Friday, August 16, 2013

Bravo Group - Day 5

Aug 16, 2013 – Day 05
We move back to Monticle HQ today. At our usual time of waking up, we packed our bags, made breakfast and started taking down, cleaning, and packing up the tents. Our leader of the day, Calvin gave us our jobs. It was amazing! Everything was finished in record time. Everyone had amazing teamwork. Before we left Kearney Lake we were split into four groups of four with two leaderships in each group, in preparation for tomorrow’s Toronto downtown sightseeing hike. We had our group pictures before getting on the vehicles and driving back. We had a mini stop to refuel gas. We went to First Markham Place “Tasty Noodle House” for a late lunch. Everyone ate all the food. When we were done, we arrived back in HQ. We all worked together to unload the luggage and clean the sprinters and equipment. Most of the students will be going to a hotel to sleep for the night while some of us will be sleeping in Monticle. Before we left, we got assigned places to go (and take pictures of) in downtown Toronto. Everyone started to plan and navigate where they are going. Tomorrow will be a fun day.



Ryan Liang

816號,我乜都做唔到!!Sad到連粗口都講少左>:,好多好多野想同小姐講,我會寫落Postcard度! Today, Nothing >:


Kelvin Pan
Today was CK. I had a bit of a lecture from Calvin and Ryan but other then that it was tons of fun. We ate at a restaurant called “tasty noddle restaurant”. I had repeatly ramrodded that my shoes were going to be thrown out.
I was concerned that Calvin change SO much srneell the last I seen hrm was in winter camp.

Maggie Pan
Today was the last day at Algonquin Park. So, this morning, we all packed our bags (including sleeping bags, mattresses etc.) first thing in the morning. Then we ate a warm breakfast of noodles, and right after that, we started walking towards the entrance. (Before that, actually, “someone” which was not me, chucked my brother’s shoes in the bushes.) Anyway, then, Billy & the other drivers drove everyone out. On the way, we only stopped once. (At a gas station.) Which Nicola & I bought HALLS and some other stuff for the coughing people. (Coughing People AKA: Calvin, Jennifer, Edwin, Lemuel.) Overall, it was a comforting trip, was even better when I got to sit in the co-driver seat. AND! I’m also pretty excited for tomorrow because we are going to Downtown! I’m pretty excited because I haven’t been there in a year! I’m guessing it’s gonna be really crowded, but that’s Downtown for you!

Edwin Chan
Today is our last day at Algonquin Park and we are to head back to HQ. Before heading back we have to pack up our tents and sweep the campsite for any garbage that may be lying around. After we swept the campsite we had to load up all of our luggage, food boxes and the utilities. When we came back from Algonquin park we went to FMP to eat lunch and then we came back to HQ. Once we reach back to HQ we quickly unloaded all the luggage and the boxes, two group went to clean the car and another group clean the boxes. After finishing everything I loaded up all the luggages for the group who is staying at the hotel. Now we are planning out our trip for tomorrow, That’s all now, Have Fun.


今天我们一早便开始puck up, 吃早餐,然后离开营地,然后坐车回HQ后便开始Unload和清洁,清洁过后,学生开始收拾好行李回到Hotel睡觉。


So our camping trip has officially ended for this program. I can gladly say that it’s good to be able to sleep somewhere other than the tent shelter. Not that I’m saying anything negative about the tent shelter but I’d much prefer to sleep on a bed. Today we packed up everything and made our way back to HQ. Upon arrival, we spent the majority of the afternoon cleaning our equipment and the vehicles. Tomorrow we will be visiting downtown Toronto for some sightseeing and urban navigation. Honestly, we didn’t have anything really interesting to do today.

Ryan H
Today is the fifth day of bravo group program. In this day a lot of bad things have occurred. At exactly 8:00 everything had to have been packed. Alex however left his camera and glasses in the shelter. Therefore when we had to pack up the tent his items were placed on the ground. This made Alex become mad at me for not telling him anything. Personally since everything should have been packed and taken out of the tent he should be happy that he still has his camera. Calvin is now the pernament leader because he is leaving for the military next year. I believe he is a good person for this job although he seems to constantly be mad at me. But I hope that Billy gives him high marks.

Today I was the leader and our moving day back to HQ. the process was smoother than I had expected. I manage to get extra time by finishing early and because at that the guys can rest before planning. The planning is for out Toronto hike tomorrow. It should be a good experience for the overseas kids and for me as well. I get a better chance to understand my city better. I’m not in charge tomorrow so I hope the next leader will do a good job. The stress at planning can get to a person especially for something like tomorrow.

Edwin Cheung
Today, we leave Keamrey Lake Campground. We have breakfest. We had noodle with turkey, chicken wing, coves, and murchroom. Billy told us that us as leader, we should think other before we think about ourself. Later we had about a 4 hour drive from Aqonguni campground to HQ. on the way, we had a refill. Later, we came back and have a clear up on our equipment and sprinter.

I feel like my most frequently used phrases are “sorry, sorry!”, “be careful!”, “Guys, guys!”, and “It’s JENN. Not Jenny!”
I didn’t get much sleep last night due to the cold and because of tent mates that were extreme earlybirds and began packing up their belongings a five in the morning. In an attempt to keep them from disrupting the others who were exhausted from yesterday’s hike we told them not to leave the tent until about seven. They were not happy with this, and made no attempt to consider other’s benefit. It is also not okay to not wear a seatbelt in the car just because there are no police cars around. It is also the right thing to do to clean up after yourself- you make a mess in the tent, you clean it up-I’m not your maid, princess. Thank you for your consideration.

Got out of the camp! I felt really nice to get away from those insects. But I was forbidden to come out from the tent before 7:00,      BUT IT WAS NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is day 5 of the ME3 foundations Bravo 2013. Like the previous days at Algonquin Park, we could wake up on our own time, as long as we were prepared and ready by 0800. Like before, majority of the students get up and about at 0700 and we had our breakfast of instant noodles, chicken and ham at around 0820. Following breakfast, we began cleaning and packing our public equipment such as the tents and the stove. At 1100, we are finally on the move from Algonquin back to HQ. when we got back to Markham, we first stopped at First Markham Place for lunch at Tasty Noodle House. By 1558, we were finally back at Monticle HQ where we began to unload and clean up our equipment. Tomorrow we will be visiting Toronto, and orienteering. This will be so fun…

Go out from the camping site. I’m so happy, Tonight we will go live in the hotel. BED is waiting for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>O<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is Day 5, we ate mushroom, corn, ham soup noodles for breakfast. I slept good, I woke up at 6:30 a.m. After eating breakfast, we clean the tent and fold it up to put in the bag. There was a spider web on the top of our tent, Lemill and J.J. kill all the spider, so we felt safe enough to fold the tent. We got onto the car and had a car trip to get back to the headquater, pack our thing for three day sleep in the hotel. After I finish writing my blog, I’ll go to sleep, good night!

It’s the day we get back to HQ. seems it is the forth day of the camp. We still got more than a week here. It’s fun to camp in Algonquin Park but it is more suitable for me to stay in the city. We are going to the downtown tomorrow. We are going to a bowl of Ramen :) Also we are going to U of T. Jessica if you saw this, maybe I am already feeling amazed that I am going to go to U of T. Day pass seems will be helping so much. MUCH FUN PLEASE!!

Today was quite a sunny day. It’s the forth day of the Bravo camp. There was a BIG clean up today because today’s was the day were leaving the camp. Algonquin’s camp site was an incredible experience. I finally tried camping for my very first time, it was exciting. Though today’s clean up was tough, I learned something out of it. I learned collaboration. For example the poles on the Roots tent must be removed with teamwork to avoid breaking the parts. We went for lunch at First Markham Place today and headed back to HQ after the meal. Tonight, the people who stayed at HQ will stay again. I hope I’ll get a better sleep tonight because it was loud back in the tent in early morning today. I’m excited for tomorrow! JJ and I are partnered with Moon, Zi, and Max for tomorrow’s downtown challenge. I’m so excited! I hope everyone will arrive safely tomorrow back to HQ with their group. I’ll be crossing my fingers for the groups not to get lost. All the best guys! Mom, dad, Doris, and Yaura, eat full, and stay warm! Sleep well tonight Monticle group, tomorrow will be a long exciting day to walk.

Today I left the camp, we drove 4 hours back to HQ. in the car I learn how to blow a bubble gum. It was fun. At around 2:30 we ate lunch in a Chinese restaurant. After that we went to HQ to start packing my things for the next 3 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~

Maggie tin
We went back to HQ today and we move in to hotel tonight, for 3 night.


  1. 不得不說,那個叫什麼兵的"同志"真是超無聊..

  2. Dear JENN,
    Totally agree with you about the seatbelt, clean up, and the time rules. Individual freedom sometimes hase to be sacrificed for safty reason or group benefits.When you have to persist in the rules, you have to,no matter how many complaints will be around you.JENN,JENN,JENN!

    Dear J.J.,
    The recount is fine, but can we read some reflection of the day from your point of view?

    To both of my beloved ones,
    This time differs from your previous experience, so try to be patient and enjoy the different experience.

    P.S. according to our neighnours, the bee hive was formed in 2 weeks and when it was noticed, it is already the size like this.
