Day 4 – Manitoba-Saskatchewan (Winnipeg to Moosomin)
Day four y’all! We slept in a bit today; we got up at 7:30 and had sandwiches for breakfast. We had a quick meeting regarding our teamwork and organization. It’s a good thing we got that sorted out, so we will work better in the future.
We packed all of our stuff and loaded it onto the Sprinter, and then we walked to the legislative building in downtown Winnipeg. This is where the provincial government of Manitoba debates and passes laws, and works for the betterment of the lives of Manitoba citizens.
We explored a bit of the building on our own, and then later went on a tour. The guide talked about many interesting facts of the architecture, history, artwork, and mythology incorporated in the legislative building. Like the unlucky number 13 is used in the rotunda (e.g. 13 segments in the columns, 13 light bulbs in each lamp, the circle being 13 feet in diameter, and many more), is used to ward off bad luck. And the original architect, Thomas Kelly, actually stole the columns used to build the building, and used it to build his own house not three streets away! Very smart, right? He eventually got caught and went to prison for two years.
We walked down to the Forks, a national historical site…although we didn’t see anything really historical… It’s filled with shops and vendors selling their wares. We looked around for a bit, then went to the Forks Market and bought our lunch. Hey, Fish and chips aren’t just exclusively available on the coast! The fish and chips, along with the seafood chowder we got, were positively…awesome! (Just watch out for some fish bones…)
We looked around the indoor market for a bit, and went down behind the market to the Red River for a while, and then we were back on the car. After about five hours, we entered Saskatchewan. The car ride seemed longer and shorter at the same time; five hours seemed so short compared to the three days it took us to get out of Ontario, however, since the land was all flat, except for a single hill we went over, and the road was straight, save for a couple of broad turns, it was field after field after field…
Don’t get me wrong! It was absolutely magnificent! Flat land (mostly), was sparsely dotted by small groupings of trees. The perfect pastel blue sky was streaked with white wisps of clouds, flawlessly mirroring the rows upon rows of crops of luscious green and fields of gold. A few times we also passed fields filled with sunflowers, reaching higher and higher towards the sun. (I hope that conveys the pure loveliness of the prairies.)
We saw a coyote! It ran right across the highway in front of us on the way to Saskatchewan. It was sandy gray…and smaller than most of our expectations. Apparently they’re vicious though…
We’re staying in a really nice hotel again. With a swimming pool! So after our dinner of pizza and KFC, we took the opportunity to go swimming, and also learn about water rescues.
So after letting our inner tourists loose today, the hardcore camping begins tomorrow as soon as we reach Medicine Hat, Alberta…and Dinosaur Provincial Park! We’ll be sleeping with the dinos…and bugs… :D
Hi guys & gals,
ReplyDeleteMichael is now on his way back to Hong Kong - landing in 15 hours. I know he'd rather be with you all in the Sprinter heading west than flying above you in the same direction. He had a GREAT and unforgettable time, and his mind will always be with you all.
Have fun.....
Sandraca (Michael's aunt)
Hi! Dears,
ReplyDeleteLove your photos and journals.Here is a deal that only happens on Aug.6 in west provinces. Share with you just in case you drive though any of the locations in time. Enjoy your trip! :)!
your Asian coupon-lover mom, Janet
The west trip has started but the EAST participants are not forgotten. :)
ReplyDeleteHey guys, like my drawing?! HAHA. It was drawn in the vehicle 8-). I started missing you all. :(
Well, now that i have that drawing, it's like you guys are travelling with us. :)
Hehe. Enjoy your summers!
MOM!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete...Except for the little fact that we don't have a printer...
And Viv says thank you too, she just forgot to write it.
And Sandraca, we sorely miss Michael, and thank you for letting us know that Michael has gone back to Honk Kong. We hope he'll come back again soon. :D
You know you could have drawn me in my hoodie instead of my raincoat.....
Yeah I've arrived HK, but I miss Canada still~
ReplyDeleteThank you for your drawing Vivian :)
Glad you are safely back in HK Michael. Hope you will come back and visit next year!