Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Bravo Group - Day 3

Aug 14, 2013 – Day 03
It rained most of last night. We woke up this morning to the chilly air. Our first lecture of the day was being told that some parts of our tents were made improperly. Our chief instructor had fixed it with the help of some seniors. We then had another mini lecture on proper packing by our leader of the day, Lemuel. We soon had breakfast and our daypacks packed with all necessities needed for today’s hike. While the cleaning team cleaned the dishes and vehicles, the rest of us walked to the entrance of the campground and did a mini PT. We then went to the Visitors’ Centre to learn about Algonquin Park’s history and wildlife, while blogs were uploaded. When that was all done, we left the centre and headed towards Booth’s Rock Trail for hiking. We walked until the mid-point (cliff) and had a mini lunch break of snacks and drinks. We then continued on the trail until we saw the trail splits off. We went towards Barclay’s Estate, which was abandoned since 1953. We couldn’t find the estate, but we searched for its foundations. We made maps of what we saw and found, and then we walked back towards the end of the trail. After the refreshing hike, we went back to the campgrounds, showered, had dinner, wrote our blogs, and went to sleep. Tomorrow we will have a longer hiking trail to walk through. It is going to be fun and challenging!

Hiking day. Full of insects and it is freezing. Mom, I cannot centect you on facebook these day coz it doesn’t work as what you thought.

Today’s hiking was so challenging. It last long for 3 hours, although I felt tired during the hiking, the view and the rd were so great!!! I took lots of photo.
I know TMR will have a more challegtable hiking, I hope I can handle it well.

Jenn Wang
And now for today’s scathing review. I feel like all of my posts are pretty negative, but that is honestly how I feel in self-reflection.
Before our hike up Booth’s Tock Trail, Billy pulled all of the “section seniors” aside. He began the meeting by thanking me for noticing something he’d missed and pointed it out. I just smiled and nodded—it must have been because I’d had the foresight to acquire a map of the area and I’d been able to assist in finding the correct road to find the hiking trail. Oh how good I felt to have been even minimally useful. But what Billy had meant was me pointing out that us senior members were always sitting in the co-driver seat. It had started as a request from me to sit in that same spot and a petty response to Billy’s refusal—the pointing out that the other leaderships were always sitting shotgun. That observation had been bagging and nagging at me from the back of my head since Billy pulled me aside when we were at Watson Lake. It felt like such a petty thought at the time, but it built up until Billy repeated his words to me again in the car, and then I couldn’t stand it anymore and I told him exactly what I thought. So when Billy revealed the reason for his thanks, I felt sick to my stomach, my heart, my head. I was not being thanked for my skills and abilities like I thought, but for a self-righteous comment.
We had lunch on a cliff, and it was a very enjoyable meal with a sweet breeze. I stayed clear from the edge the entire time because I’m uncomfortable with heights. I was leading the hike, so after lunch, I led them away from the cliff before returning to the trail. Calvin stopped me and the rest of the group to ask why I didn’t just continue along the edge of the cliff, to which I replied that I didn’t want to. What I meant by that was that I didn’t want to take a risk by walking there, not because I was afraid. He then implied that I was making everyone else walk that way just because I was scared. The fact that this exchange happened in front of the students and it delayed us and that it was being repeated behind my back made me angry.
At one point, we switched directions from the middle section of our line, and I, being at the front, didn’t realize that, and by the time I was called back, everyone else had already rearranged themselves and continued on without me which was great for organization (except for the fact that they got lost), but it was not so great for my confidence levels, especially when I realized that not only was the trail a single path, but a straight line to boot. I realized that I really wasn’t needed.
It might seem like I feel compelled to write something positive to balance out the negative things, but it really isn’t because of that; I feel like it is an interesting thing to note. Ava has woken up extremely early for these past few days. This morning I caught her trying to leave the tent by herself though we should always travel in groups of at least two, so I went with her. She said that she didn’t want to bother any of us, so she didn’t want to wake us so early in the morning. I told her that that was my job so it was okay if she woke me at any hour of the night if she needed anything. When we came back from the comfort station, she asked if she could stay outside the tent. Initially I said no, but since it was already close to everyone else’s wakeup time, I let her, but I stayed awake in the tent the whole time to keep an eye on her. She told me something very interesting—that she always wakes up this early and sits outside. Even in Hong Kong, she would wake up early and stay outside to watch the sky, because every day there is a different sky. Rain or shine, I think I’ll try and live like that. Thank you, Ava, for teaching me something new and thought-provoking.

Edwin Chan
Today is second day of camping in Algonquin Park, and it is also our hiking day. Our hike today is about 5.1 km and it should take about 3 hours to finish. It was a easy hike beside there being high ground and a lot of roads. Besides all that there wasn’t much things to do while hiking. Once we got back to the camp we had them act out some student, and to have them all. We had curry Mash Potatoes and Chicken legs for dinner and it was good. I guess that’s all now. have fun.

Today we went out on a hike about 1-2 hours 5.1 km in the middle of the hike I triped and fell in a Rock which VIOLENTLY Scarred my knee which made it bleed I walked for another hour and a half then when I found out my knee was bleeding and I ate very spicy mashed potato like curry but chicken was amazing.

Ryan H
Today is the third day of Bravo program. It was a very adventurous day with a full day of hike. it was quite adventurous day with a very great view. The people in our group are very friendly and I like conversing with them. Yelling and hate also severely decreased making me really happy. Billy also taught us many things about taking a step back and leading by example.

Today is day 3, we ate chiken soup pasta for breakfast. I slept bad, I woke up in 3:46 a.m. in the morning. We went to the Booth’s rock trail to go hiking. The trail was a bit different, it has a downhill that was full of stairs, it was stones, sticks, wines all over the ground. Moon sometimes get some sticks to draw a map on the grassy ground. Our group likes to talk together and work together. We needed to draw a map after we found a tennis court in the deep forest. We found it at the last two minutes. We walked through a mud pool to go to the parking lot, my shoeswas full of mud and it’s sticky. We made it at last. I felt tired, so I slept on the car. It was a good training today. I will not give up!!!

Good News! Rain didn’t get into my tent last night. Meaning that the tent shelters can be used to sleep in. We moved out of the campsite at around 10 and went to visit the visitor centre. There, we looked at some exhibits showing the wildlife and the history of Algonquin Park. We then moved to Booth’s Rock to hike. The hike took around 3 hours before returning to camp. Tomorrow should be longer since today was pretty much practice.

Edwin Cheung
Today is day 3 in Keamery Lake Campground. We have a nice Short hike in Bose rock trail. We also have a visit in Vister Central in Aqugunl park. We have a abot 3 and half hour hike, Also, Billy told us as a leader we should have wider vision. Take picture in Full, No half. We also so learn to learn to Observer surrounding, spent message correctly. That is right and trust. We also have to draw a map.

Today was one of the weirdest day ever. First, we started off at Booth’s Rock, where we hiked about 5.1 km. (At least that’s what the info said,) The weather cool wind, but it was pretty warm. Anyway, after hiking, halfway through the trail, we stopped and ate some “lunch.” (Lunch as in: pudding, granola bar and some crackers.) Then, we started walking all the way until a sign. Since the Barclay Estate was on the left side, everybody turned to the left. Then we got partially lost. So Nicola and I (mainly Nicola) decided to ask some nice elderly. They said “if you walk 50m that way, and turn left, you will see a beach and parts of the house.” So that’s what we did. So we hiked and hiked (somewhere in the middle of that we drew maps) till the end of the trail, and we drove back.

Today we hiked for around 3 hours! It was so…tiring, but it was fun at the same time because we get to explore the mother nature. Today’s hike was at Algonquin Park. Before the hike, we entered the visiting center for information about Algonquin Park. The painting they hung in the center was soooo beautiful but very expensive. Unfortunately, on the way back something bad happen to me. A wasp was in my sweater….somehow…. and it stung me twice on the shoulder. It was painful but I’m fine. Because Billy fixed it up with his medicine kits.  I’m very thankful. Also! I’m so very thankful I’m so very thankful I’m not allergic to the sting! Haha! Billy checked for allergy reactions. My friends were all prepared to stab me with my epi-pen if I had  reaction. LUCKILY haha, LUCKILY! No reaction. Mom, dad don’t worry about my sting, I’m fine and safe, In casre you see the picture taken of me and my sting, I’m really fine! Don’t worry about me ok! Mom, dad, doris, and Yaura, eat full and dressed warm! Tomorrow is my turn to lead. Lots of plan tonight ;)

Calvin Su
Todays hike didn’t end bad, many of them did relatively well, but this hiking trail was relatively short. If we do get to hike Conntenial Ridge tomorrow then they have a challenge. The ridge is at least 10 km and includes many up and down hills. Hopefully tomorrows hike will go as well as todays. I wish that the new guys will drink more water as most of them seem to be dehydrated. I am starting to like this group better each day.

Rex Lee
Today is the second day in Algonquin Park. Add usual I woke up early to preaper my self for the adventure  that waits me. The first thing we did was hiking, through this hike Billy taught me map reading and how to estimate how long you walk. At the hike I saw many beautiful site.
Today I had a fun day and I look forward on tomorrows new adventure.

Today is day 3 of the Me3 foundations Bravo group. This was also our first full day at the Algonquin provincial park. We started off the day at around 0700 when majority of the students woke up. By 0800, we were all ready to move out, but we had to first eat breakfast. By 0845 we began our warm up of the day, which consisted of a walk to the campground gate, along with some mild Pt/ Icebreaking games. At around 0925, Billy and the other drivers picked us up and drove us to the main visitors center where we looked through the various exhibits, untill 1045, where we left to have our hike on the Booth’s Rock trail. We started the trail at about 1110 and finished the 5.2 km walk at about 1450. When we got back to our base camp at 1515, we began cooking and we started  more icbreaking games as  a way to show the new students that it is important to both identify others and to be identified. Following the games, we had filling dinner of thick mashed potatoes and curry chicken. Tomorrow we will be going on a longer hike (about twice the length) along the Contennial trail. This will be fun.  

Alvin Au
今天我們有了一個很好的早餐,然後我們學了一些關於行山的知識和到了information center,然後便開始到行山,當被經辛苦終於完成,然後我們有了一個非常好的晚餐。

Ryan Liang
今天是在Monticle渡過的第三天。今早我們先去參觀了visitor centre。在那裏有一個看台,我們能在看台上看到Algonquin Park的美麗風景。然後我們在visitor center裏大概參觀了一下,了解到了加拿大了文化與歷史,還看到了很多動物的模型,參觀完之後我們就開始在Booth Rock登山了。在走完了三個小時的山路和看到了許多美麗的風景後,我們終於完成了今天的任務,下山了。

Maggie T.
Today is the second day of camping and we went to rock lake. I liked for 3 hours. The time of today past so fast,轉眼後又是dinner time. Tomorrow we will hike again, good luck for me.

我不得不說,露宿野外既是令人興奮、激動,也是充滿着危機、艱險。Billy 說有一位女孩差點凍死。在中國的夏天是不會發生這種事的,這裏的天氣變化無常,說下雨就會下雨,說停也就停了,完全不同於中國的是,中國萬里無雲,這裏萬里無天,朵朵雲中豐沛的雨水隨時可以降下來。夜裏我曾被凍醒一次,深切地感受到了Billy說的5度,真是難以置信。這裏的溫度在夏季居然會降到5度!可以想象,晚上會有多艱苦了。
不過重點不是溫度多低,是今天要開始徒步旅行了,3小時,5.1 km,聽起來有點嚇人,途中也有艱險,甚至有人摔傷了腿,不過當你登上山峰,看到那無以倫比的美景,之前一切的苦楚,疲倦,傷痛和勞累,都煙消雲散,不復存在,每一個人,即使是已經看過很多次的,也都被震憾得無以復加。藍藍的水,流在兩岸綠綠的樹之間,無邊無際。就算有界也在遠遠的天邊與白雲連為一體,以上到下,白、綠、藍和綠,這世界便不需要其他了。



在爬山的時候我們遇到了一個小困難,有一個岔路口,我們走錯了方向,所以不得回頭,還好只是一小段路,并沒有浪費太多時間和精力。今天在公園門口時本來想寄封信回去,轉念一想,等我回家了還不知道這封信在哪着呢!不過我很好啦!Don’t worry!

今天天氣不錯,有小小的雨和合時的陽光,心情也不錯,本以為昨夜的失眠會影響今天的表現,幸好我以為的事不總發生! :) 寫太多也沒有意義,打的人可是很累的!

Today it’s finally hiking! Hurray!! Although it’s a 3-hour walk, I still feel so good. We are having a snack lunch after we get to the top of the hill. THE VIEW THERE IS WONDERFUL. When we get back to the campsite, we have a good dinner. (But cooking that is such a hard job. Luckily we got a man of power :) ) Today  I am having the typing work, so I can write my blog with computer. I am not going to touch this until I get back to Macau as I hate working SO HARD. Just have a good sleep tonight maybe.

第三日入来MONTICLE,开始觉得时间过得好快 . 今日BILLY教左我好多野,虽然吾系完全未听过,但系好似有股力量比好强既信心我,等我可以放心去做我想做既野.今日系我第一次去行山,学到好多野.例如好多时候要留意D细节 留意人地既捻法 好多好多  .我今晚要翻去好好去揣摩下.行山果真无啦啦发现左原来NICOLA都系姓黄,又捻起容小姐了.MAYBE翻去巢下族铺都会揾到佢. 今日又买左三张POSTCARD 仲系好大张果D 因为有好多野想写落去. E+我仲有8POSTCARD 一日一张仲要写比亲爱既’’老豆’’真系都吾够我写TIM = =好彩之后仲会去D好靓既地方,到时先再买啦^^! 十几日冇同饭仔B玩了.SO MISS HIM(YAP 饭仔B系男仔^^)吾知有冇人帮佢冲凉?D毛毛有冇黑到. 听日仲会行另一座山,有左今日既经验 我会知道边D野系吾需要带 .BY THE WAY 来呢个CAMP 睡袋系超重要 冇睡袋系超冻既,5!!! 今日14 系嬷嬷翻澳门既日子,依然好担心佢,有劳容小姐帮手问候下佢,同埋,嬷嬷比我对袜超舒服,一定要赞.. BILLY应承左我听日比我帮手煮野食,好好彩有个甘好既导师,系度真系学到野. 来紧11日我回KEEP住呢种心态, 因为可以真心为人付出系一件好幸福既事.  
虽然我会争取做更多野,但系我都会注意自己既安全,所以吾需要担心<3 .="" span="">


  1. Tom, 你彎腰動作似乎做得最到位,手指可以掟地哦

  2. hi All guys!!
    Good to see all of ur blogs here.
    It's seem a great trip in Canada!!
    hope u guys hang on it and go for it!!
    ***Billy plz help me to read it out loud what i type below***
    Especially Rex and Alex,haha don't ask for a bed anymore,Be a good leader u should have good adaptability.
    Now for all my Friends, plz help me to take care of these two guys. Drill them hard if you want!!LOL

    PS:Remember the 101, "be a good leader, you should be a good follower"
    Remember what Billy always told "There have no bad crews, only have bad leaders."
    Guys!!!Muscle will be back!!And miss all of you!

