Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 6 - On the Road

The weather proved unsuitable for us to stay another night in the cottage in Saint Simeon so we started onwards to our next destination, Labrador. We drove for 450 km today but still didn’t manage to get to Labrador City.

Right now we are located in Manicouagan, Quebec near Manic-5, the largest dam in the Canada! It’s HUGE! :)

We’re settled now in a motel and we are ready for tomorrow! Be sure to come back to see what exciting thing we do next!


  1. Hi, I followed the trip with you every nite, Can't skip the tour so we should be on Day 7 tomorrow.

    Have fun

  2. Hi Teresa,

    I fixed up the date issue, looks like Anthony and the kids are having a great time! Looking forward to seeing what they do next...

    - Steve (Monticle Fitness Instructor)
