Edwin Cheung
It was a sunny Saturday; it was so cool only 7c. I weak up at 6:30 am. Billy suppose to work in the Army today and but important business coming up for Billy, Billy can’t go to Army. We went to breakfast at Time Square. I ate toast and ham and cereal. It was good. Afterword, Billy drove me to a pleace I don’t know. It is a Temple. There are many monks there. They plary in the temple song. I have no idea why Billy drove to me. I was scare; I don’t know what to think. I was crying a bit. there Billy let SiFu to help me and correct me sprintaly, mentaly. SiFu gave me a book to read in engliush and Chinese about “Innocent of a little Ghosts”. SiFu help me to correct my bad behavier. Billy want to send me to a monk. Billy said can help me to strong my mind. Remove my laziness. I work so hard, I don’t know why I am so lazy. I have not eating many food in the cabiner. It was there for a long long month. Billy angry me waste food. Billy told me so many people no food. I was lucky to have everything takingcare from my family and people. Billy told me to eat all the food before he buy new for me. I was lazy to cook and lazy to clearn. I have to change now. SiFu’s book do help me. I like to read the book. It is interesting. It is about taking birth of a life. Why life so mass up. I read half book at night. I read before I sleep.
We wnet to T&T afterword. To buy food for the week. Afterord I go home and clean brthroom, my bed room for 2 hours. Billy and Vingi come for inspection. Vingi say there a little more to clean. Not done well. There is dusk and dirt are on window flrame and sliding door shelf.
Afterwrod Billy, Vingi drove to his friend to talk about business. I was there reading books. Afterword we went to Vallung Mills Mall to Nike Store. Billy said I need a better running shoes to protect my foot. Better shirt and pants to run on the treadmill. I try many of them and find a pair of shoes I like. Billy pay and brought me running shoes and running shirt and pants for 200 more dollars. Billy said no problem to buy me stuff but I have to be good. Billy said he buy for me not my family buy.
Billy said it is a national day of china. so we eat better for cellebation. Billy drove us to a Resturant after the mall. It is far away from home. I ate a full rack of ribs, BBQ wings and new york steak and ice tea and vegetable salad. It was teatey and I eat faster than before. It was a good dinner.
Afterword. Billy dorve home and gave me a box of chiken wings. Billuy go out for business. I go home to read and shower and sleep. I will change my life. I will correct my bad behaiver.
hi son, I am happy to see you enjoy the day with Billy. pl stay well.
Thank you Billy for doing the purchase with Edwin. I will arrange repayment.