We stayed in the HQ for the whole day!:( I wanna go outside to have fun:( But never mind, I have learnt a lot today.: We had 4 lessons today ----- Conflict Resolution, Nutrition, Budgeting and Planning & Coordinating. I have learnt about when conflict occurred, we should calm ourselves down first, then identify the issue and solve it. It’ll much better then keep on arguing about the problem but can’t get a solution.
In the Nutrition class, I have learnt how to check our body by using pee and poo.;p Also, we should balance our diet well to get a healthy body.:) The Planning & Coordinating class really taught me a lot!:) It’s very useful an I’m going to use those skills to organize my future works.:) Hope it really works:p After the 4 long lessons, we talked about the Monticle Challenge which will be held on the coming Sunday. I’m so excited about it!:D Coz I’m going to lead a team to finish those challenges:p Hope I can do well on that day!:) Btw, not many days left for staying in Canada.I’m gotta miss here and everyone that I have met Monticle.:) You guys are so nice!:D
Well, today basically had most our time in HQ. Though we’re having a total of 4 lectures in the same classroom, we luckily had an extreme PT before today’s start. We kept doing wall-taps, lifting jerry cans, mountain-climber etc., and other exhausting exercises.:P Hopefully, we got a hefty BBQ lunch to fill up our growling stomach ----- we were like starving beast, eating as many sausages as we could:P. After a wonderful lunch, we had nutrition lectures, as well as Planning & coordinating’, ‘Budgeting” and ‘Conflict Resolution’. For the conflict one, we learnt about we need to control our emotion, as well as having emotional intelligence and stuff to reduce conflicts. For the nutrition part, I learnt about my profile (absorption of 3 macronutrients : carbs, fat and protein), how to get a better ‘No. 2’, reduce constipation and avoid dehydration etc. Moreover, I would say I learnt about the impacts about any unbalanced living style. For the Budgeting and planning, I learnt about basic formulas like “Allowance – Expenses = deficity/excess”, separating needs and wants by prioritizing them, and finally how to plan, coordinate and execute your plans. To sum up, we had learnt a lot, but unfortunately we didn’t have lectures in mobile classrooms, and the meat from the lunch made me feel sleepy for the lectures too, so I’m not quite concentrated for lectures today, even though we all passed the Me3 Programs =D . Anyway, we’re going to have Police Tactical Lectures for locals and Paintball activities for HK kids. Hopefully, everyone will enjoy it ☺.
Today, I am very happy. I learnt a lot. We learn about food nutrition. I learn about pee and poo that will tell how health you are. The other lesson we talked about conflict resolution. It is a fun class. The other thing we learn most important for my life is Planning and Coordinating. We will have Monticle Challenge a day after tomorrow. This will test my leadership. I can do it.
Today was another day of lessons. The lessons itself were not too boring, but the fact that they were mostly right after lunch got me drifting in between being awalle and asleep. On another note, we got some information about the Monticle Beach Challenge. If Donorn is reading this, I fell compelled to say that you are not in my team, however, that means your team is, well, screwed, because I will be targeting you. For those who haven’t picked up on it yet, the Beach challenge will be in teams competing against each other, and the winner gets a prize.:) People from Monticle Experience 3 Event will lead these teams, and there will be two for each team. Any ways, that concludes my blog, and for those who keep up with this regularily, Calvin spelled “road as “rode”. I had to paint it out:P
Today is a lesson day again. But I don’t really care because I still enjoyed the time with those guys. In the morning, we went to do the P.T, I hate it, I made me felt so tired! Then me had the conflict Resolution class, Nutrition Basics class and the Planning and coordinating class. After that the lunch is burgers, it’s so testy, I like it! And I learnt a lot in those classes. Finally, I knew who is in my group for the Monticle test, I am with Alastair, I am so happy because he is so smart! Yeah^v^! Besides today is my first time to clean up the washroom. Now I know that I hate it. I doesn’t smell good! But I learnt one thing more. Tomorrow we not going ti go out with the Canadian students. It make me feel so upset because the day that I need to come back t Hong Kons is near by, and I can’t spend time with then tomorrow!!! Guess I have to waite for 17th July, 2011. >_<
Today was a full day of learning about conflict resolution, nutrition and budget. I learnt a lot about budgeting my cost. Nutrition was very interesting because we talked about fues. Our lunsh was very good because we ate burgers an hot dogs. We then talked about what the plan for Sunday is. Monticle Challenge will be very hard.
Today we had an in-class session with Monticle. We learned about conflict resolution, Nutrition, Budget, and planning, we spend all of our time in the classroom and had a pretty good time. We were glad to see Anderson again because we all classes we prepares for Sunday, which is the Monticle Challenge. Tomorrow we have the tactical challenge and the HK kids will have paint ball.
Day13: Lecture day… not as bad as I imagined, I actually learned many things that will be useful and stick with me for a lifetime. Most of the conflict resolution will stick with me as I try to drill them into my mind. Another ting that will stick will be about nutrition as I care about my health AND I learned how to see how healthy you are just be taking s piss or poop. We also had a B.B.Q. lunch and started planning for the Monticle Event Challenge and got our teams. Tomorrow is tactical challenge but the Hong Kong kids can’t go so they get to go paintball… but the tactical training only seems a bit cooler .:P
Today wall a all class day it was very boring after all the class we talk abut the Monticle Challenge and told us who our partner is. Today was just a boring Day!
Today was a super boring day again. After breakfast, we went to the office and started PT. It was harder then before! No! Next, we had a class about conflict resolution. It was long and boring. Then we had lunch. We ate hotdogs and sandwiches. The hotdog was really hot and sandwiches was really sandy.☺ After that, we had 3 lessons. Finally, we had dinner and went to bed.
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