Fitness Instructor Steve attempts to sing a chinese song for everyone's amusement
Day: 7, Supposed to go as a half-lecture day and half-kayak day but it ended up into a backyard b.b.q which was TOTALLY RADICAL! So IT Started as planned but unfortunatly half the class failed 2 imes and had to repeat the class again and it became to late to go self- rescue kayaking. After the group made the choice to have a backyard b.b.q which we ate A LOT of food and started laughing at funny videos on youtube and making people sing randomly funny songs. Tomorrow, we will wake up really early to make up for the lost kayak time but today was really fun and festive :D
Today, I learn a lot. First at the monrong, we did a clean up. After that, we did a safty breathing about the kayakaing. We did a test, the first time, I get past, the second time, I past, the third time, I failed. Throught out that time, billy teach us that you have to truth yourself, because in the future you have to make a lot of big desion through out your life. In the afternoon, we change our plan that we will have to do kayaka test and going to cental island at the same time. At noon about 3:00, we went to buy foods on today BBW, camping, and dayly food eating. After we came back to the office, we have BBW dinner and some more talking, after that we do our blog and ready for tomorrow.
Today, was a study day. After breakfast, the students didn’t pass, I pass it with a perfect yeah! Although I passed the test, I still needed to re-test and re-class. Unluckily. Most of the students still hadn’t pass. Although I passed it, me score was lower then before. Then, we had a re-re-test and a re-re-class. That most of the students passed, I didn’t pass, uh man! I just lose one mark. I didn’t pass the last one but Billy still let all of us passed. Yeah! ☺ after that, we had a BBW dinner. I ate a lot of food, Yea!
Today we have done a lot things: and the most interesting is that we study for class from morning to afternoon. Guess what? We just study a class for three times because three of us failed the test. It made me feel so boring! I hope this kind of thing won’t happen again. After that, we go to prepared for the camp and our dinner. it’s BBW! And we did so many things, the dinner is very delicious! But we listened to a scary story. It’s a bout a ghost in the school and a ghost in the library! It made me scream very loudnly! I’m afraid that I can’t sleep at night or I am going to dream about those two ghosts! Hope I will forget it tomorrow! Besides I’m really exciting about the kayak tomorrow too! ^_^
Today was an eventful day. That was a sarcastic comment right up until 2:30, when we found that we were having a blog at monticle HQ ☺ There was a lot to buy, however, and spent about $500 on food and $300 on the new bbq stove. Meanwhile, some bugs during the PT decided to champ on my behind, and finger. I can no longer sit comfortably, and can not grip with my left hand without flipping people off… I got more that a few looks from the people at Costco. However, the swelling seems to be going down, and I hope that by tomorrow, will be able sit in a kayak/kaiak/kyak/qajaq comfortably.
Today we had our water safely test. It was really werrd because all of us failed the test two times. The questions were really misleading. Unfortunately we planned to goon the water a 11:00 , but it ended up failing the test until 2:00. so then it was later we planned to kayak early tomorrow and sleep early tonight. We had a free afternoon so we had to buy food for te camping trip. We then had a wonderful dinner tonight.
Today was an interesting day. We had to do a major test tat was very confusing. We spent more then 2 hours on it. We were having a lot of difficulty on many questions. We later finished the test in 4 hours. We didn’t have a lot of time to go in the water but we decided to go shopping for a big party. We ate so much food but we couldn’t finished all of them. We are now writing our blogs, cleaning up, and getting ready to sleep. we have to wake up early tomorrow.
Today we were suppose to go Kayaking but we need to pass the safety test but we keep failing intill the 3rd try it was so annoying!!!! After we pass it was like 2:30 pm so we decide to buy food for the camping trip and have a BBQ and when we were done natile tell us scrry story it was so scrry!
Hello, Children… and other people reading this. Today’s July the ninth twenty eleven my first day with these people. Yah, so I got here at about 8:30 to aboit 8:40 which is about the time the others were eating their breakfast. When they were finished their lunch we went onto the Kayak lecture. In this lecture we first watched a movie (or rather a bunch of clips) on Kayak safty and then went onto a powerpoint also about kayak safety and a bunch of other things about kayaking such as essensial equipment on “small vessles”. After the “lectures” we went onto writing the 20 question test hich we failed twice and then passed on the 3rd try. But when we finished it was about 2:30 pm so we went shopping instead of capsized kayak exersizes. When we finished buying the various items we went back to eat. The dinner… was a massive… BBQ Buffet! Whoot! I feel sooo…full! But it was AWSOME! Yah! Can’t wait till tomorrow, KAYAKING! Whoot! Again… well see yah!
Today was interesting and fun. Even though we failed our kayaking course two times and it took forever to finaly pass it was still fun. Lunch was as always and it was sandwiches. Not saying that it was bad because it is quite tasty. After we were done it was 2 and we couldn’t go kayaking. So we decided to have a barbeque dinner. Me, Steve and the Me3’s went to get food. During dinner I tried Halal meat. It was prett decent but I round it dry. After we got Steve sing Chinese songs and Owen sing English songs. It was quiete funny. After when we told scary stories Sally and Scarlet freaked out. But I was laghing my face off. Today started out decent but became interesting. I just hope kayaking won’t be to cold.
Today, originally, we were going to have our self-rescue test of kayak in Cherry Beach. However, we failed the written test for three times before the kayak training course. Though we couldn’t go to the beach, we did learn good enough about those safety issues about kayak, since we had listened the same lecture for 3 times. Moreover, Edwin and Owen learnt a harsh lesson too! (Simply because they didn’t fail the first test, but however failed in the third because they didn’t trust themselves enough.) Anyway, we did have a good BBQ dinner. Billy got us steak, salmon, shrimp, Caesar Salad (prepared by Vingi, Canji and Venessa), all kinds of veffies and numerous stuffs. Besides, we’re having fun with each others, especially having Steve ‘singing’ Chinese songs and Natalie telling ghost stories. Well, hopefully we can have our kayak trip tomorrow successfully ☺. Last but not least, we did some logistics or inventory for the coming camp in Cosco. When Billy got us a $400 dinner in his kart, and comparing to our kart for camp, which only cost for like $200 – 3 days, we’re extraordinarily shocked! Are we going to finish it? No matter what, we enjoyed the dinner! Thanks Billy! Thanks everyone!
Margott ☺
I’m so full right now! :S We have just finished BBQ outside the Monticle HQ. :P HaHa ☺ We were surposed to learn some self-rescue skills of kayaking in water today, but we didn’t go! Just becoz lots of people can’t pass the kayak test today. What a pity ☹ In the morning, we started the kayaking lesson right after the breakfast was done. Billy taught us about what does kayak means, kayak’s history, different types of kayak and the essential equipment of kayaking etc, Then we had the first test of kayaking. Unluckily, we got over ½ of people can’t pass the test so we were going to have the same lesson again! OMG! ☹ I felt sleepy in the lesson coz we were keeping repeat the same constant about kayak again ☹ Oh no! ☹ After the lesson, we had the retest. Billy said if there were more than 3 people fail in the retest, we were going to have the lesson again and did the re-retest! However, there were more than 3 people failed… we had the same lesson AGAIN!! It’s the 3rd time!! That’s not cool! .v. We had the kayak lesson again after we finished the lunch. Btw, I only had an apple for lunch as I was still full. This time, Jerome in charge the lesson instead of Billy. The countant was still still the same. OMG! We had the re-retest but there were still 2 people failed… Oh no… ☹ Luckily Billy let them pass at last. However, it’s already 2:30 pm. We were surposed to leave Monticle HQ and went to the Cherry Beach at 11 am… too bad. ☹ So we changed our schedule. We stayed in HQ to plan for the camping and the BBQ dinner tonight. We decided to kayak all day tomorrow. After planning, we went to supermarket to buy food for dinner. Steaks, salmon, vegetables etc, yum ☺ We had a great time for the BBQ ☺ so full☺
We can go kayaking tomorrow finally! Great! ☺
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Wow...what a meal!
ReplyDeleteSo what song did Steve sing anyway? haha.