Edwin Cheung
The start of my holiday is on last Friday afternoon. Billy buy me food next few day of my holiday. I start with watching a movie call Source Code. It is about a training bombing. The US government use source code operation ask a to find there bomber in the train using the playback from his memories before the bombing happen. Afterword have a bath and went to sleep.
The next day which is Sunday, I start my day by wick up at 7:00am in the Moring. I start watching movie again. I watch a movie call inception is about dream. the movie start with a idea call dream stealer. At first day start with a team, They have the technology to a dream together. They have to find a engeer to build a dream for a company son to show that he can build a batter company than his dad. I watch other movie call HANNA. It is about a girl who live in the forest. His father was some bad people. The US government trying to stop the girl from crossing to spain to find his grandmother. The US government is trying to kill her. She is a girl that have a perfect DNA of a soldier. To make a better soldier. Her father was kill by the US government. That about it. Afterword I started to get tired. So I went to sleep for sometime. I end up eating dinner at 9:00pm. Afterword I eat dinner and I sleep.
Sunday day morning, I wick up at 8:00pm I started to do the clean up at the morning. When I am finish half way. My uncle ask come for granddad Tum for giving. They pick me up our apartment. We first for grand dad tum afterword we went for lunch at the outside. Afterword I went to uncle house for a break. Billy pick me up at my uncle house. We went back to office to cheak on micheal computer. We talk for sometime till dinner. We went to dinner at around 8:00pm. Afterword billy said I have to clean my bathroom because it is dirty. So I did.
Monday morning I wick up at 6:00am Billy tell me I got some business to do you will go with steve so I did. after I went to office, I sleep for 2 hours. Tammy give me a word test. But I fail 2 words so. I have to run for 30min on the treadmill. Billy said you will do a hour for now. Went I am working on the treadmill I forgot to do some starching, I leg feel hurt went I run. I learn to remember to do starching before gym. Afterword, I change my normal clothe ready to write my blog. I have to write about what happen this holiday. If I don’t finish I don’t will not have lunch. I will do some more cardio and gym training this afternoon.
We went to first Markham for our lunch, we went to Calvin’s mom for lunch, We eat rice with chicken vegetable, fried chickens and beef with vegetable. We have soymilk and soup too. We stay there about 45 min. we have a lot of left over so that will be my dinner. We went back to office and write the blog afterword I will do some math.
hi, keep up the good efforts.