Day 2 - on the Road...Still...(Ontario)
We were up bright and early today at 0700 and by 0800, had left the motel after eating a quick sandwich for breakfast.
Some of us even got a chance to see the northern lights…at 0130 this morning! What a chance that was to see them right here in Ontario.
We spent most of the day on the road. Every so often we would stop for a break and a STRETCH.
We drove by these interesting looking teepees on display, and we stopped to look around the Agawa Indian Crafts.
Inside, there were many weird wonders. There were things like masks with funny faces, scented candles, and handmade soap. Most of all, there were their infamous carvings; carved statues, carved utensils, there was even a wooden rocking horse! As well, there were many different kinds of animal pelts, like fox, wolf, and even a bear pelt!
We then ate lunch on a nearby picnic table. We had sandwiches. They really are good when you’re hungry.
Then, it was back on the Sprinter. That definitely had to be one of the most interesting car rides EVER! We played so many random games, laughing all the while.
And the landscapes just keep getting more amazing as we go.
We had a wonderful dinner of noodles (don’t worry, with a lot of meat and vegetables!) We took that opportunity and also had a few lectures on using the camp stove, and how to clean and wash the stove, pot, and utensils.
We’ve stopped at Terrace Bay Norwood Motel for the night, and we’ll be on our way 0600 in the morning! Stay tuned everybody for more updates! :D
Oh! And P.S. This is for you Michael! You’re still with us! (Did you see your awesome portrait? It was done by Vivian and Jacky on the car) xD
Michael………..Billy, Vingi & Vivian miss you a lot!!!!!
Ah man that's bad luck, almost step on a poo :), anyway thank you Billy, Vingi,Vivian and Jacky for bringing me good memories~