Thursday, August 15, 2013

Bravo Group - Day 4

Aug 15, 2013 – Day 04
Today is a day of hiking, again. Our goal this time? Centennial Ridges Trail, which is around 10.4km long. It is the longest and hardest trail in Algonquin Park. This morning started out the same as yesterday morning. We had breakfast, and while the cleaning crew was cleaning the dishes, the rest of us went to the entrance of the campgrounds and had a mini PT. We had a mini lecture by our leader of the day, Nicola, on hiking safety and proper hydration. While we were hiking, Billy went to the visitors’ centre to upload blogs and do other administrative work. He was to meet us from the end of the trail when he was finished. Some of us had found the trail difficult while some of us did not. As we hiked, the view before us was spectacular; it became more amazing as the elevation became higher. We stopped from time to time for breaks; we had lunch near the mid-way point. As we near the end of the trail, we met up with Billy. Apparently as he was coming up the trail from the end, he met with a man having a heart attack. As a good Samaritan, Billy brought the man out of the trail, called the ambulance, and waited for the emergency services to arrive. What a day! Tomorrow we will be travelling back to Monticle.

Edwin Cheung
Today, we woke up at 8:30 am had breakfast. Till about 9:00. We ate Oatmeal, We have a 10k m hike in Contennial Rigde trail. Is a hike that involved a lot different ereraint. Everything work out finds. We have a lot good searare. We have a good hike. This is a good Camp. We also have a lot of sneak. This few day I did have much mosiquto. I feel So luck.

Ryan Hoang
Today we did an even harder hike then yesterday. It was a 10.4 km hike and personally I thought that it was not really that hard. Mainly because compared to Mount Edith it was a very simple hike and since my asthma didn’t really affect me it was actually quite enjoyable. The veiw was amazing. I am excited about tomorrow.

Nicola Huang
Today was my turn to become the leader of the camp. This was a very good opportunity. It was fun to experience organizing the day plans and etc. I learned a lot from this. In my opinion, I
 think I could’ve done better as a leader. KI tried my best to think in their perspective. Thank you to the other Monticle leaders guiding me. Today was a 10.4 km hike. Through hills and mountains and forests, it was such a wonderful experience. The views there were so beautiful! I really wish I can share this view with my family. But looking at the amazing photos Peggy took is almost the same! :) I’m so proud of this group! They walked 10.4 km! Together as a group we succeeded! I appreciate how there wasn’t really any complains about the long hike. Today, Billy saved a guy in the centennial Ridges trail who was having a heart attack. He nearly came to an end, but thanks to Billy he’s safe. It MUST be that guy’s lucky fate to have Billy save him. And it must be Billy’s fate to have encounter him. This guy must’ve appreciate Billy’s help a looot! Because it’s really little chance to encounter someone who’s a MED when you’re in trouble. Billy has such a kind heart to save people. His next live must be full of goods! He tried carrying me down a steep hill the way he carried that guy as a demonstration. I was in a very comfortable position, but Billy. It must have been hard for him. I’m really happy that Billy saved him. Only 5 mosquito bites so far. Haha, so far so good! Miss you guys (fam)! Mom, Dad, Yaura, Dorris, eat full and dress warm! Can tonights the last night in this campsite. Tomorrow we will be heading back to HQ. this was an incredible experience. Thank you Monticle.

                Doesn`t really feel like it`s day 4. Today we`re hiking again but it`s about twice as long as yesterdays. Booth`s Rock was about 5.1 km while  today at Centinal  Ridges it was 10.4 km. other then hiking we didn’t do much. However I have noticed that there have been slight changes in the students. Most have been positive but very few still maintain negative. Hopefully, we can improve more throughout the program.

                Todays hike was awesome, it was way hard than I had expected. The only bad thing was that some people ran out of water. Fortunately I bought extra water just in case at this, we are heading home tomorrow and it’s the window on this trip. Timings as in the ones made by the leaders, not the timings made by Billy. The reason is because we are relaxed with these guys. Things are just planned but only a general time is given. I hope from this experience my plan tomorrow will go as planned. The only trouble is finding what kind of lecture I shall give tomorrow.

                Today we got a longer hike. its just wonderful. If I am going there again, I wont step on the path again. 10 km is just a bit too long for me. The view there is so good that I wont want to leave there so fast. Next day we are leaving the Algonquin Park. Finishing up the tent and pack up my loads. Now I am looking forward to the time when we go to downtown. Although I amn still owing Ryan a bowl of ramen. It`s still good.

Maggie Pan
Today was one of the most tiring days ever. (Other than my school’s track & field day.) Why? You ask? Because today was the day that we hiked Centennial Ridge, the trail that was about 10 Km, which was double of yesterdays trail. (Booth’s Rock.) Even though we stopped a couple of times, we still managed to get to Billy an hour early. Then we all walked out and we stretched for a little bit then drank some Canada Dry. Today was tiring, but in return, we got beautiful scenery and a awesome experience. And, today was a awesome day because while we were hiking & hiking, Billy was so brave & kind to help a elderly man, and Billy (partially) helped save his life.

Edwin Chan
Today was our second hiking day and our distance was 10.4km which isn’t bad. Our hike area was called Centennial Ridge, it should have taken us about 6hours according to the paper and 4hours according to Billy but we finished it in 3 ½hours. I’m not sure if it was because I was leading or that everyone got used to it but then it’s probably of the short breaks we gave them. The scenery was nice when we reached to the peak of the trail. I am not sure what went through my head while leading the group. In the end this hike wasn’t as tough as I thought it would have been. I guess that’s all well have fun now.

                Remember the self-exile I was talking about? Apparently ostracism was on the menu today. I’ve already laid out my thinking process to Peggy, so I don’t want to have to explain it again. All in all though, I feel like I reacted maturely and tight-lipped although I was personally very hurt by Billy’s words. In that vein, I certainly do hope that his original intent did, in fact, work out, because I do understand what he meant to do, but it wasn’t as if It didn’t hurt in the process.
                Now, the ostracism comes into play on part of some of the more senior members. If this is a place where I can make mistakes, then why is my mistake rubbed in with a smirk and turn of nose? When that cover was misplaced I wracked my brain for where that thing was last seen. Never did I once bring it up again and tell the world what other items you’d misplaced. Thanks for the reciprocation and consideration.
                I’ve been sitting behind the Sprinter to write this blog in an attempt to find some quiet. Lem just walked by and insisted that I looked lonely. I insisted that I was not, and that if I was, I would go seek out company. I lied, I think. I wouldn’t really know where to go for company since I’d gravitate towards the guys for interesting conversation (and people who will actually translate for me), but everything seems to be geared to make me a bigger-sister-figure again. So I’m back to floating.

Ava Ho
Hiking Day, COOL but… Really Tired. I really need a break!

Today’s hiking made me felt so tired. That’s all!!!

Today is day 4 of the ME3 foundations Bravo group. Once again, we started off the day at 0700 and we were finally on the move to the Centennial Ridge Trail at 0942 after our breakfast of oatmeal and our second session of PT/Icebreakers at the campground gates. At 0953, we finally arrived at the trail. The Centennial Ridge Trail is approximately 10.4km long which is a decent length hike. This hike started at about 1003 and ended at around 1540. Right now, as I write this blog, we were waiting for our dinner as it is being cooked as of now. Tomorrow we will be leaving Algonquin provincial park and going back to HQ, I wonder what’s in store for us tomorrow.

Kelvin Pan
Today was very exciting we went to hike at the conntenial ridge it was 10.4km. :) very difficult for me because I brough my big pack when I was supposed to bring a small day pack.

Rex Lee
Today Billy and the other leaders and the instructor took us to Algonquin Park’s Centennial Ridge Trail, the trail is 10km long and the time estimated was we need 6hours to finish it. The hike was quite challenging for some students but I think this trail is suitable for me. I think it is fun. I saw many beautiful sites.
                I look forward to tomorrows adventure

        哇!今天可真是疯狂的一天!我们从1000开始hiking,一直到500左右才结束,中间休息了一小时左右,所以我们整整走了六个小时!在路口有一个Map, Billy告诉我们从这里开始再环行后回到这里需要走10.4 公里。我从前也和朋友们走过很远的路,并且号称“十里桃花渡”。但这只是“号称”,并没有这么远,走完了这条路,我才知道10.4公里的实际长度。

Alvin Au

                Today is Day 4, we ate porridge for breakfast. I slept good for nine hours. I woke up at 7:09am we play some little games for warm up to help the skills. We went to the centennial ridge to go hiking. We walked for 5 and a half hours. It was difficult, that a can walk till death, but a didn’t give up and I said to myself “I can do it! This is a good challenge to help myself! I am a powerful man!!” I felt a source of energy running over my body, I felt brave and energetic. I run back on the front, join into the group to be the leader of the team! I hold up my power until the end, I did it! When we were hiking, we are walking up and down hill for lots of time. The hills are very deep for 300 meters! We walk strongly to walk up to the hill and use lots of energy. I am glad that our team did it! We drank soda to fill up our energy. We felt tired and wanted to take a good rest. We got on the car and went back to our campside to eat dinner. We ate curry chicken spaghetti for dinner. The curry was spicy, I didn’t like it so much but it was still a yummy dinner. Today is a very good challenge for us to train, I love this challenge, I hope that it have more training like this today. More better training makes me stronger! Tomorrow is the last day at the algonqoin park. I love living in the tent. I love the time in the tent. I love the training. I am ready for the next challenge!!!

好快就到左第四日,當你見到篇Blog果陣已經係16號晚了。真係好sorry呢個時候我無係澳門同你地一齊,好快就會翻去了。呢個canada trip差唔多過左一半,一切都習慣了吧!今日去行山又行左10 km,上上落落,諗落好似好辛苦咁,但行果陣又好似無乜。朝早好早起左身幫Billy手煮野,佢好認真咁教我野,我都用心學。佢話上一個classTiffany都好認真學野,容小姐有無溫英文?溫成點?
澳門有無打10號波?一切好嗎?翻澳門有冇乜阻滯?有勞容小姐幫我門完之後,遲D答我啊<:3 p="">



Ryan L
今天是在Monticle的第四天。我们今天还是进行了登山,但是这次难度大多了。这次我们是在Algonquin Park里难度最高的山道登山,全长10.4公里,至少要六个小时。不过这里难度虽然,但风景也是最好的。果然刚开始走没过多久,就看到了一个美丽的湖泊。后面当我们到了最高的check point 6时,更是看到了中国难友的蓝天白云。登山时每当我们到达一个check point时都会感受到大自然的强风,瞬时又精神很多。接近六个小时之后,我们终于结束下山了,明天估计会离开这里了。


早上起来,或许是因为婴儿在我深度睡眠时吵醒了我,导致我7点半才起来,睡的还有些意犹未尽,不过也必须起来了。今天的挑战更大:十公里,六小时,是昨天的两倍。Billy说我们今天去的Centennial Ridges Trail是整个公园里最艰难的旅行,不过,也能看到最美丽的景色。风雨之后,总是彩虹。而十公里的压力也被那美景的诱惑减轻了许多。
到了入口,Billy告诉我们我们已经有经验了,又说了些注意事项,我们就出发了。确实,这次旅行的路几乎没有在Tooth’s Rock Trail为旅人铺设的木板路和木楼梯,只有无尽的岩石和树根,这路上的岩石突兀嶙峋,路旁的大树张牙舞爪,好像专门要考验人的意志而故意站在那里。

Maggie Tin
Today is the third day of camping, and tomorrow will be the last day. We went to hiking, it is 10 point something km long, the road of the mountain 好难行, we all got tired after it.
And seem like it got more 严重了.



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