I had the most amazing day. The reason was that I had my first experience with kayaking with my friends. The day started of with learning the saftly of kayaking which is super important. the saftly of kayaking which is super important. Then I went kayaking with my instructuter . That was also fun because of the amazing views . over all it was totally asewome.
Jason Wong
We had to leave early today because we needed to practice for the kayak trip tomottow to Monday. We went to cherry beach to o the practice and we had 4 new studets who came along to get experience. They had to capsize too. Most of us exept me, Michael, both edwins went to use the k2 to travel to center island. I just used the single kayak around a little bit. After, ve packed up and left.
Well I had an intresting day today, I got thrown off a kayak, swallowed some ake water: and kayaked like CRAZY, But I still had the most amazing time! I would do it again in a heartbeat. Even though I was cold most of the time, It was totally worth it because I got to see Toronto’s skyline in a Kayak! The Monticle instructors are amazing! One of the instructors even gave me a friendship advie! Well, this was the best day, I had TONS of awesome fun!
Today, we went Kayaking again. We’re also going Kayak camping later a few other people. WE just finished the cleanup with all our gear, and I’m tired.
Edwin Cheung
Today, we went to cherry Beach with some New students. We met Joelle Li, Josin, and many other… I am the photografeather for today event. I take a lot of photo and I ate a good tasty hotdog. I play the small plastic kayak for sometime. we then have to pack up and went to the office for a clean up. we have a lot of bad crash. Later we at last we did the blog. I have a good day. Today, I learn time management.
One the seventeenth day of my enhancement training, which’s today, I went to Cherry Beach again for a kayak-course with the 4 newcomers – Joelell, Samantha, Jeremy and Janice. Basically, we made 1 and a half hour of kayak drive each with 2 new comers. This is my first time sitting on the back seat – direction controller. I need to control the rudders, follow the power paddler’s pace, watching any obstacles or boats approaching. Well, it’s not bad at all for my first attempt, but still I’m not as skillful as Billy. Luckily, I got on a technique for paddling today – use your waist (upper body strength) instead of arms and shoulders, it won’t hurt much, but also save more energy! Hopefully, I could apply this well on crossing Lake Ontario.
You generally get things done faster then doing it by solo, but you can pay a lot more attention to details while not hearing other’s voice or advice. That’s what I’ve learnt today from Billy. Guess what, if we can do the setting like tents and kayaks, the time consumption might be high, but the accuracy and perfection can be enhanced much. So, hopefully, we could apply it tomorrow for the camping at Darlington.
Edwin Lo
Today I woke up at five fifteen. Then, I ate tin fish. At six o’clock I went to ride on Billy’s car. After five mins, I am at H.Q. I clean up the thing. After, finish to clean the H.Q., I went to pick up the thing for eight o’clock to go to kayak. When I finished to pickup the thing for kayak, I had somes snack. At eight o’clock I am really to go to Cherry Beach to play the kaiak Big Edwin will picture to us. At half past eight. Then, I wore on the P.F.D, after I finish to wear the P.F.D, I went in to play the kaiak. Then Billy, Michael, Alastair, Joelle, Samantha, Janice, Jeremy, Jerome, they play the kaiak to the centre island. At the lunch, I ate hot dog and French fries for my lunch. After three hours, I went back to the H.Q and wash the boat for thirty mins.
Did you guys miss me? No? Oh well....
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