Monday, September 23, 2013

COURAGE - Part 2 by Jennifer, Kendra, & Owen

Why is courage so important to a leader? How important is it exactly. .. To be a leader you have to have many characteristics. Courage is one of them. Courage is one of them because if you don’t have courage to do things, how can you even lead a group to do that thing. Imagine if you didn’t have the courage to hike up a mountain, how would you be able to lead a group up the mountain. You see, courage is having the ability to overcome the fear of challenge or failure, but doesn’t mean you can be fearless for everything it just means you need courage to face your fear.

Courage can be good or bad, I guess. It’s good to have courage so you can face your fear and not be afraid of that thing anymore but it is bad to have over courage. If you have over courage you might want to try to complete the impossible, so it’s always good to have the right amount of courage. Empty bravado is just that: an empty show. An absence of fear makes you do stupid things that are not always necessarily beneficial to yourself or those around you. Fear makes one cautious and alert, so the balance and amount of courage is also important to note. A good leader must believe in themselves. One that does not have control over their own fear will contaminate the minds of their followers and then calm and well-thought-out decisions cannot be made.

Leadership is action, and so, a leader must demonstrate their courage. A leader should lead and stand out in front and be recognized. If your followers are unsettled, a leader must assuage them by staying strong. Even if you are afraid or worried yourself, you must keep a level head so that those around you will find that courage within themselves as well. Emotional control is an important component of being a good leader, and having courage will aid in achieving that. Courage usually comes coupled with honesty, humility, attention to detail, and responsibility along with many other good qualities. If leadership is action, then showing courage raises the morale of those that are following you. That positive energy will allow you and others to achieve more—TEAM=together everyone achieves more. However, this is also a double-edged sword in that that empty bravado trap may come into play once more.

Courage is saying that this is extremely difficult and I acknowledge my fear of not being able to finish this but still recognizing the fact that I’ve been assigned a job that isn’t too far out of my limit and so I must carry on and complete my tasking. Courage is pushing yourself out of your comfort zone little by little, trying new things, stepping across a few boundaries that you’ve set for yourself to explore a little more.

Your followers are watching you for cues, so seeing a strong figure who admits their fear but keeps going is an inspiration to them. Fear is not a weakness, I must stress. Fear is good; it means that you are alive and recognize the potential dangers of the situation. Fear makes one see things differently and not always in a good way, so overcoming your fear is good for you as well as those around you. If you can lift those around you up, then you can also gain their trust. So courage can bring a group together in times of crisis and need as well as in teamwork exercises of less anxiety-inducing situations. Courage is also admitting your limitations and stepping back to let someone else take the helm when you are out of your element. Considering others’ benefit, you must know when there are others more suitable to take charge and not let that fear or overconfidence impede your judgment. Stepping back and allowing someone else to lead is not a sign of weakness; it takes strength to hold someone else up. To be a leader, you have to first be a follower. Being a follower requires just as much courage.

If you had all the courage in the whole team, how would you lead your team and help them overcome their fears? You see, you can’t get courage right away, you have to get enough experience from that fear to overcome that fear. It’s just like anything else, why do the older teach the younger? It’s because they have more experience in life and know more than you. That’s why regularly, it’s the people that are older lead the group like the teacher leads a class. This doesn’t mean that necessarily the older have to be the leader, it’s just that have more experience and is more likely to know more when there is a situation at hand.

People always say, have the courage to do this, have the courage to do that, but how exactly do you get the courage in the first place. You have to be strong, you have to be brave and you have to be daring. Courage does not come easy, it takes hard work to get courage. You just have to be patient and wait till the day you have the courage to face your fear, but not just waiting will help you, you also have to work for it. There are just some things that you have to be scared of, you can’t be completely fearless. If there was no fear in this world, people would be doing things out of hand, not following the rules because no one is afraid of each other. So just imagining the fact that there was no fear in the world can make one be scared, but don’t worry there will always be fear in the world.

Everyone keeps on focusing on if you have courage or not, but it’s totally okay if you don’t have a lot of courage, not everyone can be courageous but just believe in yourself and you can be what you want to be, complete the impossible and the most important, have the courage to face your fear. Sometimes you may feel you don’t have enough courage, but if everyone had the same about of courage, the world would not be balanced. We all have to work together to balance each other out. Be brave and others will stand with you.

Courage is the ability to smile through your own pain at someone else who is in even greater pain. Courage is fighting through your own pain to save someone else from their pain. Courage is taking on someone else’s pain who is unable to carry on. Courage is continuing on despite your pain. Pain may last a moment, or it might even last a month, a year. Courage is pushing past that pain to achieve greater things and to lift others up with you to achieve more than they could have on their own.

Displays of courage often help you to gain the respect and support of your peers and followers. Often, others are also thinking along the same lines as yourself, but are also too afraid to come forward, so by being courageous and taking the initiative to step up and stand out, people will then look to you and offer their support. But a certain amount of courage is needed before that can happen. So be bold and take a risk sometimes!

Courage is standing up for what you believe in. Silence kills. Speaking out against something that you believe is wrong, and voicing out your opinion is another way courage could be demonstrated. Courage need not be a tremendous act of physical strength, but words can be just as powerful when used correctly. Words can be forceful and malleable and ultimately they can influence and facilitate change. Words of courage can inspire and move people into action, and they can also stop horrendous acts as long as someone is willing to stand up and speak out against it.

Letting your feet leave the ground, there is no certainty that you’ll land safely. Hiking up and down steep hills with loose pebbles and hopping from rock to slippery rock required courage on Mount Edith Cavell and at Tombstone Provincial Park. Courage was stretching your hand out to someone that you saw slipping off the edge or into the chilly water even though you were also scared of falling. Pulling them back up gives you a sense of accomplishment and relief—have courage! Be brave in the face of your enemies; your greatest enemy is yourself. Having courage requires you to have conquered yourself and have yourself in check. Only then can you let your feet leave the ground and be assured that you’ll land safely and that you’re able to pull someone else up from their own darkness.

Being a leader is being a dealer of hope. Leadership is saying: “Impossible? No, I am possible. And you. Yes, you. I believe that you are, too.”

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