We finally made it to Goose Bay after another 5 hour ride! Along the way, we were lucky enough to see a couple of wild animals such as bears, rabbits and a turtle. We’re hoping to see a moose soon.
Guess what? Do you believe us when we say the sun fully set at 12 a.m.!? Well, BELIEVE IT! It did and the sun rose at 3 a.m. Everyone is very exhausted but when on the day exploring Goose Bay.
We visited a museum; we stopped by the beach, visited the souvenir shop and went back into the native lands to see the North West River, Labrador Interpretation Centre. Now, we are waiting for the ferry.
We will be travelling on the Atlantic Ocean for the next 30 hours. So, unfortunately, we won’t be able to have an update for tomorrow, Day 12, but we will see you all soon for Day 13.
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