Saturday, August 4, 2012

Bravo group Day 15 (+ Day 14 student blogs)

August 4, 2012

Today was the long-awaited Monticle Challenge! We had to wake up earlier than usual in order to get last minute preparations and cleaning done. We ate a quick cereal breakfast and tidied up HQ before the arrival of Crystal and Kendra, whom some of you may remember from our Alpha program. We loaded all of the needed materials onto the Sprinters, including two plastic kayaks. It took a lot of strategic manoeuvring to get the two kayaks and nine people into one car, even if it is as big as a Mercedes Sprinter.

We set off for Cherry Beach and set up our equipment. As the participants began to arrive, we introduced ourselves, then started with some stretches, then played the same football/sumo wrestling pushing game that we had played with the Bravo group at Darlington Provincial Park. We had an icebreaker game in which the name of a character was attached to our backs and we had to figure out who it was only by asking yes or no questions. After we became more acquainted with one another, we were separated into two teams, competing in a game of trivia—the twist was that the team that provided the right answer would be able to make a move on a checkerboard.

After a victory by one of the teams, we had a lunch of various cold cut sandwiches, strawberries, apples, and iced tea. We took the opportunity to replenish our energy, then we were put into 5 teams. These would be our teams for the day. The scenario was this: we are all shipwrecked on an island, and we need to survive until we can be rescued. We started off with a memory game—cards with pictures of survival items were placed in the middle of the clearing, and all five teams were given time to memorize them. The items that we could recall were the items that we were allowed the use of in the later activities.

There were three different stations, the first of which was collecting water. Each team was given an empty bucket at the shoreline and told to fill it up with water. If we were able to recall the bilge pump before, and therefore had the bilge pump card, we would be allowed use of the bilge pump when attempting to fill the bucket with lake water. The second task was finding Wilson. For those who have not watched “Cast Away,” Wilson refers to a brand of volleyball. Our team members, minus one who would guide the others, were blindfolded and required to walk through a maze of rope without touching the ropes, and picking up the volleyball at the other end. It was much more challenging than we thought.

The third activity was to build a makeshift shelter big enough for an apple. We were allowed to use materials around us at the beach and a piece of newspaper, as well as things that we had cards for, such as string, tape, and an extra piece of newspaper. Some teams came up with ingenious shelters, including a few teams who simply dug a hole and covered it with newspaper weighted down with sand and stones. We had another challenge of writing a SOS signal in the sand (except, for us, it was “YAY,” becuse we didn’t want to cause a false alarm), 5 feet wide and 10 feet long for each letter; the order in which we finished determined the order we would compete in for the final activity. For the final activity, we had a time trial race between the 5 teams on two kayaks. In the end, Alpha team came out on top with the most points overall.

At the conclusion of the Monticle Challenge, us of the Bravo program said goodbye to the other participants, and then went to eat dinner. We are doing a cleanup of the equipment used today, and making final checks on our bags. We will need to be getting to sleep earlier today, as tomorrow will really test our strength. So we’re going to rest up. Wish us luck, and we’ll keep you posted!

P.S. Yesterday's blogs are also in this post, so read up!


Today is the monical challenge. Today we woke up at 5:15 we brushed our teeth then we went back to the hq and ate breakfast after eating we went to cherry beach to do our monical challenges, the first activity was to look and memorize. Then we did a build – a – shelter game then we did a vine game then we did a get-water game then, we had a break. After that we’ll went canoing. After canoing we pack up and wanted to go back to the hq, but a parent lost his keys. We found it and we went to dinner.

Jason Wong

Whn I came back to HQ this morning everyone was packing for the Monticle challenge. My dad was voluntering so he drove some students. When we went to cherry beach we set up and wait for people (students) to start coming for the challenge only. We did a trivia with checkers like last year. This year we didn’t do as much PT we only did stretches. We did a small amount of time doing a shoulder strength test that we did at Darlington provincial park. For lunch we had sandwhich with roast beef, cuccumber, and cheese. After lunch we were separated in 5 teams and did different activities like making a shelter that can fit a apple inside. My team came first in kayaking to Billy which surprised me. After we packed up and leave cherry beach we went to a restaurant at first markham place for dinner.


Monticle Challenge today~ it was quite fun. not really what I thought it would be, but fun nevertheless. We had an icebreaker game where we guess what characters we’re supposed to by. We did push-ups and sit-ups. We played checkers through trivia questions. I got mistaken for a 15-year-old by a 15-year-old. We split into tema and played “stranded – on – a – deserted – island Cast – away” style. Of which we were tested for our memorization skills. We then gathered water with either a pump or a cup, both or neither, whatever card we have. We built shelters for an appl to be tested against the powers of phil, the instructor`s wind. We’re blindfolded and walked across a small path (avoiding sopes in the meantime) listening to the directions of a teammate (the group I was in failed miserably in this area). We also finally had a kayaking competition. Only after my turn did I ask myself why did I went so slow…? Oh well, what`s done is done. Its thunderstorming tomorrow. We are going to be wet for our hike. My backpacks`s going to wet. Terrible, terrible… sigh~ Niagara hike tomorrow!!!

Edwin Lo

Today is the Monticel challenge day. First, we play Monticel checkers. Yeah! My team is win Yeah! J After the lunch, I go to a team and I play the game like remember card, building home, filling up the water and walk in the dark. It funny. Bye, I need to go to sleep for tomorro walk to Niagara falls.


Today was the Monticle challenge. It was a good challenge this year. I liked how it emphasized on teamwork rather than invididual talent. Overall I think it all went over pretty well. Some said that this years challenge was not very physically tough, which some found to be boring. I also think that this is true as it wasn’t as exciting as last year. Though I would argue that if we did the same thing year after year it would become stagnant, never changing. I hope next years challenge would be as successful as next year.

Jason Wang

Today was the day of the Monticle Challenge and the day before the Niagara walk. Well today morning at 5:30 pm or so. The leadershop woke up to prepare for the challenge (the leadershop staying in HQ) which then we found out was actually quite a bit early. After the preparation for the challenge the students woke up, packed up then we began cleaning the HQ. after the cleaning and the eating afterwards we loaded the gear into the sprinter and headed off to Cherry Beach  for the challenge. During the challenge the biggest thing I learned was that teams are not always equal but usually you can amek use of your team to achieve something you wouldn’t expect you could. Right now I’m bored and I have nothing to continue to write about so I’m going to finish this and go take a shower along with preparing for the walk.


Today was the Monticle Challenge. I had lots of fun. there were activities both on land and water. We pretended to be stranded on a remote island after a shipwreck and played “survival” games. On water, each person got a chance to go on the pelicans (kayak). After seeing some people fall off, I was nervous about going. But after, I felt that it was almost like kayaking in a k1. After the Monticle challenge, my sister and I joined the Bravo group for dinner. Tomorrow the bravo group is starting their long walk to Niagara Falls, I wish them luck!


Today was a fun day, we started out seting breakfast real quick and then packing for the Monticle Challenge. We started to head out right after the packing. When we arrived we met new faces and old friends. We started the challenge with a good P.T. itself. We then went to do 3 different stations and played different games, all involving teamwork. We came in last. But overall I felt like we had more fun then competition.


Today is one of the last days for bravo team. This day we did the Monticle challenge beach edition. I met someone that I know someone there that was outside Monticle so it was pretty interesting. We started with the same way we started last challenge with a character game. We then got split up into our groups. After that we did some games. We first did a memorizing game. Then my group went and we had to fill a bucket with anything we memorized. It was pretty fun but I had to use my water bottle to collect water. Then we did a blind game one person had to lead the ppl to a volleyball, I personally lead my team. We then built a shelter for an apply after that we did a kayak race. To decide the order we wrote YAY on the floor. During clean up time something bad occurred that I will not say as that get him in trouble.


Today was a special day for me. I actually wasn’t in the 19 days program but only here for the Monticle Challenge. My parents couldn’t drive me to cherry beach so Monticle drove me there. Since I was here in the previous Alpha Group, I was use to the routines, though. When I arrived at HQ, I helped to load some stuff for the activities. Then, we headed downtown to Cherry Beach. There, we meet up with some others and started doing the activities. The day seemed so short cause I was having so much fun. the first thing we did was some good stretching. After, the stretching we did a pushing game. W then split into 2 teams and played trivia. So each team has to answer 1 question and if they get it right, then they can move 1 checker. So its like a checkers game but with this whole trivia thing. We had lunch after that was sandwiches. Then, they divided us into 5 teams and rotated us at 3 stations. All about survival!! After, we had a kayak competation and they announced the winning team. It was my team!! I had so much fun, today! I also hope they have a great Niagara Falls walk tomorrow!


Today I felt very tired, I did a lot of things and PT and played a lot of games. Tomorrow I will walk to Niagara for three days. I feel very excited. Some people in my team can was to U.S. but I can’t because I haven’t the U.S. visa. I hope I can walk to U.S. next time, it will be a very excited.

Edwin Chan

Today is the Monticle challenge day. It was a tiring day and it’s also a fun day. The Monticle challenge started at 8:30 and ended around 3 pm. I learned that to be a good leader you need to gather the trust of your team. Also we ned to co-operate with each other. We started the day with some morning pt than we started the Monticle Challenge. The first game was an icebreaker so we get to know some new comers. We were all given a character and we must also ask people some question to figure out who we were. The second game we were put into 2 groups and we played a trivia game. We must answer the question right in order to make a move on the checkers board. The third game we played was a survival game and we were split into 5 different groups. That is our last game and the final winner was team Alpha with 200 something points. Once we returning to HQ we washed all the equipments.



Ryan Sun

今天是Monticle Challenge,我们五点半就起来了,很困。目的地是一个沙滩,来了很多新朋友,他们都很好玩,上午PT之后便玩了一个问答走棋的游戏,虽然我们队输了,但大家都尽了全力,我做了不知道多少个俯卧撑。下午还有很多活动,我甚至用了我的衣服去运水,这是我们组最成功的一个活动。


Today we finished the ‘’Monticle challenge’’ on the beach, we enjoyed ourselves very much. The most important things is: we got the first place in the in the competition. Now we start packing my bag for tomorrow’s Niagara walk. Hope everything will be fine. I need some sleep now, good night.

August 3, 2012


Day 14—Today was preparation for the Niagara hike. Before I was not sure if I should use my hiking pack, but after hearing what Billy said and watching other people I think it is for the best. I bought a shirt today. It was on sae. In many ways it was interesting watching how everyone react to the upcoming hike. Some become really anxious and want everything to be perfect; to have everything ready. (Having as much as possible in a sense). Whereas there are others who are kept things as simple as possible having the most basic necessities.  (Words can’t really describe what I want to say...) Monticle challenge tomorrow~


Today we are packing for our trip to niagra falls. first we packed our cloth in a plastic bag then we went to the la barren I bought a pair of walking stick. then we went to sports check. after we went to walmart to buy food. we (my team Edwin Lo and Henry.) used about $30 out of $100.

Jason Wong

We wake woke up at 7:30 a.m. We packed our sleeping bag and cleaned up HQ. Billy forgot by accident to defrost our breakfast so we had oreo cookies and crackers for breakfast. After we had a class for what to pack for the Niagra falls walks, such as socks, water bottles, etc. We went to First Markham place for lunch then we went to Le Baron to get Hiking sticks. After going Le Baron e went to Sportscheck For some people to get shoes and then we went to Walmart for Food (Niagra falls). wer went to Costco to get food for tomorrow’s Monticle challange.


Today was a day for preparation. We started a lesson in th morning on how to pack for the niagara hike ad took off to buy supplies we took $100 from Billy for food supplies and we bought many items for feul and alot of painkillers. We took the whole day to prepare for the hike and bought some food for the Monticle Challenge tomorrow. We are now finishing the packing. Hope to see friendly faces tomorrow.


Today, I bought a lot of things. I also bought a pair of shoes. Today I ready to pack up the things, Today lunch was BBQ pork rice. it was very yummy. I also ate BBQ pork rice yesterday. Tomorrow I will have a training, it will be very tired. I will sleep early today. I went to buy my hiking sticks too. I also bought the food for my trip in August 5, 2012.

Edwin Lo

Today we bought many things for tomorrow hiking. First, we went to La Baron to buy the working stick. I bought one pair it cost 50 drallors. Then, we take to the car and went to a shop and I bought I pair of shoes it cost 95 drollars. After we us about fourteen dollars for three days meals.

Edwin Cheung

Today, I woke up at 7:30 am. We have a clean up on HQ. Then we have a meeting about how to pack our stuff forr niagara fall. later this afternoon, we went to Costco and Le Barin to buy stuff we need and food source for next Niagra fall Challenge. It will be 156 km in 3 day. I will make it. J HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM RITA!!!

Edwin Chan

Today is our preparation for 2 up coming events. The first event is for our Niagara Walk which is from Toronto to Niagara Falls then we will cross the boarder over to New York. As for the second event is the Monticle which is taking place tomorrow. We went out to shop for the equipments we need for both the events. I bought a pair of walking stick for the Niagara Walk. We also brought food for the Monticle Challenge. Once we reach back to HQ we all started packing for our Niagara walk.


Today was one of the busiest days of all. From preparing the Monticle challenge and packing for the Niagara trek, we have been stressing ove every little detail. Most of the day was spent packing and listening to Billy’s lectures. I arrived a bit ater today since I went home yesterday. Most of the afternoon was spent buying food and necessities for the trek. That was basically what we have been doing up until now. I hope that the Monticle challenge will be successful the next day. That is all today. Bye Bye

Ryan Hoang

Today is the 14th day with Bravo team. We had to prepare our monticle challenge tomorrow ad also for the niagra walk the day after. After preparing our stuff we went to first markham place to eat. We then went to walmart to get somestuff. Before that however we left Jason and Alan behind. We soon realized however  and he got on. At wal-mart we had to prepare and get our stuff. A person yelled at Alistar and he stood up to him. After e went back to hq. I bought a pair of walking sticks, and I hope they will make me walk faster.

Jason Wang

Today didn’t do much. We woke up at regular time and cleaned up the HQ. After the clean up we had a lecture on what to bring on the Niagara hike. After the lecture my sister and I went with my parents to a restaurant to eat Lunch. Then we went to “Le Baron” to buy hiking equipment. Today was mostly a preparation day to get ready for the Niagara walk and the Monticle challenge tomorrow.


I hear coins in the laundry machine again. This is after I expressly told everyone that anything of the sort that is found in the washing machine or the dryer that came from the pockets of their clothes would be ceded to me. I’ve acquired $2.02 from yesterday’s laundry, and am subconsciously wondering how rich the pickings are tonight.

As I said above, ad so may have already mentioned, today was a day of preparation. I am greatly anticipating the Monticle Challenge tomorrow. It looks like they’ve got all sorts of awesome activities lined up for us! We bought some food that will be served at the challenge, but the bulk of the day was used for preparation for the Niagara Falls walk. We went over the route with Billy and our sets of directions, as well as items that would be required and useful on the way. Each team was granted $100 to use at their disposal, except for the odd four-man team. And so, my Delta team has joined forces and made an alliance with Alastair’s Alpha team, pooling our resources and manpower. We managed to divide the food evenly amongst us to minimize everyone’s burden while maximizing nutrition—true utilitarianism in action, alongside teamwork! I have acquired a new day pack, which I exchanged with my brother’s in order to more efficiently carry the soup cans and Oreo cakesters, as well as a pair of walking sticks (all of which I’m hoping will help with my back pain...).

My brother and I went out to eat with our parents today, who had come bearing the gifts of another pair of shoes, raincoats, and food. I had much fun telling them of our adventures and exploits during the last few weeks at Monticle over buffet plates. Speaking of the food that my parents came with, thank you Shelly! I just received those lobster chips you got from PEI! I haven’t touched them yet, and will either use it as consolation before the Niagara Falls walk, or as a victory prize at the very end, when I reach our destination. There will be no giving up for this gal (2-3 men) here! ;D

Ryan Sun



First, I want to say sorry because I messed up the certain date that we actually we are going to Niagara. Second, I saw Michael’s comment on the website that really gives me a lot of confident. And also uncle’s and aunt’s comments, I already accepted some advices and found the correct way to write a daily blog.
Today we went shopping in the afternoon, I bought two walking sticks for the long walking. Now we must go to the apartment because we are going to get up at 5:30 in the morning and prepare for tomorrow’s ‘’MONTICLE challenge’’. Good night.-




  1. that was a fun day!oh,.... all the funny times and stuff. bravo group good luck and best wishes to u guys on the Niagara Falls walk! and also remember nothing is impossible and impossible means i'm possible! :)

  2. Good luck everyone!! "Add oil"! I expect you all to return on the third day with limpy legs. lol.
    And great job on the Monticle Challenge!

  3. Edwin Cheung
    hi, dear. Thank you for the happy birthday wish. We ate out for dinner. They bought me flowers. I had had a wonderful evening. Mom has been keeping you in mind. Take care.

  4. Cedric,
    Congratulations and well done.....!
    Not sure if you know your Mom & Dad can't access Monticle's Blog. I have been talking to him recently, and he wantes to wish you all the best of LUCK with the long walk, and come back safe ^-^

  5. Edwin Lo,

    We came back yesterday. We had a nice trip! Of course Marcus sometimes got bad temper and ate less food. Therefore you should be a good model for him. Keep working hard! I think you can finish your long walk wonderfully! Try your best!


  6. Hi Auntie Mei,

    This is Patty at Monticle, thank you for updating Cedric's parents on his blog, I can email Cedric's parents the blog in PDF format, so they can review. Please email me at with their email addresses, so I can confirm the ones on file are correct.



  7. Kendra and Crystal, you go back to Monticle again?


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