Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bravo group Day 13

Most of the day today was spent on the road; we were on our way back to HQ. As of such, to maximize our time, we woke a bit earlier today, at 7:30. Some of the leaderships prepared a breakfast of sausages, bread (pita and otherwise), and scrambled eggs. After eating, we cleaned up the house—washing the dishes and utensils, picking up our garbage, and wiping the floors. We then loaded up the Sprinters with all of our gear, and headed out.

We made a few pit stops for food and washroom breaks, stopping at an ONroute station for lunch in Napanee. There, we finished off sandwiches that were leftover from yesterday, as well as bananas, apples, and strawberries. We also discussed the Niagara Falls walk in greater detail—putting us all into teams of three, and choosing team captains, and medics. We also had a change of plans—we are going to walk to Niagara Falls, then cross the U.S.-Canada border to the American side of the falls. We are also going to attempt to break last year’s record of 30 hours—a very ambitious goal!

Tomorrow we begin preparations for the walk as well as the Monticle Challenge which is the day after.


Today, nothing much happened description-wise. So let’s reflect.

I believe that I made a mistake today—many of them. However, I also believe that it’s right to stand up for what I believe in. Edwin was in the washroom while we were taking orders for dinner, and so, I (who had been given the task of taking everybody’s orders) didn’t get his order. As a result, he didn’t receive his food. That was my first mistake. Of course, he had his faults, too. However, I felt that it was my duty as a leader to make sure my team members were fed, and that I shouldn’t be excepted for my mistake, and so, I gave him half of my meal. Although it is true that for some people, you can kill off their survival instincts by helping them out like so, I felt that I was doing the right thing, and I believe in him, and that what I did would help him more than just ignoring him as everyone else was doing. And by giving him some of my meal, I felt that I was leading by example, as others soon followed suit, showing team spirit.

That’s what stuck out to me the most today.

Today, on the day of our departure from Montreal, we placed our stuff, cleaned the house and did a final inspection. After we left the house, we started our way back to HQ. on the way back, we stopped at a onroute service centre in Napanee for lunch. After lunch, we continued on driving. I was finally able to sit in the front seat after a couple tries. After driving for a long time, we had dinner at first Markham place in the food court. The food was delicious, very delicious.

Today I went back to Toronto and HQ, I finished my four days Montreal trip. I felt very happy, because I could live in my grandmother –in-law’s house. I felt very interesting in Montreal. I went back to HQ by car for 6 hours. I felt very tired. Tomorrow I will pack up the things and ready to go to Niagra falls.

Jason Wong

This was our last day staying in Montral. This morning we packed up before e had breakfast. For breakfast we had Pita bread, sausage and scrabled eggs. We also did a final clean up of the house before going. We had 3 pit stops. All three were in Ontario. Most of the ride back to HQ I napped. The second pit stop we had lunch which was banana, sandwich and bread with nutella. We had dinner at first Markham place before going to HQ. when we were going back we went to get gas. When we were back at HQ we unloaded everything.


It is wonderful to be back from Montreal. Mostly it is because I get t go home and see my family again. There isn’t much to say about today, but I want to thank Edwin Lo’s family for all the dinners and Charlie for letting us live in his house. Most of the time today was spent on the vehicle and we didn’t de much. We aren’t to FMP for dinner so I got to see my mom and dad. I was really happy to see them. There was just one problem today. It seems that someone left gum on the floor. I hope the students learn something from this as it is important to keep your living area vehicle clean.

Jason Wang

Today was the last day in Montreal. We woke up today and ate a breakfast of hotdogs, bread and eggs. Once we finished breakfast we packed up all our gear and created a train to load up all the gear back into the sprinters. After that we were off for the about 6 hour long drive. During the drive we took couple breaks, one of those breaks we decided the teams for the Niagara walk. When we finally got back to the Monticle HQ we unloaded and now we are writing our blogs. Nothing new happened today so I didn’t really learn anything new.

Edwin Cheung

Today, August, 2, 2012. Today we wick up at 7:30. We packed our equipment and head back to HQ. We head back to HQ for blog. We ate dinner. I went to washroom, then I did the Weird body act on And I at last didn’t get any food. Today “I learned that I got to speak up!!”


We left Montreal for Monticle HQ. so in a sense it was goodbye to an actual bed for the next few days. We packed and tidied up the house, to the way it was before we came. (or possible even better). Oh in the previous-previous day when I mentioned “beta”, it was supposed to be “Bravo”… the ride back passed by pretty quickly. We had two stop breaks, I had icecream to wake myself up (it only worked for one hour). We had an incident at the food court during dinner. By the way, we’re going to walk all the way to USA, Niagara something of which got me more excited; and then it came crashing down, only to lift back marginally, (what I just wrote probably doesn’t make much sense to others reading this but it does to me so blah). J


Today was a very boring day because we sat in the car most of the time. Since I was the c-driver I had to try to stay awake most of the time. I was okay until the end were I crashed a little. Thios tested my endurance because I had to keep awake and alert. After all the driving was done we ate a nice dinner at first markham place. This day was mostly on the road.

Edwin Lo

Today is my last day in Montreal. I am very miss Montreal. After I finsh the breakfast I start to clean up. The we go up to the car a start my six hour car trip. After one hour we went to a shope to buy some snacks. After it, I went back to the car. After two hours I have a rest again and it was the last for rest. At the last fifteen mins, Billy help us to define at team for the after two day Monticel challeng. I need to walk to Niagara falls. Oh my god! After the three hours, I went back to HQ. Today I sleep at HQ, again.


Today is our last day at Montreal. In the morning when we woke up we ate breakfast after eating nreakfast we paked our stuff and left we drive for about 1:30 min. for another 3:30 min. then we ate dinner and drove back to the hq.

Edwin chan

Today was the last day of being in Montreal and we are going back to Toronto. We were in Montreal for 3 nights and 4 days today we did not much since it was our last day. Before we left the house we all took part in cleaning the house. When we stopped at the first pit stop I went to buy candy and a water bottly. Our next pit stop was 2 hours later to have lunch. After we finished our lunch we continued our trip going back home. We got back around 6:30 and ate dinner at a food court. Once we finished our dinner we head back to HQ and unpacked everything from the car.


Today we didn’t do much that’s worth noting, however, we did get a full debriefing for the Niagara walk. We divided ourselves into 5 teams of 3 and one team of 4, and assigned a team leader, first aider, and navigator. I ended up doing all the jobs, I don’t even know why… Anyways, the important part is that we got back to HQ early, finished everything early, and we are waiting for a early lights out, so that we can get some much needed rest.


今天早上,我们出发回HQ 路上行了六小时的路,很困。中途休息时,我们讨论了之后的hiking,任务很艰巨,看上去应该会很累的样子,上帝保佑吧。。。

Ryan Sun



Today is my final day in Montreal. After we cleaned up all the things in Charlie’s house, I finished my 4 days journey in this lovely city. Now we arrived at HQ by 7 hours car drive, I miss that place so much. 在下午停车休息的时候Billy安排了明天160公里快速步行的详细事宜,我和PeggyJacky三人在Bravo组,每一小组可以自己支配100加元用来支付三餐的费用,到了晚上我们住在路边的motel,我从来没有过这样的经历,希望这段3日的路程会让我一生难忘!我也知道一日十小时的暴走将会非常艰难,听大家讲我的堂兄弟MICHEAL在去年出色的完成了这次挑战,我坚信我可以做得比他更好!okgood luck to me


  1. Regarding Edwin Cheung's blog, He did in fact get food, thanks to the teamwork and cooperation from Jennifer and her team, who shared food with Edwin from their own plates.

  2. that looks alot of fun!

  3. Hey Cedric & Ryan,
    Tell youself "I AM POSSIBLE"


  4. Cedric, Ryan, and the beloved Monticle team
    加油 in the coming challenge!
