Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Bravo Group - Day 10

Aug 21 – Day 10
Today is the start of water activities. We started off the day with some light PT stretches and a walk to the local LCBO and back for breakfast. After breakfast, we went into our cabins to clean up for room inspections. We were then split into three groups. One for basic First Aid and CPR/AED lesson; one for a lesson on K1 kayak building; and one went out on the Zodiac and had man-overboard drills. We had three leaderships unable to get into the water because they got sick. They learned that it is important to constantly stay hydrated (with water). It was a tiring day. Some enjoyed the lessons. Some find the lessons boring. On land and on water. Through the man overboard drills, many of us conquered our fears today when we trusted ourselves and fell backwards into the water. Tomorrow will be a day of kayaking, however there might be a storm coming. Fingers crossed that it not rain (too badly) tomorrow.

Edwin Cheung
Today we have a lot work to do. We need to teach them first aid. How to build K1 and to man over board drill. I was not sick and my health was alright. Everything is fine. I am good. Miss you mom and dad from Edwin Cheung.

Nicola Huang
Today was rotation day. There was first aid kit section, a K1 section, and a section where you go out on the lake with Billy for the water drills. I refreshed my memory and gained more skills on first aid kit and, CPR, & AED today by helping out on that section, Lemuel. Everyone’s tired today. Especially the hard working leader. I believe because of the little rest they got last night due to planning, and the energy they gave out before, 12 today everyone’s in a gloomy mood. Some forces a smile to not let other wrongs about them, some just became grumpy verbally. I’m upset seeing the fact how they are all sick and extremely tired. I don’t mind their attitude that they might accidentally give out due to the little rest, but I wish I can share there sickness so it is not to hard for them. They are all like a family to me. They are all like brother and sister to me. They all treat me so well, and I think they are all my treasure. I wish as a little sister, I can help them heal, it hurts for me to watch their fever grow and their cough louder. Mom, dad I an not contaminated don’t worry. I will see you for very very soon. Eh… Triumph in the skies! Mom, Dad yaura and Doris, eat full snd dress warm. I miss you all a loot!! :) So sad, today’s day 10. 4 more days… why does time HAVE to fly.

Ryan Hoang
Today was a very dry day. It started off very interesting with Chris apparently French kissing his tooth brush. After that were some stretches and a walk to the LCBO and on Indian run back. When we did another stretch and began to teach some lesson. The lesson were first aid , kayaking and man overboard drills.

I’ve had so much water today and I feel so sick of it. Why did I have so much water? Because I’m sick and my blood is to thick. Billy took the temperature and blood pressure of all of the leaderships that were sick(ish) to see if we were okay to go on the water today. Three of us did not pass the physical exam: my brother, Edwin Chan, and myself. We were told to get some rest and lots of water, and if our conditions improve tomorrow, we can go out on the water then. So for today, I took out my frustration by chugging water tightening straps on peoples life jackets, being a very good unconscious victim for Lem’s first aid class, and napping aggressively in creative positions.  My conclusion? There is no comfortable way to sleep on any combination of lawn chairs—a simple tarp in a shady area is best. I’ll continue to chug.

Today was such a quick day. Perhaps it is because I was allowed a nap due to my medical condition and because there were enough leadership members to teach. Well, we were divided into three teams. One which performed water tests and man over board drills, on which learned K1 kayak set ups and one group which learned first aid and CPR. The water activities were led by Billy and Calvin, first aid by Lemuel and K1 assembly was led by myself, Alvin and Ryan H. Well, kayak assembly was sort of led by us as Alvin and I did most of the assembly and teaching while Ryan helped with extra kayak related lectures until I went for my nap, where he took over the teaching. That kayak, which he was tasked with assembling, after 2 hours is still being assembled as he decided to assemble it alone. Brilliant.

Maggie Pan
Today was a pretty tiring, but educational day (and fun.). It also is pretty sad because if you had a fever, (which some of the leaderships had, the students didnt) you coudlnt go into the water. The only leaderships in the water were Peggy & Calvin. Today’s day was separated into 3 different groups (kind of). One group was CPR, one was the kayaks, and the last one was the Man Over Board drills. My first activity was the CPR. Then it was the Man Over Board drills, which were a little bit cold, and tiring, but still fun. Overall, today I gained some more “skill” at CPRing and learned how to do Man Over Board.

Kelvin Pan
Today was the day we start the water activities we suit up, prepared the Boat and set sail. Since I didn’t have a Wetsuit I borrowed it from my Buddy Tom. So when we setted the sail, we went about 10 km, after we set the anchor and we droped to the lake, however Shirley was very scared of water or the fear of heights. So eventually Shirley finally Juned onto the water and I was happy for her :). So while we were coming back to Muskey’s we hit some high waves it made us bounce a lot :) really fun I love how tom’s wetsuit didn’t fail me in Alpha camp my suit killed me due to the cold. So after we ate delicious lunch made by billy and my buddies :). Then I wrote my blog Alex and Ava told me to deliver their’s. So I am typing tonight. So lemuel and Ryan did their lecture so far Ryan is STILL working on the K1 for an hour now.

Edwin Chan
Today was the first water day of the camp. This morning billy checked 4 leadership to see if we are allowed to go into the water, but unfortunately JJ, Jenn, and I had a fever of 37 and 37.5°. Instead we helped on land with CPR/AED, first aid & K1 building. After we finished lunch the 3 of us took a afternoon nap until the second group return from their man over board drills. that's all have fun.

Today is Day 10, we ate chiken noodles for breakfast. I slept good, I do clean up with my buddy after waking up, I followed his order to clean up the room, so when it is room inspection, Billy can see that our entire room is totally clean. Afer we clean up our room, we went out our room to strench for a while. we follow lemill, calvin and JJ bring us for a walk before breakfast, when we come back, the breakfast is already done. Yummy! I like it. We have to divide to three groups, one group is get into the water to have water challenge, one group is learn first aid, the last group is learning how to build a kayak. Everyone is in different order. When I got into the water, it was cold at first. My mom just brought a short sleeves wetsuit. It was freezing cold, I should tell my mom to bring a long sleeves wet-suit, otherwise I will catch cold next time. I was warm after twenty seconds. It was so fun and cool in the water. we have two tasks! The first task is swim around the boat for two rounds, the second task is swim for 300m to go to the shore to get some sand and swim back, but remember don’t drop any sand when you are swimming! It was quite difficult, because when you swim the sand will fall. I love the challenge today. Tommorow will probaly ride kayaks and do backstrokes, I will be lots of fun too. I can learn how to ride a kayak too!

Ava Ho
                Having fun in the lake! Really sunny, so I must have got tanned. But though, it is cool! Hope tomorrow will be less sunny.

                Today was a really nice day , we cvere having fun and enjoying the water! Cool! TMR will be better !!!!!!!!!!!!!
                Calvin Su
                Today was fill with water, water and more water. For most of it was very cold experience. Many kept complaining about the water temperature, but all adapted to the temperature. It was a very good experience for them and non of them gave up during the drills. I also enjoined the water very much, but I think my cough worsened a bit. I am very surprised I didn’t got sea sick either. They also started the KI leaders since if might fain tomorrow.

Rex Lee
                Today was a great day. First after breakfast, Billy took me and my friends to the lake and did Man Over Board Drill. Basically this means you are training for an accident like when you fell out of the boat. It was fun and exciting. Then after lunch we learn first aid, this lesson helped me to refresh the things I learn one year ago. Finally I learn how to build a kayak.
                Today I had a fun day and I look forward at tomorrow’s adventure.

                I believed that today may be one of my toughest test ever; because today, I was responsible for teaching First Aid. Since it was my first time teaching a proper class. Although the subject was important it was also fairly dry. Part of that dryness, I feel was because I wasn’t that of a teacher. However, I felt that I did a good job in teaching them since they seem to be enjoying themselves by the end with the medic boards. The students rotated as groups and also did assembly for he KI and man overboard drills, but it got fairly boring the same cores multiple times. But I see that this was an important lesson for me as well.

                IT was the first time that I so hate the people who knows how to swim. Today we have to swim so long and grab some sand and swim back. As I don’t know how to swim, it was like holy beep.( I don’t swear, I  am not Chris or Jenn )  Beep. When I am beep swimming,. I got my leg cramp at least twice, both legs. Also I am the last person to get to the beach to get some sand. Beep, I just wait for the beach to come.

        今天都十分開心,感謝朋友一路上的幫助,早上學急救,下午出去游泳,但我並不覺得自己是在游泳,更像在海上漂浮,感覺又經歷了一回生死,雖然穿上了最重要的救生衣,但也就因此不能使用我唯一會的自由式最後只能用背泳,飄了良久,看來我的游泳技術真的有待加強,不過在這一段經歷中我悟道了儘管去向不明,有風有浪,但只要有信念,堅持便能達到目標!!!!!:) :)



Xuan Zi

系水度玩左成個中,好舒服,亦好支力,多謝Ryan BUDDYWET SUIT
急救,砌艇,落水,劈柴!手起繭,今日真心爆計! BUT Also funny
容小姐吾洗擔心我,亦吾好羡慕,因為您吾適合落水,啲水真系好西凍,著左WET SUIT都覺得領野!
BTW,原來TERRY BUDDY都係駙馬爺,真心笑左!
仲有100個中吾到就要同我啲BUDDY暫時say bye!開心嘅系亦都仲有100個中吾到就可以同容小姐吹水!<3 span="">

Maggie Tin

Ryan Liang




  1. Dear Edwin (Cheung)
    Glad to learn that you stay well.
    Please take care, dress warm and drink more.
    Thank you Billy for the opportunity !

  2. Sorry Max! I thought Billy would lend a long sleeve wet suit to you. Actually, you should thank aunt Samantha (Michael F.'s mum) for this. Well.....maybe this short sleeve one to make you become stronger! Hehe!!! I am sure you love to have and enjoy all those water activities.



  3. xuan zi Bing
    你们远行也带上狗狗? 水上活动对你们来讲没难度吧 见你们玩得几开心又刺激 不象游水 似水上飘 学急救这课题不错 见你们的食物怪怪的 啥东东
    对啦 我第=晩用2张粘鼠胶一举捕获3只小鼠 够难度吧 但房间还有味度 睡不了

  4. Billy老师那锅是啥 在炒盐巴吗
