Edwin Cheung Oct 24 2011
Last Friday afternoon I finished my P.T training. Later, Billy told me to finish the food that I didn’t finish this past 6 months. To Billy also told me that I should ready to pack up and do a big clan up on the apartment this Saturday. Afterward we back to our apartment. I went back to my apartment and took a bath. Afterward we I head to Billy apartment for dinner. Billy let me ate a lot of foods. Billy gave me a lot of rice, duck meat, Chinese red sausage, BBQ chicken, and some vegetables. It was really tasty. It took me very long time to finish the to finish my dinner. Somehow it took me 2 hours. Billy was really angry with me eating too slowly. I felt really full. Billy told me that why you ate so slow Is because you don’t have any Mission, so you take your time and so on so for, then it take forever. Billy told me that I have to work for the army next day, I will not be here till the night time about 11:00pm, he said that you better finish the food. Afterword I went back to the apartment and sleep.
Saturday, morning Shiny day, blue sky with bird singing. The weather was a bit cool. It was freezing out side, around 5*c. I woke up at about 8:00. Start eating the food that I have to finish. I have 1 can of nuts, I can of Ocean fish can food, 1 1/2 bag of chips, 1 bag of spaghetti, and a big bag of classic biscuit and some buns. I start eating the food. Then I start doing the clean up on my room. I find out that my room was somehow a bit messy. I started dumping the things that I don’t need. I find out that I have really a lot of things that I don’t need but I am still keeping it. I start dividing the thing that I need and the thing that I don’t need. I start sticking the cloth and jackets on my Luggage. It toke me a bit of time to finish it up. Then I moved the lockage to the computer room. Then I take my clean cloth and put it on the lockage. Afterward I started a clean up on my room. I flipped the bed to a side and start vacuum. There is a lot of dirt and dusty. I start using the vacuum to clan the floor bed. Later I vacuum the other room. I then sit down and start finishing the buns. Then I start dusting the floor. During the time I am cleaning, Billy noke the door and see if I am working. I throw them in the garbage. Afterward start washing the floor with clean water. Afterward was the kitchen floor, the 2 bathrooms and the had kitchen. Later I have to clean up. Afterword I go for a few minutes break. I then start washing the floor with detergent. To make it more clean. Afterward I clean the 2 bathrooms. It took a bit of time to work on it. Then I cleaned the glass table, Sofa , and the Tv. I ate the rest of the food before 6:00. I wait and wait and wait. I read some magazine. I till 1:00am. I didn’t do anything beside waiting and waiting. I think that No one is coming I make my bed brush and I went to sleep. It was really late.
Sunday, I woke up in the morning. The day is good. No cloud but blue sky. I wake up at about 7:00. Did some extra work on my clean up. Pack my stuff and make sure I everything is ok. I put my shoes in. Later I wait till the noontime. I did a basic clean up. Afterword Billy noke the door and he came and check on the bathroom, my room and the kitchen. He told me to come to his house. Few minutes later I head to Billy apartment. Afterword We watch Discovery a show a Inside the drugs. The TV show how it was invented, US , sell and hidden. How people risk their live for what they want? And it was illegal in much country. How became a problem for the government to stop it from growing? A lot people get in to drug, for exampling the real life or giver to try and get worst. Then Billy let me drink the soup. Later I head back to Steve apartment and sleep.
Today Monday, I woke up when Billy noke the door. I Notice that I will was late. So have a quiet change a head to Billy car. But I find out that I forgot my notebook. I said How come you forgot today. You know that you need it all the time. Later We head to the office. Billy told me that you got no food to eat because you didn’t bring your notebook. Then Billy asked me to sit in his room and think about What you learn this 6 mouth past. I didn’t say anything. Billy asked me do you have anything to said before I wrote my student report. If you don’t said it. You have to converse us that what did you learn. During the time I am typing my blog Calvin cam with Billy. Later Billy ask me to wrote the blog for today and wrote a summery about what good, bad, what you learn, and what happen? This 6 mouth. A Big Summery.
The 6 months training Summary
I know Monticle by my art teacher. He said Is something to do in Holiday. Mom teach me how to cut and apple and many things. Mom said that you have to be independent. At that time I am rushing my time for my test and grade to go up. I was a tiny bit off at that time around like 1-4%. It is get really hard to chance up the grade. Thank to her I have a chance to head to Canada. I first time I am here I met Steve then I Billy. I was the very early to be in Canada so I live with Steve.
I when to the East/West expedition trip from late last year. Through Out the East trip I met many different friend. I met Calvin, Jacky, Michael, Vivian and . We when to different place. At that time I was a dumb dumb. I didn’t help a lot. I used people and I am a bit selfish. And Sometime I don’t know what going on too. I am being lazy. Through out the trip I find that I am not good as they are. I have a lot of Later I stay in Steve house for 7 day to really for the next day. Steve live downtown so I have to walk 10 blocks to the monticle head office. Steve teaches me how to do some Photoshop. After not so long, the West trip expeditions finally start. I met Jennifer, Jason Wang, Vivian, Magdalene and. This time the trip is way different from last time. We hike, Camp and P.t through out the 21 day and have a lot of good food. I learn a bit more then I start helping everyone and get into the group. Through out time when I wrote my blog was not too good. My spelling was bad and my gammer was wrong. Through out this two trip I have a lot Lecture. After I went back to Hong Kong. My day was not good. My grade gone down hill and fix is not going well. At that time I was grade 10. I can’t follow up the credit course. Through the half way of my school. I find it is too had to chance so I ask mom if I can quiet school. 3-4 mouth later. I did my own thing and study at home by myself. I find that my mathematic and Chinese skip start to rush down hill back to the basic. Through out the time Monticle have Hong Kong Challenge I walk to Lan Tau trail. The second highest mountain in Hong Kong. It is one of the hardest hiking I ever did for me. There is a lot of giving up going on me through out the trail. I slow down a lot of people. This is really hard too go up it like a never ending foot steps. I start to forget stuff. And it is not working at all? Moms call Billy for help. And 5 month training. At that time Mom and me were fighting about if it is ok too ok.
Through out this 6 mouth, I learn a lot of hard lecture about life. From the Me3 program, I learn many different things. I learn how the history kayaks. How to build a feat craft. How to take apart the fealthcraft. I learn that to build a Fealthcraft you have to start from the from the base from the ground up. Same as education. I learn that Education is the only way out of insurants and darkness. The first time I made the kayak it take a lot of time. Billy has a lot of kayaks. Most of the time I was doing the support on the kayak trip, Billy tell me that to make me understand the support position is board and hard. During the time I really understand how hard my mom and dad on the Supporting position. Most of the time I just fall a sleep. I usually help load up the kayak to the car and taking photo grade. I learn when you take a photo on the beach; you camera should be back of the sun, not ahead of sun. During the Me3 program. I learn how to communicate. I learn What CDVAK. Contract, Dimension, Visual, Auditory and Kinetic. Things that could apply to live when you make friend and communicate with your parent. I learn the history of firearm. Learn different typed of firearm and how does it work. I learn that to be leader you have to maintain your equipment; so if anything happens the equipment will take care of you. I learn what was PROVE and ACTS. And how it is important when you are on the shooting place. After the Me3 program, I have to the start my crazy training. During the training, I learn to take responsibly at your action, what your said and what I do and I learn not to give up too easy. I learn how to be and I.T. I learn that you have to be really picky or the company will lose a lot of money. I learn that you cannot make mistake computer stuff will involves company problem. I learn to be I.T you have take care the secret information for the company. I learn how to be a batter human being. I now learn how to appreciate. I learn what is thanks giving mean. To give a heart to people, when people put his heart on you. I learn that friendship is hard to mating.
The good thing I change it, I have did more exercise. I felt I bit smarter. I have habit of life change really big in some way. My body is more health.
I am on my way home to airport. Good bye everyone. See you again soon.
ReplyDeleteYou are a great young man with a huge amount of potential waiting for you if you let it. Remember I told you that you have to work hard and nothing you really want usually comes easy. I can tell you are very intelligent and have a lot of valid and sophisticated thoughts inside you. Don't fall into the trap and say you can't be or do what you want to be. Whatever you decide to become in your life, give it your best, don't slack off and thank those who give you opportunities and give back to the community in any way you can.
From the first day I met you over a year ago, and throughout the 6 months we were living together, I have seen a great amount of improvement. I tried to give you some good tips that would help you in your life, as did the whole Monticle team. Dont forget what we gave you, and always look positive for the future. Everyone here, including myself, looks at you as family and we care a great deal about you. Keep on the right path, and do your best. You only have one shot at life, and every day is a gift from God... So give it your best.
I look forward to seeing you turn into the person I know you can.
All the best Edwin, good luck and see you soon
Dear Edwin,
ReplyDeleteEven thought we don't know when you are coming back, I don't like to say good-bye, I would say till we meet again.
As we all say to you, you are a smart kid. You need to aware if you want to live happily you need to run your life, don't be a robot. Don't let fear controls you, fear is just False Evidence Appears Real. Oh what the heck, give it a try anyways, what are you going to lose? If you don't try, you get nothing.
I believe we are created equally perfect by God and we have all we need inside us. Some people may seem disadvantage and this can be their challenge to find ways to live out their talents and potentials. So look inside yourself and keep learning from mistakes. When you know better you do better. You have done so much and come so far, keep up the good work and own it.
All the best and let me know how you do!