Edwin Cheung Oct, 18, 2011
Monday night, I finish my P.t for my spelling test. I went to change and I have to wait for Billy because he needs to work. I forgot to bring my dinner apartment. But let me ate his dinner at his home. During that time, Billy ask me some really series question. “If RL ask me you kid in monticle get much bad mark and do really work? What will I answer?” Then I have to eat the whole dinner because I got to ate to bring my dinner. Then I have some let over. Then I but the rice and vegetable in the container. I went back to the Steve apartment and brush, because the time I really late is about eleven o’clock.
Today, I wake up at about 6:30am. I through that Billy will come about 7:00am. Because there is a problem with the flyer for this year. So it take sometime to fix the problem. We then left the apartment at 8:00. During the drove, Billy ask me why you never change your cloth you always wore the same cloths? Billy tells me that everyday you have to wear a different cloth? Different I see anything same. I will make your cloth out any your have to organize it. After we head to monticle headquarter, I went to ate breakfast. I have watermelon, banana and green fruit. I was tasty. Afterword I help Vennasa to move the computer. Afterword I head up to the second floor and do my blog. After I did some server for the underscore problem. Later I went down to the ate lunch without telling Billy. I ate 2 roast beef cheese sandwich with three bananas. I felt really full. After I went back to work on my server. At about 1 hour Billy tell me to come down wait for him. We then when to BMO bank. I wait for Billy for sometime. Then we when to First Markham place. Billy buys 2 lunches. I tell that Billy that I felt full already. I tell me to eat it. He tells me it is a punishment for not think about the other. Billy tell me that If you ate this box of food you are tell me you are really sorry about it. I ate it in a very slow way. Afterword I can’t finish it. Billy said that will be your dinner. We then when back to the Monticle headquarters. I head back to give something to Patty. Afterword Billy asks me to get change and get really for some p.t. I went for a nature call before I went to the treadmill, because I felt really full. I get change. I have a fast walk on the treadmill. I have a fast walk at a manual speed of 3.8 I swept like crazy. I felt like I got to throw up and a stomach pain. Billy tells me that it is a punishment for nothing about other. I learn this lesson in a bad way. I learn that I should think about other before I do anything. After I finish my p.t. I went and change and go did a around of garbage. Afterword I went back to the second floor and did the blog for the day.
Edwin Cheung Oct, 19, 2011
Last night, after I finish my blog. Billy is trying to fix the Patty e-mail Computer. Afterwards I bring my left over lunch and went back to apartment. After I reach to apartment ate dinner, take a bath brush and sleep.
Today Wednesday, October, 19, 2011. The weather was sunny and a tiny bit of clouds. I woke up at 7:00am. We then leave the apartment at about 7:45am. During the drive Billy ask me “why does I ever wore the cloth you cloth?” Billy tells me that from April to now how many cloth you did wear? I said I don’t know. Billy said that mean you have a lot really didn’t not wear. He suddenly asks “ I didn’t not respect me?” I didn’t say anything. After we reach to Monticle headquarters. Billy asks me to stand in his room. Billy tells me that after 18. Billy tells me to better change. Later Billy tells me to go to ate breakfast before 7:30.I have milk and key weed. Billy comes in said. I finish the food really quiet. I get the place clean quiet. Billy came in. He said. At the time, I am washing my dish. The most important thing is time management. Billy said the world don’t wait for you. In not time, the Market will fall or banks rob. No one will wait for you. You are near 18 acts like a Man. After 18 you will not have training again. The only thing you will be happy about this not one will point at you. If you Billy said go help Vanessa need to help. Go help but don’t talk. If I here anything bad, you will really have a problem. I didn’t talk the whole time. I went up and pick up Patty computer. I take it one by one. Afterwards I went up the second floor and did my blog. Billy asks me to come down. He said that you don’t think about me. I stand there for a few minutes. He asks me that how much time you need. He said if you are late for Minutes. I then Billy ask me to go down. He tell me how much money did mom spent the time on this few mouth do you know.I did us any really bad thing if you act really bad. Later Billy ask me to stay outside to think of a solution to change for this 10 Biggest Bad habit I got. Not so long later some body knock the door. Someone from FedEx ship a Mac computer to here. I wait for sometime. I went for a nature call. Afterword I went a pick the Computer and put it on the Monticle classroom. After I sit in the waiting area for sometime. Billy ask me do you know the solution to this problem. I said I think I know just stop doing it. Afterword I went to clean the training area to show some help on the Canpany. After I finish the moping Billy bring me to First Markham place to ate lunch. I ate really slow. Billy ask me why I ate so slow. Later I back to the apartment for the apartment atminitration. Afterword I went to a place where they give blood. I wait there for sometime. They give a juice box after we give blood. We stay there for sometime. Afterword we when back to Monticle headquarters. Billy ask me to clean the training area and do some P.T. I went to The traininig area and ready to do some mopping. I saw Alastair he is cycling. He said he will help me. I Both finish really quiet. Afterword I did a 99 minutes p.t on the treadmill in a interval speed. Afterword I did some push up and some weight lifting. Later I get change and do my blog.
Alastair Yu
After a little trouble-shooting with the Mac, I got it to write in English ☺ (too bad Hong Kong people, you won’t get any Chinese from me) anyways, today, I found out that Billy had gone to donate blood, so he came back half conscious and took a nap. I started out with some cardio, like always, for about an hour. Then I did some weightlifting. I managed to beat my previous record of 110, and managed to lift 140lbs. I guess the trick was to work upwards, letting my arms work up to the max weight I could lift. I then did some more of the bench press, come sit-ups, and some other exercises that I unfortunately don’t know the name to. In the end, I had a good day today, and as I type this blog, Edwin is still running… and running… and running… (p.s. Calvin why aren’t you here? We haven’t seen you in a while)
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