Edwin Cheung
Last night was long night. After I do my 90 minutes intervals run I get change clean the gym equipment and when to write the blog. Afterword, we when to Moss Park for sometime. When we were on the highway to Richmond Hill I see white smoke coming out from Billy’s R-Class. When we pick Vingi up and we went to a mall. On the way to the mall I smell some smoke from diesel form somewhere out side. When we reach to the mall. We park our car. We find out there is still smell coming out from somewhere. Billy checks the car. He find out that the diesel was leaking out from the diesel tank or back up fuel pump or something. Billy calls the Mercedes Benz dealer company for help. The company said he would not tow the car unless all the fuel is out and it is not safe. Billy calls the nearest police department ask help. A While later, the police and the fire fighter has come. Billy asks me to guide the police car to here. I did. When I reach here to the police I tell him that is the guy with the black jacket. At that time the police car is turning around and the fire truck had the are on everyone from the noodle shop was looking at me? It is quiet scary in some way. Afterword the Billy talks to the firemen and the police what basically happen. The firemen put some fuel-dissolved sand to cover it the diesel fuel off. After some time the policemen and the fire fighter had gone. Billy calls the tow truck service from M.B Company. After a long time we wait for the tow truck. About and hour and a half the tow truck was here. Billy and me guide the tow truck toward the parking location. They talk for sometimes. Billy turn the car around and let the tow truck work on it way. We left after the tow truck and we walk back to Time Square mall to have dinner. We ate fried rice with fried carrot cake and noodle. We walk back home and ready for tomorrow. It is really late that time is about 11:00pm at night. I reach home and bath and I went to bed.
Friday morning, I wake up at about 7:30am. We went out the apartment at 7:50am. We reach to the office and I eat my breakfast. We went to Billy car park for a clean of his bike. After I finish clean the first bike, they went out to the M.B car dealer. I wait in the car park for about an hour. Vingi went back to the office with the car and I am along that time. Billy came back with Anderson. I clean the second bike. We drove back to the car dealership. But there was a lot of traffic during the time. So we were reach there a bit late. So when we reach there, we clean the bike. Billy was wet because the weather was rainy. We drove the bike down. We clean it up the bike. We went up to lunch. We eat lunch in the M.B dealer. We eat tinny sandwich and drinks. Later Billy takes the some picture of his bike. Billy felt sad. We drive back with Anderson. During the time I sleep on Anderson car for some time. When I wake up I reach to the office all ready. I meet Alastair, Calvin and Jacky. Billy asks me go for the treadmill for 99 min for ones only. When I am running Calvin, Jacky and Alastair playing with Bing Bong ball. Billy don’t have time so we I just need to run for once I am so lucky today. After I finish gym, Alastair and Me lean how to workout with Leo. After I write the blog for the day. Tomorrow, I maybe go to Alastair house for dinner. I am look forward for it. The treadmills help me a lot. I feel good after the run. I will keep working on it when I reach home to Hong Kong. Everything felt better ever time you go on the treadmill. Tomorrow I will have a break and I will keep running. Tonight I will have bath and a good sleep. Have a good Holiday!!!
Alastair Yu:
Today I arrived to find a Ping-Pong table in the middle of the gym that was surprising. Well anyways, I came back today, and Leo came a little later. After I finished my cardio training, he taught me the correct way to do weightlifting. It turns out I haven’t really done it the right way. Billy came a little later after I came, and it turns out he had a bad day. So his day started with him trying to get his leaking car fixed, cause his car was leaking diesel and the fire department was called. Then he sold his motorcycles to pay for the equipment in the gym… anyways, Billy, Vingi and Edwin are coming over to my house tomorrow to eat dinner with us, and I’m looking forwards to it.
Edwin, Mom is happy about the conversation that we had just now. Thanks Billy for sharing. Please take care and enjoy the day with your friends, Edwin, playing Ping Pong is good training for co-ordination. it can be fun, too.