Sometimes a long journey can turn out to be loads fun, as in the case of
trekking out into Mississauga to pick up a kid who was TOO EXHAUSTED to
continue to Niagara Falls. “Phew” he said every so often. I think we
passed by the venue of the last Monticle challenge, but I didn’t ask
Jerome… maybe I’ll ask him next time.
Today I came back from the trek from Niagara. Unfortunately I could not
finish due to a bad knee. I came back when Jerome picked me up and am
instead helping Billy from HQ.
EMERGENCY! We had to pick up. Calvin from the walk to Niagara Falls and
then we cleaned up the HQ a bit then wrote what we learned here in
Monticle. Tom care over for some trivial checkers PT to end the day.
Today me, Anthony, little Edwin and Andy cleaned up a little bit in the
training area before picking up Calvin because he was tired from walking
from HQ to Niagara Falls( left knee hurts). We went to pick up Calvin in
Mississauga. After lunch we cleaned up the office then we had to write our
thoughts about leadership. Then we did a trivia agme which was similar
rules to the woodbine beach Monticle challenge but a checkers game was
included. After a while my team won!
Edwin Lo
Today I woke up at seven forty-five. Then, I ate two egg and drink some
milk at Monticle. At nine o’clock I rode in springer to LaFlancia to pick
up Calvin. Then, I went back to Monticle. After I ate the lunch. After
one hours, I play a long thin of chess.
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