Today, we paddled on a kayak to center island. Calvin got seasick, and I got bored waiting for Ryan in the middle of the channel. I had a great time, but we/I spent most of the trip sleeping. I hope I can get the hot water for the shower today, cause bathing in cold water is starting to get annoying. In any case, after the kayaking, we spent a few hours packing the folding kayaks back into the bag.
Today we woke up early to go kayaking and to capsize. We first learned some water safety and then capsized and tried to get back on the feathercrafts. Most of the time when we weren’t kayaking we just relaxed. I kayaked across cherry beach, but could not go across center Island, I also got awful leg craps because I didn’t swim a lot. When we came back to Monticle we cleaned up all the equipment. So far that’s our day.
Today was the most fun day I’ve have had. Although we had to wake up at 5:00am. We cleaned the Office first than left for kayaking . We kayaked for 8 hours or more! A lot of us felt sick at the end. We are very tired at the end, but we had a lot of fun. Now we are
waiting for dinner.
Day : 8, Today was and is a full day of kayaking. The day commended by waking up at 6:10am and preparing for th kayaking day until 6:45am. After breakfast and the Hong Kong students arriving, everyone change into their wetsuits and headed out for Cherry Beach ----- which was a very active/festive beach hat had a nice vibe ----- so we can practice capsizing safty, rescue and taking turns to go to Center Island. Overall, this exstatic day was very interesting mainly because it took about 30 mins to get to dose to Toronto and had nice view of the CN Tower, visited wildlife protected islands and enjoying the water with fun and frolic for the whole day.
Hello people it’s me again! Today is Sunday July10th twenty eleven my second and last day here. Well started off the day at I believe 5:30 or somewhere around that time, and we packed up our belongings that we were sleeping from, then we went to eat breakfast which is made up of sandwiches along with some soy milk. After finishing eating we cleaned up and packed up the items that we needed for kayaking. After packing we then got to change into our wetsuits. Once everyone was done we loaded/unpacked the various oars and went to the beach where we were told to walk in 15 degrees Celsius water to get use to the cold. After we were use to the cold, we did a warm up by swimming to either of the two white markers in the distance and back. When we were done that “warm up” we did the capsize test which everyone eventually passed. We also had a competition on bailing out the water of the kayak. Then we ate lunch… also sandwiches! “wheat”!... well after eating we went ton the kayaking trips to Center Island and across the to the other side of the lake. It was sooo fun! But so tiring after a while. We were there for many hours but it felt so short! We then had to clean the equipment, reload the cars and go back to Monticle HQ. There we completely cleaned all the equipment, dried them out and put them back in place. Well, see you till the next trip! See Ya! BYE!
Today w finally went kayaking. It was fun and exciting but also very wet, we went swimming abd kayaking on two different kayaks. It was actually extremely cold. When we went kayaking to centre island. When we were kayaking we saw many diferrant sights. We actualy kayaked back to the CN tower, but the bad thing is that practicing capsizing was extremely hard. It took a while to get the hang of it but I soon got it done. After that we played a little beach voleyball until some geese trafic went through. Their was also cute white swans. Today was overall fun and I can’t wait till next time I come back
Owen Yip
Today was a kayak day. After we ate breakfast in the office, we went to Cherry Beach. Although the beach was beautiful, I hate the mud, Because it always got into my shoes and made hurt. we needed to kayak to a island from another island. Wo! I took a hour to travel from there to there. Tired! Then we back to the office. We had to help cleaning up the boat, Tired again! At last, we ate our dinner and prepare for the next day.
Today we had both self-rescue test and kayaking for centre island, all in one day. Though it’s summer, the water is still freezing, especially for HKers. Obviously, I suffered from the cold, but I enjoyed the sight-seeing, the kayaking experience. However, I found it difficult for the capsizing and balancing. And somehow, somehow, I’m confused. Even though I passed the test eventually, I was lack of confidence for the coming kayak courses and challenges. Therefore, I think I should do as Billy said, ‘Be Brave when First Face against the enemy’. After the cleaning up, we were having dinner in the First Markham Place food Court, and I feel excited for the 3-day camping tomorrow in Algonquin, so stay tuned!:)
Today is a exhausting day. We went to kayak, it made me tired but it’s very fun! And this is my first time to go kayak. I am so exciting about it! The water temperature in Canada is very different from Hong Kong. In here the water temperature is about 15˚C today. It made me feel so cold! At first I can’t get used to it, after a long time I finally can. Then, when it’s my time to go kayak, I saw four swans! They‘re so beautiful, I like this animals so much. Besides this experience told me I am not good at kayak, because I just can’t go stright, and I always hit something. Therefore I scream again, it c=scare Anterson! Tomorrow we will go to camping, I am so exciting about it this is my first time too!
Kayaking today!:D We woke up early in the morning and had sandwiches as breakfast. I ate the sandwich which had peanut butter and strawberry jam in it. Yum I have already feel bored of having the ham and cheese sandwich:s We arrived Cherry Beach amd went into the water to swim for some rounds to warm up our body. The water was really really cold!:s 15˚C only!:( Luckily I have a wet suit to keep me warm Before we kayak to the Center Island, we should pass a self-rescue test. We needed to turn both the kayak and the body upside down into the water, then come out from the kayak and get on it again. When I was being tested by Billy, I found that it’s hard to get on the kayak as we should balance our body very well while getting back to the seat. But finally I did it!:D Yea~Yea~Yea~:p After all people passed the test, we were divided into different small groups to kayak to the Centre Island. I kayaked there with Jason and Jerome. We saw the CN Tower and the view of city is fantastic!:) It’s a nice trip but tiring.:( We left the beach and went back to the Monticle HQ to clean up all kayaks, wet suits and other equipment. We finished cleaning quickly as we worked as a team!:p A fun but tired day. Looking forward to the 3-day camping
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