Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bravo group Day 11

Today was the second round of our urban hiking, and it was more than twice as long as yesterday’s 4 kilometres. Waking at 8 in the morning again, we had a breakfast of eggs, ham, milk, and bread with margarine. We were split into two groups, and given a map and a destination—the Olympic Park. The seniors were also split up between the two groups, but were given instructions to only observe, and to not interfere with the students’ actions and decisions unless in case of emergency. We made and packed our lunch of pita bread sandwiches and corn on the cob.

We were driven to our beginning destination, the Oratoire St. Joseph du Mont Royal (the largest church in the world). We were surprised to find that we had brought only one of the maps, so we hurried off to acquire another one. After, the two groups split off from each other, having 4 hours to reach our destination, as well as sight-see. We all made it to the Olympic Park on time, with only a few hiccups and blisters along the way. Despite those hiccups, we were deemed well enough by Billy to continue on to the Niagara Falls walk.

We are now at Henry and Edwin Lo’s grandmother-in-law’s house, watching the London Olympics (Russia vs. Canada in women’s volleyball), as they had invited us to dinner again. Later on, we will be going down to the beach to watch a fireworks competition!

Jason Wong

Today is the last day of July so we have only one month of summer break before school. This morning we had eg, ham and bread with butter. We were dropped off at the St. joseph church. We had to wait for the other group to get a city map. My group look inside the church before walking to the Olympic park. It took us 3 hours to get there. We only took one washroom break.


Today, we had a challenge again/ we were splitted into two teams. Oue challenge was to walk from a church to Olympic park. We had four hours to walk. It was a long walk. We arrive at Olympic park t 3:55 in the afternoon. It was a hot day in the city.

Edwin Cheung

Today is July, 31,: the last day july. I woke up and bruch me teeth and really for the day. We ate egg, ham, butter bread. With 2% milk for breakfast. We then had a 3 hour and 55 mins walk to the Olymic statum. We walk in to St. Jeceth church and then keep walking to Olymic later, we went to Edwin lu home to ate dinner write our blog and watch Olylmic and blog.


Today was an fun, phsusical day. We started off with a good breakfast of eggs and ham. We then set off to St. Joseph church and got 4 hours to walk towards the old Olympic stadium. As my group walked we took the senic route and we all enjoyed it. We took a long time walking and whe we arrived we were greeted with snacks and drinks, we are now visiting Henry’s and Edwin’s relative to eat dinner. Today was filled with walking hope tomorrow will be better.


Today was undoubtedly the most tiring day for everyone. We had walked from St. Josephs oratory towards Olympic park. There isn’t really a lot to talk about or happened today. I am very happy that every made it to Olympic park. I tried my best to encourage my team, but it seems that they didn’t need to be motivated. Nonetheless I kept them well hydrated and on point even if I was annoying to them. Also everyone finished in under 4 hours, which really surprised me. I hope tomorrow will be as good as today.

Jason Wang

Today we had another Niagara falls walk/hike training. Today we walked about 10 kilometers from St. Joseph’s church to Montreal’s Olympic park. We were split up into 2 groups which were calvin, Edwin, Edwin, Edwin, Jonathan, Jason Wong, Grace and my sister in one group and everyone else in the other. The walk was really fun. I can’t wait till the actual walk.

Edwin Lo

Today I went to walk three and a half hours. It was very tired. First, I use half an hour to visit the church. We are start walked. I am so tired, Oh! After I went back to the house and eat the dinner. I was real real tired.


Today I was very tired because I walked St. Josephs church to Olympic stadium, about 12 km, I felt very hot. I will also waled 150 km after three days. I hope it will be funny. Tonight I will watch the firework compition., it will very beautiful. I will take a lot of photos there.

Edwin chan

Today is the third day of Montreal and our plan for today was a 10 kilometer hike from st. Joseph church to the Montreal Olympic stadium. Our breakfast for today was egg, ham, bread and butter with milk. When we finished with breakfast we head out to St. Joseph Church to start our hike at 11:15 am. We first went to shoppers to find a map since forgot lost on of them. 

Ryan Sun



Today we did the 10km walking at 11:00am. There were 8 team members walking together. Even though we had a certain place we had to get to, but we still find the route by ourselves. I realize how important team work is! Once we go the wrong way, we all have to go back. We finally got to the destination but we took about 4 hours. Obviously, our  team made it first. Tonight we are going to Edwin and henry’s aunt’s house to have dinner, spending all night with our teammate and teachers. I hope It will be a good night!


Today we walked for about 10 km. There were 2 teams. Each team has 8 members. Each team has to find their own way to go a certain destination by themselves. We did this after breakfast. It was very tiring. During the walk we when we were half way there. We saw our destination we were so happy. But then it turns out that we were still very far. Our team was the first to get the out of the 2 teams. After that we went to dinner at Edwin’s aunt’s house.


Day 11 - It feels peaceful sitting in the car while Billy is driving us to Edwin and Henry’s aunt’s house for our dinner. So this morning… I had a pleasant sleep, good dream and all; although I woke up a bit later than usual.  The day’s event consisted of us splitting into 2 groups: alpha and beta groups (I’m in the beta group).  The goal was to walk from the St. Joseph church all the way to the Montreal Olympic Stadium/ Bio-dome. We can take any route we want as long as we get to our destination in 4 (I think) hours. The journey was in a way entertaining.  At the start, we found out that beta group’s map was missing (it’s probably still back at the house). So while 2 of the seniors went searching for a map to buy (they ended getting a transit system map). 2 other seniors decided it was fun to try eating a chili pepper that little Edwin brought out; hilarious end result. Since our map was not 100% reliable, there were 2 routes we can take: the easier, longer route; or the harder, shorter route. We took the longer route. We walked on 2 major roads, one I-forgot-what-it-was-called and the other was rue Sherbrooke?. This blog seem to be getting long so I’m just going to stop. Oh yeah. Funny thing happened: when we stopped for break, some woman asked if I was supplying the boys their food after seeing us eat. Hmm what does that say about the perception of having one female in a group of 7 guys…? Oh, oh, one last thing: fireworks tonight! ~


今天,我们整天都在走路,走了1516里,很热很热,一路上我都在想:“l want  coffee ……” 担当我好不容易买到了,结果不幸被甜死 。。。。。。。
我们花了将近  4各小时完成,但我们在在教堂里呆了蛮久 ,教堂很大,很好看。。。。

I really don’t know what to say. Montreal is beautiful. I had the opportunity to see the McGill campus—all beautifully crafted stone and high arches. The church that we went to—the Oratory—was the most beautifulest building I have ever seen (hands down). Its vaulted ceiling and stained glass windows had such a tranquil feel. Up at the altar, there was a room that was gated. It had pillars supposedly with the seven gifts from God engraved on them. As my vernacular is Latin, and I am absolutely positive that I am fluent in it, so I was able to discern that fortitude, piety, and intelligence were three of them. Not bad for someone SO well-versed in a dead language.

Anyway, long story short, I hate hot weather and walking for a length of time. Put them together, and it’s like my own personal hell. That was today for me. :) But we’re watching the Olympics now and we’ll be watching fireworks later! ;D


Today we did a preview of the Niagara walk. It was about 10 km, which wasn’t really a good precursor to the walk. We were given 4 hours, which averages out to about 2.5-3 km an hour, if rest stops are included. It was extremely relaxed, however some students still found it harder than what it should be. I’m starting to worry about the Niagara walk… Anyways, we let the students navigate, which went better than we thought initially. My group arrived about an hour before the other group, which was surprising, Edwin Cheung was in the group, and I expected him to push the group forward more. That concludes the blog for today, so good night for now!


  1. fun! I miss u guys so much!

  2. Hi Kendra, It's Alastair, we're all having fun, and all the leaders miss you! Hope to see you soon!

  3. Wow Wow Wow, That must be proud by all, You guys looks like the athletes of the Olimpic!

  4. Jenn and Jason, when will you head back to Toronto? Give me a call when you arrive HQ,ok? It looks like you know Montreal pretty well now. Hope your shoes didn't give you two a hard time.

  5. c u guys on saturday!
