Oh no! There are only 2 days, what can we do? The trip is almost ending! Well, we plan to make the best of the rest of the trip and enjoy ever last bit of it.
Today is day 2 that we are in Prince Edward Islands. We planned to go sightseeing, deep sea fishing, jogging and swimming but unfortunately, today was a really rainy day and we could only enjoy the scenery from inside of the vehicle.
After eating breakfast the hotel provided us, we left to explore PEI. Along the way we saw Cow’s Creamery Factory and decided to stop for the tour, unfortunately the tour wasn’t what we expected. Cow’s is Canada’s most famous ice cream; people from Alberta drive all the way just to have a taste! They also sold t-shirts with very interesting cow humor, such as; “High School Moosical”, “Finding Nemoo”, “Hello Cowey”, “Lightening MooQueen”, “Elmoo” and “Super Moorio”. It gave us quite a laugh!
Later we drove to Charlottetown and visited the Provincial House, the place where Canada was born. We learned about how leaders from all over Canada got together in 1864 to discuss the National Union. It was quite the historic lecture!
We then drove to the National Park of PEI, it is suppose to be a really beautiful park and we had planned to go swimming there but the weather proved impossible for us. It was unfortunate that we couldn’t enjoy the true beauty of the park. Along the trail, we discussed what we should have for dinner and planned to go to Cavendish to buy our dinner, which we will talk about soon enough. :)
As soon as we purchased our mysterious dinner, we drove to PEI’s famous boardwalk and did a little shopping. After awhile, we started to get hungry since we missed lunch and decided to head back to the hotel so we could cook.
Drum roll, please! Are you ready to hear what we had for dinner?! We bought 20 pounds of Muscles, 8 lobsters (1.5pounds), scallops, salmon and PEI’s famous potatoes. They were so sweet, so fresh and OH SO DELICIOUS. Does your mouth water from just hearing about it? Yummy! And you know want to know something? We finished it all. Every last bit of the scrumptious seafood. :) Amazing, right?!
Everyone was satisfied and we’re ready for tomorrow! We all can’t wait to see New Brunswick and of course, remember to stay tuned for more fascinating update!
Looks like something from Aliens Calvin!!! Lol. See you guys tomorrow!