Today at Monticle I was expecting to see Jason Wong, but unfortunately I did not see him here. I guess he was something important to do, since school is going towards the mid term is it getting harder for all students. Today we went for a short walk just to get our blood pumping, when we came back Billy and I started weight exercise after a week of cardio. I admit that the workout was harder because of the cardio. Michael I forgot to mention yesterday. But how is your knee feeling? You know downtime is just as important as working out. So take it easy for a while, we all have limits including me. I hope you feel better; anyways I had a great day today. I also helped Billy fix one of the treadmills. It seems that the alignment was wrong and the machine has gone out of whack.
Edwin Cheung
Last night, We drove to the place where we buy the professional bing bong table. When we when in there is a lot of old people play bing bong ball. It is really interesting. The old people is training their reflect. We when in to the store and ask them. They said that they have forgot to bring it. We then leave the building and when back home. Afterwards I went back to my apartment and ate my spagatti and desert. After I finish my food and clean Billy plates and I walk back to Billy apartment and ate some sushi. During the time I am eating, I watch leaveManBegin.it is very interesting story about a Chinese kid learn kong fu for sometime. His teacher was kill in a fight. Then have to leave china and reach to Hong Kong. On a way they show that Chinese people is a loster. On the way they meet an old guy from a chinese dental shop. The old guy teacher him and in hand his kong fu scale in different way. after they finish school, he go back to china. Through out the time in china, he find out that his big brother is a japan kid. At last he prof that he is right. At last they have a fight. All of the Japanese were and they save the hole family from the tradition. A last he have a kid call leaveMan and continual the mission. After I finish the movie and when back to my apartment and sleep.
Today I wake up at 7:00am in the morning. The sky was blue and the sun is shining. After we reach to the office. I went for a breakfast I ate cereal for breakfast. I felt full and it was tasty. Afterwards I went to wrote for the blog. Through out the afternoon Billy ask me to search for hotel and place that we can us for our Monticle promotion in Hong Kong through out the next few week. It will located some were near Tsim Sha Tsiu place. Afterwards Billy ask me to search about high quality sun glass and search if Hong Kong have the same adventure program as us. We know that we are special, different and one of the a kind. Most of the program are a group going to a program an experience it. We went for a run around the Monticle head quarter. Afterwards we went to do some weight lift and Calvin help Billy to fix up he treadmill, afterwards they did some for weight lifting. Afterword I worked my blog after. During the time I write the blog. Jason wong came for a workout. Jason was really happy to see us. I expect Jason to came early, I am really luck to saw him show up today. I am happy. I feel a bit burn after I did my workout but I feel good. Today is a really find day.
Hi, Son, happy to read your blog again. Your look serious with your PT and the it seems that your meals are delicious. Please take care.