Alastair Yu
Today was just like every other day here at Monticle, I started with half an hour of biking, then half an hour of jogging. During the biking, Jason arrived, and he started on some (very slow) walking on the treadmill, and then some biking. (I wonder why he doesn’t have a blog?...) anyways, after that, I started on some weightlifting. I started with the bench press, and did about 3 sets of 10 reps. Afterwards I did some sit-ups and push-ups. Also, Jason beat his previous benching record of 70, and was able to bench 90 pounds! He also did some sit-ups, and I made him do some push-ups. Edwin is still running… he was running when we started, and is still running….. Michael, I think he beat you..............
Edwin Cheung
Last night, after I finish my treadmill running. Afterward I get change and i wrote my blog. Later we when to first Markham place to by dinner. We when to a place call Markham delight to buy dinner. I have 3-color rice. Inside It got 2 eggs , 2 chicken pork with rice and soybean milk. We then drove to our apartment. Ate our dinner and brush and go to sleep.
Today, I wake up at 7:00am and I get change. We then when out the building at about 8:00am. Billy tell me some good news that our show on Hong Kong will have alot of people to come. During the drove to Monticle headquarter. The black cloud is moving. It looks like it going to rain. The temperature is around -15.5c. The day is cool. Billy brings me breakfast. After I reach to Monticle headquarter. I ate breakfast. I got fried chicken with rice. It is really tasty. I ate for 30 minute and I went to do my blog. later I went and help to fix the server underscore problem, and Steve help me turn on the computer. It is another crazy busy day for Billy. He is runinng around the office up and down. meeting with new satffs and design staff. reviewing the promotional video and print infomation. After sometime. Billy ask me to go down. And we when to a honda dealer ship to pickup Lou's mini van from sevice. Afterwards we when to a mall to ate lunch. I got BBQ pork vegetable with rice with soup and soybean milk. Afterwards we when back to the Monticle Headquarter. Billy was really busy he have to work on the accounting, server, the Market team and settle the new designer more... and I went up at fix the server underscore problem. Later Alastair shows up. So I have to do go down and down my 125 minute. I did the first 99 minutes in a pattern of intervals at a max speed of 5.0 and average speed of 3.9. I felt tired but I felt good. Some how I get afterward wrong so I have to do so extra minutes of it. I went back to the treadmill for 45 minutes I felt tired. At a Max speed of 7.0 and at a average speed of 5.0. My leg felt tired. The time when I am running on treadmill. Alastair and Jeason is playing ping-pong ball. Alastair stay with me for some time. When I almost finish. Alastair when home so I can't play. Later I get change, did the garbage and when to did the blog. Everybody is so busy today and no time to talk. everybody stay late at work. The new marketing people stay until 6;30 pm.
Billy call the army for a day off becuase he is not finish Monticle work. I have to stay at billy appartment tomorrow to watch Hazel. Billy need to do some business tomorrow night with Vingi. I will have a lot of movie to watch. It si going to be a good weekend.
ReplyDeleteHappy to learn thatyou are busy at work and P.T. Stay focused and remember the stuff that you are supposed to keep in mind. Reading your blog is the the first thing I would do at office. Remember to respect house rules if you are staying at Billy's place. Have a great time with Hazel and enjoy the movies.
Edwin, great job on the spelling! Keep it up and hope you're ready for your test on Monday.
ReplyDeleteMichael...if you're reading this, we have something very exciting to show you!! But you'll have to wait =D