26 Aug 2011
Anthony Leung
Paintballs hurts! This morning was a clean-up to prepare for Billy and Calvin’s return. Next was lunch and then paintball. Paintballing was fun but I gota a big bruise and some minor bruises. Overall it was an experience to test your communication and teamwork.
Jason Wong
This morning we cleaned up the office for the last time for the summer. Then after lunch we went to Defcon paintball. I got shot in every round except for 2 rounds. I got shot on the face, mask, shoulder, and back. We cleaned the sprinter after we went back to HQ. then we had a ceremony. I got a certificate for Summer Leadership program 2011.
Alastair Yu
Today is the official last day of the ME3 Bravo team. We cleaned up the place one last time, then; we finally went paintballing. I got shot only once, then took out 3 people in the next game. Anyways, little Edwin is going back to HK, and Big Edwin is going to go to the Robert Land military Academy. I hope he makes it, but I know if he can’t do it, it would destroy him. I won’t see Big Edwin for the next 4 years, and possibly never.
Andy Lau
Despite the painfulness of being hit by a paintball, it once again comes to show how communication and teamwork come together to bring success. Having experienced the Me3 program first hand, I regret the fact that I missed numerous events, but next year, I’ll take full part in the course, because… ONLY THAT WILL MAKE A TRUE LEADER.
The Last word:
How do YOU define leadership?
What makes a good and effective Leader?
Who qualify to be leaders?
When do future leaders actually become leaders?
Where can proper leadership training be found?
Why is leadership beneficial?
The above questions can be answered by only remembering one place - - > Monticle!
Edwin Cheung
Today, we did a final clean up at the office. I learn to do some grade 10 math. I don’t us to it. I don’t know the equation, so I don’t get the math, but I still need to learn. I have a bad time. I miss everyone. The holiday is coming to the end. I have to go to Robert Land. I play paintball this afternoon. I learn teamwork and communication. Everyone is going to school and some people are leaving. Thing change quickly. People come and go. This is life. The next few year will be better. Miss you mom and dad. Stay Healthy everyone have a good school year. Good luck. I have to make impossible, possible.
Edwin Lo:)
Yeah! Today was a very fun day. First, I went to Monticle and I cleaned up it. Then I ate the lunch and I ate cup noodles for my lunch. After, we went to play the paint balls but I couldn’t play because I am not yet enough years old. After, I clean up the big car and today is the last day of Monticle program, but I had two more days and I needed to went back to Hong Kong. :) Ha ha!
Farewell Edwin and Jason, hope you guys bring great memories back to your home :D
ReplyDeleteGood Luck for Robert Land, Big Edwin! As Alastair said 'possibly never', it sounds horrific~ But anyway I know you can do it Big Man!
And Thank you for all your valuable support to make Monticle's summer programs so successful and wonderful!!! Especially to Alastair, Andy, Anthony, Calvin and all the Monticle staffs!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Wish you guys and Monticle a good start of September and Mid-Autumn Festival (or Mooncake Festival).