Again, we woke up late at 7:50. I set up my alarm at 6, but I was so deeply asleep, so I failed to bring Edwin to the gym. Well, don’t mind it – because Billy said he would bring me to hell for physical training, so I should better eat more and relax before getting hell-like PT. First we had late breakfast at Au Bon Pain, then we went to Simon IMAX Theatre to watch a 3D film named ‘Shark’ (a film about life of different sharks, narrated and guided by a turtle. The IMAX screen is so enormous in size – holding 3 whales; sophisticated – dust-humidity-temperature-controlled and so realistic – face-to-face encountering with sharks and schooling fish. After that, we went to the New England Aquarium to have a look of marine lives, including penguins, sharks, rays, tropical fish etc. Honestly, Billy thought Hong Kong’s Ocean Park is better than the aquarium, so did I.
After another late lunch at Legal Seafood Restaurant again (located in different place, but same menu and same style of clam chowder), we walked to Fauneil Hall and Quincy Market to browse around. The Fanueil Hall was a historic monument of Boston which was built in 18th century and was being a role of place for speeches, debates, ceremonies etc. John F. Kennedy, who was a former US President, had his speech once spoken in 1946. The Quincy Market was built as a marketplace for Massachusetts and fishermen to sell and trade goods. As the population expands, the marketplace was once expanded and landfilled for more spaces to be developed more. Unfortunately, today was rainy and a little bit cool, so we didn’t take many pictures today, and furthermore, we didn’t spend a lot time today outside.
Therefore, we decided to have an early dinner at 18:30 in Barking Crab, the most expensive dinner we have ever had in USA - $208 for only two crab legs, a lobster, four bowls of clam chowder soup and steak tip. I was so full after the late lunch, but even worse, we had early dinner, and it was somehow so hefty and was really too much for me. I couldn’t be able to enjoy the food this night, so I somehow had a feeling of wasting my opportunity to taste my food seriously. Billy, thank you so much for your kind offer, but I really can’t enjoy the food you offered to me, sorry if I had wasted your food :P To end up this last last day at Boston, we decided to watch movie in the hotel room, and will leave early in the morning tomorrow at 7.
Today we saw a different side of Boston. Last day we saw the university in Boston. The school of Harvard was amazing. And the MIT school was super cool. Today I saw the Aquarium. It was quite bored. I think the Hong Kong Ocean Park is better. I think this city is well organized, people are quite nice. The transportation here is really hard to understand. In these 3 days, we saw the 3 seasons of Boston. I like this city.
Have a save journey home buddies!