Edwin Cheung 12 August 2011
Today. I fwll really tired. I sleep for 4 hours. My body is tired. I did a lot push up.. We ate hot dog for lunch, I love it. I love food. Last few dat was amazing. I wanta get stonger. I want to get a strong mind. I am happy, I work gard for Niagra fall. I want to be better man , A good man everyday is better. My future years will be harder. But I will be better.
Alastair Yu 12 August 2011
Today was the first day back from the trek and after only 4 hour of sleep. I was ready to crash . I spent today helping Jennifer and Michelle build a K1 and K2. I have to say it was an interesting experience drifting in and out of wake fullness…]
Jason Wang 12 August 2011
Hello people, It’s Jason Wang again well today we woke up at 7 something AM and cae back to the HQ. when we came back my parents and my sister were already there, When we came in we were sent to wash the Sprinter then the grill (BBQ) because we were going to eat BBQ for lunch, I also went with Billy to buy food. we went to Costco to buy sausages, Steak, Oranges, and juice. Which is also what we get to eat. After lunch we went to pain the Lampo stairs with silver paint. It was so boring and the paint made my
nose runny and makes me want to sleep.
Edwin Lo 12 August 2011
Today I woke up at ten o’clock, because I slept at half past two. Then, I
ate two fired eggs for my breakfast. After, I went to Monticle. I went out
to back door to wash the car. (Michael, Alastair, Jennifer, Michelle are
built the K1 Kaiak).Then, I ate lunch, I ate a hot dog. After, I went to
front door to paint the stairs Michael, Alastair, Jennifer,
Michelle are built the k2 kaiak.
Andy Lau 12 August 2011
On today’s proceedings there are good news and some not-so-good news. The good news : the Niagara Falls trek team was back at home base! Fially: some old friends like Alastair and Michael and Billy – home, safe and sound!
The not so good news: watching the Edwins quarrel and in the end do push ups to infinity (not quite, but close to that), while I comfortably helped Calvin and Jason with the starewell painting! PS there was a BBQ lunch but I’ve got my own food…
PPS I’ll be embarking on an overnight camping trip tomorrow and therefore
won’t be back till Tuesday…
Calvin 12 August 2011
This is my second blog entry today. We rested while Michael, Michelle, and Jennifer made the k2 and k1. we did little things today. Me and Jason painted the stairs and had Hot dogs for lunch today.
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