dress for etiquette training and our graduation dinner. Almost everyone was dressed so fancily. We drove to the Royal Canadian Legion in Midland, Ontario. There we met up with Monticle’s executive director Lieutenant Colonel Hirji (along with his daughter, Imaan) who taught us proper etiquette, asked us the definition of a good leadership, and taught us how to ‘small’ talk in social situations. After the lesson, we had a bit of free time to go out into town and explore the commemorative event they were having. There were tall ships, era actors, booths with information on the history, food stands, and many more. It was quite an experience for many of us. We got back in time for dinner to start. And so ended this fun night.

呢篇應該系最後一篇Blogs,聽日就要離開呢個大家庭了!聽日要下就5點先會離開,容小姐乖乖地,早D訓,早D起身,我捻7點半左右就可以搵到您啦<3 span="">
 <3 span="" style="mso-spacerun: yes;"> 

Xuan Zi
今日是课程的最后一日,应该好好珍惜的。我们一早出去运动,然后一点多到达学习礼仪的地方,教我们礼仪的是Billyboss~^-^ 交了我们一些餐桌上的礼仪。讲完后,Billy让我们逛了一个多小时的街,晚上吃了顿晚饭最后一天就这样结束。

Ryan Liang
今天是来到Monticle的第十三天。今早一开始我们就遇到了挑战,PT Test,先是两个人抬一个人走,再是五个人只有五条腿能碰地走,结束后顿时无力,然后我们开始收抬装备,我被分配到擦船,擦完后就拆帐篷。到了中午我们全部换上了西服,去往一个退休军人的俱乐部,那边需正装进入以纪念死去了的军人们,我们去那里见到了Billy Boss,他教了我们在公共场合与人交往的技巧,又教了我们惨状礼仪。然后我们开始了我们最好的晚餐,第一次全部人坐在一起吃不是Billy煮的晚饭,吃完后,一天大概就借宿了,有意思的是,我现在才知道27号走……

Maggie Tin
-其實來到這還出乎意料的學到東西,雖然跟Billy想我們真正要學的東西有點不一樣,不過嘛~…… 都是好東西沒關係啦

今天是課程的最後一天,明天大家就會各散東西,澳門的兄弟應能再再相會,但異地的Buddy們真的只能有緣相會了!但友誼長存於彼此 的心中,及時相隔千里,只要想起曾經闖過最酷的暑假,大家應會會心微笑,眼前的困難應不難衝破!





天下没有不散的宴席;人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,我不得以在此写下这些话。离别是一件非常特别的事情,有喜有悲,喜在各自奔东西,去寻找新的未来,新的生活,去实现自己的理想;悲在共同度过十五个日日夜夜的好伙伴们就要分离。这事发生在了我身上,那必定是悲者占多,我可做不到“不以物喜,不以己悲”,这半个月来发生的一切,好像都历历在目,难以忘怀。我仍记得,我们一起上课,游戏,我仍记得我们一起走完10千米山路后,大伙胜利的表情,我仍记得,我们走到Niagara Falls后,大伙惊叹不已的时刻。但是回到正体,无论多么不舍,离别时不可避免的,所以只好面对现实,感谢缘分让我们曾相识过,在生命的某端时刻曾一起度过。

Jenn Wang
Etiquette training again; I can’t believe it’s already nearing the end of the program and the end of my summer. The etiquette training was pretty much the same as last time’s, so I’ll do a recent of everything, I suppose. Actually, I don’t think it’s fair to all of my experience to simply sum it up. I’ve learned so many things that I couldn’t possibly name them all-things that have names, and then tips and tricks that I could never even begin to describe. Summarizing all of the external and internal hardships, of which some were skirted and some were overcome, the people that I met and old friends revisited, and the things I taught them and was taught by them, the emotions I felt and the reactions I had to events that have now come and passed…they feel cheapened and watered down if I try and summarize. So I say, take them as they are, for they are a true snapshot of the inexperienced me then. This blog, entry now is therefore the Jenn that holds more experience and can look back at it more evenly and say that I have learned and changed.

Calvin Su
Today is the last day of monticle Bravo group. We have most of the packed already and the etiquette training is complete. Tomorrow everyone will go home and the program will officially end. I think that this was a very good experience for everyone. The friends made here will never be forgotten. When everyone leaves tomorrow it might be sad for some and neat for others.

Kelvin Pan
Learning etiquette and collecting people’s emails and facebooks. Peggy’s being picky and telling me to write more So I wrote this. I think It was unessary to write this but Peggy happened so yea. So 2 more sentences to go including this one. Last sentence.

Last day of the programme, we have a gradation dinner today. I learnt a lot in it. Finally, all acthotes ended I enjoyed them so much In this 14 days I found that I was much more stronger then I thought. TMR I will back to Hong Kong. I hope I can use those knowlge well in the future.

Edwin Cheung
Today is second last day of  this 14 day camp. I work hard!! I make a lot alot friend. I have a lot of good time. I also have a lot of fun in here. We will have a lot good memory. Thank mom and Dad for the optintess and time. Love you mom and Dad I will be ho

Rex Lee
Today was a great day. I learn many things. We did training which mean’s how to eat with manners, talk politly and how to break ice when you meet some body in a party or dinner banquit. All in all in this 2 weeks I learn many things that are very useful in my life. For example like how to read a map. In the trip to Tronto and the Niagra Falls we learn how to plane a root and use a city map. I also learn how to start a fire in the woods, how to use a awiss knife, and the most important is I learn that teamwork is very important.

Edwin Chan
Today is our last day at muskey’s landing and it’s our etiquette training once again. In the morning we took down the shelter tent and packed up our life jackets into the kayak trailer with the paddles and helmet So all of the afternoon we were at the Royal Canadian Legion doing our Etquit training. Apparently there was a festival happening at the same time so we had time to go out to walk around before our dinner. It’s been an interesting 13 day with the bravo group we end up bring close and talking to each other more, but things always come to and end and it’s a good end where no one get hurt, that’s all now Have fun.

Ava Ho
The programme is coming to the end. We have memories with tears and joy but I enjoy it overall!           I have done a lot of things I never did I can’t tell all the thing in detail, but I have to tell you that I will never regret in joining the programme! GREAT!

Nicola Huang
Tomorrow’s the last day. OMG! Keke…. But this IS unbelievable. I’m going to miss everyone so so much. Today’s etiquette training was so fun! I refreshed my memories. I was so HAPPY to see Imaan there! YAY! I missed her so so much! She’s so lovable and sweet. When I saw her, it was almost like alpha was there. I’m so sad that tomorrow’s the last day. Shirley cried because she didn’t wanna leave. She is such a lovely girl. I will defineitley miss her. I learned from all my mistakes in this camp. I learned that the little things made big differences. I hope I’ll become a great leader one day. Mom, Dad, Yaura, Doris, eat full and dress warm.

Ryan Hoang
Today is the second last day of the bravo program. Personally I am kind of relieved that it is over. This is because that many of these people constantly clash at me. Even now I hear death threats and them picking fights. However there is a silver lining. This is because I believed I have learned a lot and I hope to come to another future program.

Well, today is the 2nd last day of the ME3 Bravo formation.  We also had our second etiquette training today our executive director Lieutenant Colonel Hurji. Once again we went to the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 80,  located in the town of Midland. Today, at Midland was also a commeratron day for the war  of 1812. At the commeratron event, there were 200 year old tall ships (restored) at the docks of the marina as well as a group of era correct actors with 1800s British uniforms. Etiquette training followed relatively the same guide lines as the one in alpha formation with the utensil set up, basic manners traditions and small talk suits/improve. Overall, this camp was very entertaining, it has taught me many new aspects in individuals that I can put to good use in the future as I work towards my goals, I will miss many individuals I have met this summer, and hopefully I see them again some time soon, but regardless, the memories of this summer will me remain with me forever.

Maggie Pan
Today was very sad & fun. Etiquette was the fun part. The foods & desserts were awesome and the lectures weren’t boring. I loved the part where there were 4 people and someone gave  you a scenario & you you had to make small talk with the other 3 people. The sad part was that today is the second last day! The 2 weeks went away so fast! I’m going to miss everyone so much! Monticle has been one of my favourite camps ever. It has taught me to be myself & to not be discouraged by other people and that sometimes being different is sometimes a good thing. And that bring a leader isn’t always about commanding  people. It’s about being able to respect others, then they will automatically follow you back. This camp has got me some friends from all over the worldd and has also given me some once in a lifetime experiences. I’m happy to go home to see my other friends, but sometimes I wish I could stay longer. I feel like I should wirte more today, because I’m afraid I wont get anytime tomorrow to write a long blog. So this is gonna be my last or second last blog. Thank you to all the leaderships, instructors, and students for making this an unforgettable experience!

It is the last day of the program. Although we stay together for two weeks, there is still a time for us to get back home. There is no sad feelings in the campus though. We join this program together, like together, overcome challenges together. Although it is just 14 days, we are still like a family. Our team had been with some troubles, but we have overcome it . Maybe that’s why we need a leader, something like leaderships to fix these up, to make us stay in a team. See you guys, hope we will meet soon.

We’re just about done for Bravo group. I’m gonna miss all the students from all the programs but honestly, I’m also glad that I get to relax a bit. We spent all morning packing some of our equipment in preperation for when we leave Muskey’s. We then made our way to the Royal Canadian Legion in Midland. The etiquette class was pretty much the same as Alpha group. In fact, dinner was the same as well. Other than that, I suppose my day wasn’t so special.

It is the second last day, we did a tired PT test. The PT test is more harder than before. The breakfast is bit salty., have to drink water. We took out the tent and get the boat out of the water, we got all the things we used before into the car. After we pick up the things, we have to wear our formal clothes to a training for table manners and formal dinner. The boss of Billy taught us how to be polite while the host invite us and how to begin a small talk. The dinner was yummy. Now I will start to talk about my feeling of the monticle camp. At the first few days, I did not slept well, have jetlet, but after that a slept very well and have sweet dreams. Billy cooked good, because he worked in a restaurant before, so he know a bit of cooking. I love Billy’s porridge the best. This camp really inspiring leaderships. From this camp I learned how to be a good leader. if you had to be a leader, you should communicate good with your team and make the best desition. Plus, leadership have to pay attention to details and get more experience of life. The last thins is your physical power. We went to Algonquin Park to learn how to survive in a uncomfortable place in the other countries, we also learn to build up a tent with teamwork and train our physical. At Algonquin Park, we hiked on the Booth’s rock trail and centennial ridge, it was a good place to challeng my physical, why? Because the trails are full of down and up hills and lots of rocks will block my way and we also had to go over a mud pool! It was a good experience! Algonquin Park is a hiking challenge. Opposite Muskey landing is a water challenge! We all have to live in the cabin at Muskey landing and everyday, Billy will do room inspection! Oh my god! Everyday we have to clean up the room in a proper way. We had work hard, so Billy said we’re room is clean, we are happy. The most difficult water challenge is yesterday. We did a god teamwork. I love all the challenge and teaching from monticle. The challenge of lifetime can give me a good experience. I love Canada and Monticle, I love the program, it is terrific and memory lable. I will keep joining Monticle!!!


  1. Christopher

  2. Max,

    Glad to hear that you love Canada and Monticle! If you want to keep joining Monticle, I need to work harder and harder!:) Can't wait to see you and hear more stories from you!

    Have a safe flight!



  3. edwin (cheung)
    what a blessing for having had such a wonderful experience. glad to know that you have made frends with so many. Keep it up.
    u look great in your military outfit.
    thank you for the encouragment you have been giving to edwin.
    Edwins mom
