Monday, August 12, 2013

Bravo Group - Day 1

Aug 12, 2013 – Day 1
Hello Everyone! It was so hectic yesterday so there was no blog nor picture uploads. Monticle staffs were extremely busy doing inventory, paperwork, and preparing for the Bravo camp. Overseas students were taken to the airport one by one. We said our goodbyes and watched as their planes took off. First was Quince, then it was Tiffany, Mike, Marco, and Justin. And finally this morning was Owen. Bye guys! Hope you have a safe flight! It had been a blast having you guys for Trans Canada! We will miss you dearly! Hope to see you all again soon! As good byes were said, hellos were greeted as we picked up several new students for Bravo group.
Today is the first day of Bravo Camp. Everyone gathered on time for registrations. We introduced ourselves and got to know each other. Once we settled in, our chief instructor Billy discussed with us the plan for the next 2 weeks. This new group is rather interesting. From various places overseas, we are an older group with everyone communicating with everyone in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin. Monticle 101, Rules and Regulations, and Code of Conduct were taught by our staff Tammy, Cantonese (poorly) translated by Peggy, and Mandarin translated by Nicola. That was until our beloved Michael Fung got welcomed to step in and translate (excellently) in both languages. While all this was done, the sprinter glass windows were brought out for repairs.
After lunch was made and eaten, we had a Social Intelligence lecture presented by Tammy, translated by Michael Fung. It was a very informative class. Many students who just arrived were still jet lagged, so as a result, we had a break, and went out for a PT jog to refresh ourselves. Class continued soon after; in the end we had debates and games, with the winning team the prize of eating dinner first. We will be heading out to camp tomorrow.

Calvin Su
As the first day at the Bravo group I have not been doing well. I went to the doctors and I actually have a throat infection. Unfortunately because of that I did not get to know my team very well. Hopefully I will get to know them better tomorrow. We are heading towards Algonquin park tomorrow. I am happy to know we are camping outside.

Today is the first day of Bravo program and I was not psychologically prepared for the change in set-up. I feel like I’m idling in my current position but maybe that’s because today was a pretty dry day. I’m no longer HQ team and I spent so much time yesterday preparing myself for the job. Now I feel like I am left with empty hands, but I think this feeling should come to pass come tomorrow and it gets busier. Strangely enough, I don’t have many nice things to say today so this blog is really short.

Edwin Cheung
Today is the start of a bravo program. I woke up at 5:30 pm at the morning. We leave 6:15 and head to Airport. We also know to learn social intellgail through the day. and rule regulation. We had a light P.T ready for P.T test. Torrow, we will head out.

Today is the first day of the second Me3 foundations program. We started off the day, well at least my sister and I, at about 0820. Our first event of the day was Monticle 101 at around 0950 and switched over to Monticle social intellgence lecture at about 1515. What a dry day. Even through the dryness of the day, we still survived through the various games during Tammy’s presentation, as well as the mild PT in the middle at the lecture to help wake the kids up.

First day of Bravo group. So far it turned out pretty well; there were no big accidents or anything of the sort like Alpha. Admittedly I was worried that the language barrier posed a concern, but fortunately a majority of them understood English. Thanks to that, it was quite easy for me to get to know them. It also seems that none of the students were incredibly problematic and difficult to handle. My hope is that they continue to be this way. Other than that, it was a pretty dry day, since all we did was have lectures. It should be more interesting the next following days.

Today I was very tired I sleped at 9:00pm-1:00 am, today we also learned about Social Intelligence this was basically reciew from the Me3 foundations promgram Alpha we had pretty good PT it challenged me a bit the food was great for dinner I think I pushed my food to my limits I had a lot of rice and steak it stuffed me good. Can’t wait for tomorrow.

Ryan Hoang
First day of Bravo group and they all seem a lot older and more interesting bunch. The people in this group are mostly speaking Chinese so good thing my mom and dad made me make sure I remembered my language. We did the usual thing at the beginning administration, rules, regulations and social intelligence. Food was delicious with many veggies and beef. I am quite happy that there was no cans so it tastes better the usual.

Today is the first day I come to the Monticle program. Although it is so tired to come here after long trip. I am so excited to go here that I talked too much with my new friends. It’s full of lectures today. Sitting indoors without fresh air is killing me, Maybe I need to have some great hiking next day. Hope it’s a good trip!

Ava Ho
This is the first day of the programme. I won’t say it is boring, but it is a little bit dry though. I believe tomorrow will be always better.
Actually, we have learnt about people-skills today, such as: body language, vioce tone, hand-shaking, etc. We learnt these by some activities, cool!

Today is our first day of Me3 Foundation Bravo Group camp. The people in this camp is so different from the Alpha Group! They’re not only older but, their personalities… Their character is different. Already I made new friends! We’re suc a happy bunch! This group is soooo international. We need to explain one event in three languages! Mando, Canto, and English. It’s difficult, but definitely amusing. We learned about social intelligence today with Tammy. To the Alpha group, its review. But its good, to always refresh. I miss you already Doris! Triumph in the skies… Mom, Dad, Yaura, and Doris, eat full and dress warm! I’m so excited for tomorrow! Happy! Happy!

Today the program started. Left the hotel, backed to the HQ, we began our lesson which included some idea of the program, introduction, some skill of social and communication…… Those lessons were extremely boring. I don’t really enjoy on it. The camping will start on TMR I’m looking forward on it.

Rex Lee
Today is a special day because the Monticle trip has start. My friend and I woke up early today to eat breakfast because we know to day will be a long day of learning. The first mission they gave us was to know all of the participant’s name. The second thing we learnt was ‘social intelligence’ we learnt that when we communicate with other people we usually use 35% body language to communicate 7% words and 38% voice.
This day was a fun day and I’m looking forward for tomorrow’s adventure.

Today is Day 1, I slept more better than yesterday, I still got jetlet. I woke up at 4:30 a.m. in the morning. I lied on the bed to get more rest. I go to the lobby with Michael Lo and Tom at 8:00 a.m. We ate porridge for breakfast today. Tammy taught us lots of things: communicate skills, What is Monticle, What rules from this camp, making friendships in a easy way, debate, shake hands…… I learned good and glad to learn. I will not give up, so I am waiting for the challenge to begin now!!!

Edwin Chan
Whee today is the first day of bravo group, but then I started the day by waking up at 5:25 am. I drove Owen to the airport and stayed there until 8:00 am. Once I got back to HQ we help sort out the foods in the box. The main thing is being put into our sections and having the Monticle 101 again. My group members are Tom Kun and Shirley Deng. It’s pretty interesting speaking to them. Before the social intelligence class Billy and I went to get the windshield repaired. When we got that done not much happened so I guess that’s all have fun!?

Maggie Tin
Today is the first day of the program, although today is boring but the class had 加深  my 原來的 knowledge, it might be a good start.

Xuan Zi
今日學到些基本的禮貌, 上了一天的課, 玩了些遊戲,只是有點眼困。明天真正開始旅行,食物不錯.........

Maggie Pan
Today was the first day of the program. When we first arrived, I sat and pretty much waited for 5-8min. Then, Tammy went over the rules and then had lunch. After lunch we had a lecture about Social Intelligence, VAK, and then we got separated into 2 teams for a debate. (One team was Traditional/ Face to Face and the 2nd team was Texting.) The debate was pretty good except that the texting team won. Then we had a game of Broken Telephone, (which was really funny.) I think it was about 6:30-7:00 when we had dinner. (I could be wrong.) Of course, after dinner we had to write our blogs.

今日係第一日入camp,早幾日係外面睇過個office,入到去發現比想象中大得多;入面嘅一切都適應到,「唔須要擔心!」 今日學嘅野大多都曾接觸過,但係今日先體會到個實用性。 今日仲識咗好多朋友,they are nice! 聽日會開始正式嘅camp,會出去四日,係加拿大國家公園度扎營,只須兩個鐘車程。I will take care myself well.


Ryan Liang
今天,是來到Monticle的第一天。一開始還有點不習慣睡睡袋,很多人都不認識。但是經過一早上的相處課程,很快就和很多同學熟了起來。今天學習了Social Intelligence, 讓我更好地學到了如何與人相處。導師用了幾個小遊戲與讓我們交流我們領略到了社交的基礎與關鍵。我相信之後幾天的挑戰會更有趣的。 

新的旅途,新的天空,新的雲朵,新的街道,新的旁道樹,新的同伴,新的處所,而所有巳習慣的,舊的,都已成為過往的煙雲,映入眼裏的,只有新。 一覺醒來,家鄉夢破了,一眼睛睜開,多倫多來了。不過倒真有一點不變,刷牙,洗臉。今天原本是要做體能測試的,教官們考慮到我們怱怱到達,有些人時差還沒倒過來,便上了一天理論課,分別是守則、社會技能、人的感覺,還有一些活動。 天還照樣藍,雲還照樣白,只是我多過了八小時的八月十一日。  

今天是我參加Monticle夏令營的第一天。今天幾乎都是室內的講課。語言是我最大的麻煩,不過我還是半懂半猜,加上學員翻譯地上完了一整天的課。 今天我學習到了如何禮貌地與人交流。當與別人握手時,該如何去做。當交流時該看看對方,並且保持個人衛生。 我們還討論了關於傳統談話興通訊談話的區別並且哪個更好。從今天的學習,我們更懂得如何交談。  

Bing Jun 


  1. Hi Max,

    Remember our slogan....."It is possible"!

    Max mum

  2. Dear Jenn and J.J.,

    Things sometimes happen out of our expectation, so be patient and flexible to ajust yourselves to new roles.
    In other words, prepare yourselves well and you can take any job at any time!We have faith in you.
    It was so nice to have lunch with you two on Sunday. Hope to have another one after you are back from Algonquin if it's possible.

  3. Hi, Tom, so happy to see you here ,enjoy the camp and add oil!

  4. Hi Max!!!

    Glad you arrived safely!

    I be watching your blog daily and goodluck on your great challenge 😉👍

    Go for it!!

