As means of celebrating Michael’s successes we took advantage of Laser Quest’s Tripple Play deal (three games for $20). If I were to describe the detals of each game it would become to technical, to put on a blog pertaining to leadership and adventure!
Anthony Leung
Michael is gone, hopefully one day he will come back. This morning we started off with PT to improve teamwork and leadership. After lunch, we cleaned up the HQ and chilled out before heading for Lost Park where we got to do a bit of sightseeing.
After cleaning we did nealy a full hour of PT. at one point we did the Invisible chair and had to keep doing it because NOT EVERYONE WOULD ENCOURAGE LIKE like leadesr should! (with that two important aspects of leadership are reinforced-communication and teamwork)
Edwin Lo
Today I ate bread for my breakfast. Then, I went to Monticle to clean up. After, I needed to go clean up again because I did not do very well. After finished, I did the pt and I cried. Then, I went to classroom and played the TV game .After, I ate PFK(KFC)for my, this is the second time to eat the PFK(KFC). After finished, I went out form back door to clean up the car.Yeah!
Alastair Yu
Today was a lot more busy than I though it would be, I started off with clean up of the hole HQ, and I helped Billy with shopping right after, We went to buy supplies for Edwin’s up coming military academy, Robert Land From what I read in the package there is no reason. Why someone cannot have an enjoy able time. Any ways, afterword Calvin and I cleaned up the R- class for Billy.
Calvin Su
Today I helped Billy out, I also did P.T Although the P.T was not my forourite I still liked it. I also am studying my cause for vision youth for next 4 days.
This morning we did some clean up in the training area, classroom and Kitchen. Then we did some complet PT. In the afternoon we watched youtube videos we went to downtown because Tammy had to go to YMCA. While Tammy was at ymca we went to Muss park. Where Jerome goes during the school year.
Edwin Cheung
Today is August,22,2011. I did a good clean up on the office. I learn to be take more care myself. I read the form about what will happen in Robert Land. I went to buy the clothing and Equipment for the school. I must all basic education grade pass my education level is below basic level. I feel sad. I have put too put my heart into it when I work. Which I have to do a test about my Math and my English. Which I feel fear and bad feel that I can’t past and I will went back to HK and parent will kill me badly. I have a stuggle to believe in my self in work and education. People said that I am too spoiled and will not survival in this planet. Billy said that I will died in left in real world. Now, I got 1 shot to go in to Robert land. I have to start to be more care of myself than other people and I have to be more. I have to live strong. I know that I didn’t put my heart on must of my work so I fail. I know life suck. I got to change.
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