Sunday, January 26, 2014

Winter Exploration 2014 Day 7

After several brutal hours on the plane, my family and I finally arrived Toronto. It was a relief, because I was finally able to escape the torchured smell from the passenger in front of me, as would I be able to see my beloved Canadian friends. I went through immigration (had a blast with the customs guy asking us questions and freaking my mother out), but ultimately to be able to finally see my friends, return back to the HQ, pet hazel, and see snow for a change, I was very happy. Well in moments notice, my instructor Billy issued a task or somewhat challenge. (well that was unexpected **sarcasim**) I was to help a monticle student with his first aider test. Given my ability to speak chinese, and the amount of time since i've reviewed my First Aid skills, it was no surprise I stammered in confusion for the first few minutes. Afterwards, we went for dinner and waited for Calvin (who was sadly caught up in downtown and unable to join us). I had a blast. What a day!

今天我主要学会了急救术,内容主要有心肺复苏,用电击器电击病人和伤口包扎。总体来说我的学习是过关的,但是我在考核中不够专心,考了两次才过关。也许是 我对着假人模拟时态度不认真。现在回想起来我这样做是不对的。在面对眼前有人休克的紧急情况时我应该专心致志,用自己的知识全力救助他人,每一个步骤都要 做好,挽救他人的生命,这才是学急救的意义。

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