Today I was alone learning about risk management because the others were doing a 30 km walk from here to downtown Toronto. I learned stuff like stress, leadership and judgment. After lunch I did a test based on what I learned. Me and Jerome picked up little Edwin because he was tired and gave up (30 km walk). We headed back to the Monticle building; we had to learn how to build a tent. After building the tent, we unassembled it then put it away.
Edwin Lo☺
Today I woke up at half past five. Then, I rode on Billy’s car at six forty-five to Monticle. Five min after, I am at Monticle to clean the thing was dirty in it. I need to clean some thing was very dirty ☹, but after I clean it was very clean. Then, I have a break because later I need to go walk 30km (6 h). At ten twenty-five I went out Monticle to walk to downtown. At eleven o’clock I had a early lunch. I ate fried rice congee. Then, I walked again. Almost one hour, I felt little tired, but I think I could walked. After half hour, I walked to oil station, after Alastair bought a drink for me. Almost one hour after, I was very tired, so Alastair call Jerome, so I rode a big car back to Monticle. ☹ After then, I went to training area to build a tent. I use ten to twenty min to build the tent. It was very fun. ☺
Alastair Yu
Today we walked to downtown Toronto, Edwin and I took a wrong turn on Davisville street, so we had to walk an extra 5-10 km. in total, we walked about 35-40 km in total. We had to leave Edwin Lo behind, and Jerome picked him up, because I did not think he could go the whole distance. In the end, Edwin and I managed to find our way to the meeting point, thanks to the GPS on Billy’s IPhone.
We woke up early at half past five, but however we arrived at Billy's apartment lately, so we were punished not to kayak for today. Instead, Billy made a contingency plan of walking from HQ to downtown, which approximately takes 5 hours and 48 minutes for 28.4 km. We started our walk by 10:25, and had our lunch by 11:00 at Congee Queen. After that, as Edwin Lo got scratches on his foot, he dragged us down gradually, so Billy split us into 2 teams - Alastair, Edwin Lo, Edwin Cheung and Billy, Michael. Edwin Lo, however, during the midway, couldn't continue and go on, so Alastair made a wise decision - make a call to Jerome by using Billy's phone, calling Jerome to drive him back, and then they went on. He showed a really good leadership in making decision calmly while encountering obstacles. Furthermore, they made wrong turns at Davisville and Eglinton, so they spent a lot of extra time to navigate. Well, they finally arrived at Downtown Mercedes by 5:20 p.m. It's not bad though as they spent an hour for rest and making wrong turns. For us, we finished by 3:50 p.m. As we kept our momentum up, our legs felt like automatic, and we could just walk further more, from HQ to Niagara Falls. Basically, we pretty much enjoyed the feeling of pain, the wonderful leadership of Alastair, and the momentum we maintained throughout the day. To push ourselves harder, we might probably go for another morning PT at 5:00 early in the morning tomorrow. Tonight, I will probably go revising my kayak intro and kayak safety presentation, so that I will be fit for tomorrow's lecture, but anyway, Billy told me to learn how to 'survive' with no plans, or no safety. Well, it's kinda meaningful, because people receive messages - 7% from language only, and 93% from others like body movement and tone, so I should work hard for that tomorrow, and don't care too much about what should I say, but how I say. Well, good job guys! And, good luck to myself!
Edwin Cheung
Today I woke up we did a clean up in the office. Then we support to go to kayaka to Center island when then have to walk to toronto downtown. We sperate in 2 team Micheal with Billy, Me and Alesster and Edwin lo one team. We start working No so long Edwin said he can do rt but his foot was hurt so Jerome sent him. Me and Alaster keep walking and walking. We then past the M.B Delearship. We then have a meet up on Delar ship. later we went back M.B to meet up, and we were back to the Monticle head quter and do our blog.
Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it will lasts forever.
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