I could use Nothing better to start this blog but a loud and long laugh. A laugh of happiness, a laugh of sarcasm, a laugh of confusion, and a laugh of pure and utter bafflement. As things took a quick turn, old memories revived, new experiences to ok place and connections were made. Myself being a local Cantonese girl, have not experienced much of snow, and matter of fact, this is my second time only, seeing snow. I saw how busy everyone were, how much extra work was put just to get out of the house every morning. Over the last few days, I went paint balling, the metro zoo, visiting schools, visiting friends, having a vigorous night tour, and meeting new people. When I went paint balling with everyone from Trans Can, the memories of our teamwork and laughter came before me once again. Those moments where we shielded each other from the gross and sticky paint, those challenges, and those moments of joy seeing our teammate fail laughing, and those times where we would make nonsense out of everything we see on the sprinter once again reminded me of my times in monticle. Afterwards, I spent several hours learning how to play FIFA on the xbox and once again spending those quiet moments where you sense your own stupidity while making the best out of it. Then, I visited the Metro Zoo, though starting in the morning with hectic messaging trying my best to gather as many of my friends possible, seeing them for the last time. Billy then took me and my family visiting schools, where Calvin made extremely interesting comments and gave extraordinarily weird advice. With the original objective of this entire trip to be visiting schools, I found it very rewarding. To sum up the trip, I have met several new monticle members (well members whom I have never met but heard loads about). For example, today I met lemmy's mom Shelly, a pleasure. When she told us about her shovelling snow out of her driveway. I didn't think it was a big deal until I tried shovelling the snow, and was extremely impressed by her power and ability. Ultimately I had a blast with everyone! I will miss the meaningless snow fights, the endless nonsense blabber we call conversations, and the happy times we've ever had. Thank you lots! Will see you guys again very soon!

Over the past two days we have been in Montreal. It was very different from Toronto and what i've usually experienced. Though it brought back memories from Trans Canada where we had to load up, unload, arrange and clean certain things, it also gave me new memories. The time when Billy and my dad cooked, where Vingi and my mom bonded, where Hazel and my sister shared happy times, and where the rest of us and SHING teased each other. On Montreal day 1, we first made a stop for breakfast where I had my first experiences being an unofficial waitress. Then, we made our way to fort Kingston where I found out JJ got into one of the best Military schools in Canada, and since it was the first day of Chinese New Year, we had a wonderful meal. (as planned, we had a ton of left overs where we put into use, as breakfast, as lunch, etc.) By spending the first night watching a movie, laughing at Edwin's red face (after beer), and playing endless games of Monopoly deal and cards, we went to sleep and found ourselves woken up and preparing breakfast in no time. So on Day 2, as promised Billy took us to the famous science center, in which we tried many different interactive activities to understand certain scientific facts and theories. One of the most memorable activities was the Mind Ball. Failing terribly at first, I gradually built my stance in the game with the help of Billy, defeating my peers, one by one. Well when the ultimate challenge came, I literally put my head into the game, sticking my face as close to the ball as physically possible. It was a challenge to remember as I was ever so close in winning "The Boss" but ultimately defeated as the game began to come to an end.
We moved on soon enough, fully aware of the fact that we just spent 3 hours on a game for toddlers. We had a fantastic lunch at a local Vietnamese place and commenced into an ultimate snow battle. Making numerous trips from the parking lot to downtown Montreal, we used the piled up snow wisely. By shoving it down each other's shirts, smothering each other faces and kicking it towards each other (so smart). Afterwards we arrived Sail, where Billy found the Bag of his dreams with the woman of his dreams, then Costco to pickup supplies for dinner. The students suggested the food, and as anticipated, it was steak and pizza. We then met Billy's generous friend whom lent us his home to stay in. (Judging by the fact that he was a chef, I think the frozen pizza might have ticked him off) and so to wrap up our entire day, we pushed Alvin out in the snow in shorts and a T-shirt under a dare and attempted to build a snowman then ultimately ending up in a gigantic snowfight. It was an entertaining night. Day 3, Montreal adventures. We woke up, made breakfast, then loaded up and head onto our last stop, the previous Olympic stadium. Taking a rather brief tour, we then took a last stroll around then headed onto the highway. That was when I blacked out, as if I was drugged then woke up for lunch and blacked out again. I really wonder why I was so sleepy, but I guess thats just the way things goes. So summing it all up for SHING (today being his last day) we had dinner and said our last goodbyes to him. It was truly a pleasure meeting SHING as I saw qualities I've never seen before. A person being so interesting and fruitful is hard to find. Also his imperfections and charismatic personality really brings joy to the Monticle operation. Great job SHING! We all look forward into seeing you once again! (Or should I say, $150 U.S.? **inside joke**) Well, tomorrow I am incredibly excited into seeing my old friends, and possibly, returning Calvin's Jacket. Thats it for now I guess. Billy says he needs to talk to me (for those who've been to Monticle, I think you know what that means).